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I Was Once Gas !

Tall King Blox

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Went to WBA on a freezing New Year's Day when we were in the old first division, the Villa game was called off, so we had about twenty in our end singing "Villa and Bristol" before the game, of course that didn't go down well with a few of our lot, the biggest one got a head butt from a City fan who said , Villa out, which they did, I thought one of our fans said ' did you go to Villa? " which I replied, yes, but what he actually said was ' are you Villa?'

Nothing happened, and we lost...

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Late eighties, Weymouth in May. The gas losing at Wembley and my first holiday with a bird at the tender age of 17 or 18 can't remember. As you can imagine it's happy days, plenty of shagging and beer and not necessarily in that order.

One night at another famous Haven holidays entertainment evening , the compare starting asking who was from Bristol and who were the better team. Well me being 6 or 7 pints deep at this stage started shouting CITY CITY.  The night wore on and i need a piss, as i got to the toilet i noticed i'd been followed by 4 lads , who as i got in the bogs surrounded me.  ******* Bristol is it , said a cockney voice. I have now thought, i'm ****** yer.  Yeah i replied. One of them said lets do him. But one said. Tell us where your main boozer is and we'll let you go.  I thought of a pub in town, Crown and cushion and said it was in Brislington . He said alright mate on yer way, and i walked out untouched.


The day after i was walking along Weymouth prom and in spay paint all the way along was Millwall Bushwackers on tour. 

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My tale is from the recreation ground, Aldershot.

For those of you that don't know it, as it used to be, you entered via turnstiles into a smallish flower bedded park, and could walk up to a path behind the goal. If you walked to the right you could go under the stand to the away end or pay a transfer fee to sit in the stand.

Me and my mate seperated from some of my family to stand on the terrace.

With City 2-1 down we made our way out the way we came in. My mate kept walking as I tried to jostle for a final look behind the goal - I shouted out to my mate who had carried on walking that City got a free kick 25 yards out on the right . I was about 6 deep in fans as the cross came in, I couldn't really see what was happening , until I saw the net bulge and I think it was Glynn Riley running off in celebration. At that point I'd already jumped up and started my screech of joy - things happened in slow motion it seemed as my mate stopped, turned on his heels and watched as I jumped up and down in jubilation ! Suddenly the slow motion stopped as a voice said 'fuc king come on then !!!!' I was faced with 6 or 7 squaddy looking Aldershot fans - as I then immediately sprinted toward the turnstile my mate had started running back to me...! As I passed him I just shouted no turn and run !!!! He turned on his heels in hot pursuit of me as I exited the ground, followed by all if them !!

5 mins later we'd managed to perilously cross roads and in to back allies had gone and escaped the angry mob !

Takes me back that story, and we went back up there again fir the replay !!

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Late eighties, Weymouth in May. The gas losing at Wembley and my first holiday with a bird at the tender age of 17 or 18 can't remember. As you can imagine it's happy days, plenty of shagging and beer and not necessarily in that order.

One night at another famous Haven holidays entertainment evening , the compare starting asking who was from Bristol and who were the better team. Well me being 6 or 7 pints deep at this stage started shouting CITY CITY.  The night wore on and i need a piss, as i got to the toilet i noticed i'd been followed by 4 lads , who as i got in the bogs surrounded me.  ******* Bristol is it , said a cockney voice. I have now thought, i'm ****** yer.  Yeah i replied. One of them said lets do him. But one said. Tell us where your main boozer is and we'll let you go.  I thought of a pub in town, Crown and cushion and said it was in Brislington . He said alright mate on yer way, and i walked out untouched.


The day after i was walking along Weymouth prom and in spay paint all the way along was Millwall Bushwackers on tour. 

Always said they were pussies...x

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Swindon away a few years back, 4 of us sneaked out of the escort from the station to find a pub.


One mate decides to start a 'beer, beer we want more beer' song and a load of unhappy Swindle in front of us turn around and head toward us.  My 3 good friends scatter in different directions leaving me to face the music, including a gentleman with a blade.


In my best random cockney accent (even though they most likely talk much the same as us) I tell them I'm Swindon and my mate is just nervous as he needs a drink.  In the back of my mind I recalled going to a place called Wroughton once so was ready to say I was from there specifically if they asked.  Luckily they were happy with my 'explanation'. It was all-ticket so was very lucky they didn't ask to see my ticket - or ask me who any of their players were.

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Late 70s , maybe early 80s , city away were not going that day, all are lot meet up for a lunchtime drink , half two comes ' remember that! ' someone has a brainwave, lets go down the gas !

so about a dozen of us descend upon eastvile, we pay at the turns and go on the ' tote'

about 20 mins into the game were sussed !

word goes round like wildfire , we ' drunkenly ' make our stand , but are forced to the front by sheer weight of numbers,

arrogantly we taunt our foes from the safety of the dogtrack , to be ushered around the pitch , to the muller road end ,

where the waiting derby fans laud their ' firm ' ha ha ! memories eh ! seems crazy now .

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Late 70s , maybe early 80s , city away were not going that day, all are lot meet up for a lunchtime drink , half two comes ' remember that! ' someone has a brainwave, lets go down the gas !

so about a dozen of us descend upon eastvile, we pay at the turns and go on the ' tote'

about 20 mins into the game were sussed !

word goes round like wildfire , we ' drunkenly ' make our stand , but are forced to the front by sheer weight of numbers,

arrogantly we taunt our foes from the safety of the dogtrack , to be ushered around the pitch , to the muller road end ,

where the waiting derby fans laud their ' firm ' ha ha ! memories eh ! seems crazy now .


