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Oops, The New Labour Mask Has Slipped Off.


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Robbo, just look at the polls, his popularity has always been pretty low and now he is bordering on toxic for the Labour party, Labour voters don't like him, it would appear his party are becoming exasperated, perhaps we should blame Wycombe FC and their financial irregularities?, they haven't been blamed so far. He is just not popular. it happens.


As for your 2nd sentence Major and Brown were pretty weird as well and Thatcher apparently was a woman.


Sadly John Smith didn't get his chance, Blair was the right man at the right time in the right place (but a ****) but apart from those two, since Harold Wilson Labour have made some dodgy choices IMO.


I am aware of the polls, but I was questioning why people think he would be such a disaster?   I haven't had a clear answer.

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I am aware of the polls, but I was questioning why people think he would be such a disaster?   I haven't had a clear answer.


We may never know RR, but although entitled I don't vote and his detractors on here won't make a difference, so cannot be blamed, it looks like the electorate in general don't like him and perhaps the unions have shot the Labour party in the Michael Foot again, as I said earlier David