HaHa, we used to do that a lot but went in the open end with away fans, and only (nearly) came unstuck against Forest.  Chelsea knew we were City , fine, Wolves and others OK but Forest really didn't like us and even the OB left us to it . Lucky to get out of that one.


Best one though , Old Fox when we were playing at Eastville. About 6 of us arrived after City had left and the pub was full of slightly aggrieved SAGS.  My thought was front it out , so we get a beer and stood by the door being stared at. A mate,  6'4" skinhead who happened to be a cockney, turned to the nearest SAG    "what are you *****g looking at"   guy turned away sharpish and we volunteered to look for any City on Stapleton Rd.  Funny ....... now.   :P   

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A long time go, a load of us decided not to go to watch City away at Peterborough and managed to get tickets for Arsenal v Newcastle. It was just after Andy Cole had gone to the Geordies and the match was billed as the master  (Ian Wright) v the apprentice (Andy Cole).

14 of us went to north London on a mini bus (beer!!) and went in the Angel in Islington (beer!!). Eventually we went to the game (Arsenal won) but the day was memorable for 2 reasons. At half time, the scores were read out and most people didn't care once the Prem results had gone but City were 2-0 up away at Posh and lttle pockets of people were jumping up and down all around the stadium so others had the same idea as us. Secondly, and most importantly, we stopped in Newbury for a few more beers, on the way back and found a little club / bar which was pretty good. After a couple, Jermaine Stewart (we don't have to take our clothes off) came on and tthat was a bit of an anthem for us at the time so we al piled on to the dance floor to be met by one lad in a blue and white quartered rag! He thought it was cool to support someone other than Southampton and Reading who his mates supported and was actually a nice kiddy! He wasn't too happy when he realised we were ALL City and went a bit ott about how niice Bristol was.

As he loved the place so much, guess where we dropped him off after offering him a lift? ;)

We did give him the train fare back to be fair to us!

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In my other life I also watch Celtic. About 15 years ago  I got a ticket for the Old Firm game at Ibrox from a Rangers mate up there, he warned me to keep my mouth shut (as if I needed telling) I exchanged pleasantries with the middle aged woman sat next to me and her daughter, they seemed nice enough, but come kick off they were up singing **** the Pope along with everyone else. I did consider pointing out that as a (somewhat lapsed) Roman Catholic, I didn't really appreciate the sectarian songs, but thought better of it, especially as I now realised that the blokes with the Belfast accents who were selling dodgy loyalist memorabilia outside were sat right behind me.

Rangers scored first, and while I didn't cheer I stood up so as not to look out of place. When Henrik equalised I pulled up my jacket to hide my smile, but I had to stand again when Rangers hit a second and then a third.

By the time of the fourth I stayed slumped in my seat, at which point I think the woman next to me sussed who I was supporting, and by the time the fifth went in I don't think they would have cared if the pope himself was sat there.


Oh, and I also had to try and pretend to be a City fan (and failed) when after leaving the escort from Ashton Gate with two of my mates (we were all 16 or so at the time) some very brave City fans pulled up in a transit looking for Rovers fans, although I'm sure there are plenty of people who will tell you 'firms' only want to fight other 'firms', it is I'm afraid not quite the whole truth.

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Funnily enough I had a similar scenario on Saturday at Walsall, I was waiting for Mrs to pick me up and waited at nearby McDonalds just down from the ground. There were a few chaps to my left who I could hear were talking about the game and saying that 'we were better side but you can see why Bristol were up top as they had obvious quality players'  (note that gave special mention to Smith who they said could easily play at higher level) - majority of the group jumped into passing car and left 3 guys, who then saw me and asked what I thought of game.


I took a couple seconds to think about what to say, and then said it was a balanced game and both teams deserving a point, said I was a City fan and that they were one of best teams I had seen this year. They looked a little stunned for a second untill one asked if I go to many games, once i said i was a season ticket holder for roughly 10years I got an 'I respect that' kinda frow back and thankfully not a barrage of abuse (or even worse!) - thankfully the mrs called when a few others started to join them, i wished them good luck for rest of the year and scampered off, thinking i was lucky I met the right type of fan!

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I can remember a time....we where in the hatchet in town.we where in town about 3 ish going to a slf concert, which started at 10 :).we where having a beer when I noticed a sag by the name of jenkins.you old uns will know who I mean, he was with a few of his mates.we started chatting and eventually he asked the question. ? Who do you like.l looked at my mate and said rovers, he replied thats ok then.by now we where surrounded by sags.with that my mates phone rang.on his phone hes has the city badge on it,,, it was just like a seen from a film.there shitheads one of them shouted, jenkins looked at me and shook his head.a gap appeared and we made a hasty exit.we where lucky that night.....coyr


Kev Jenkins died about two weeks ago actually, funnily enough the last time I saw him was at an SLF gig about 3 years ago.

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Think it was the 1972 Glos cup at Ashton gate there was a girl at a school near to me that I liked but she was a r*&^ers fan so I stood in with all there fans.


The game went to penalties that  the gas won then all the City fans came running in got hit a couple of times Never even got a kiss that night .

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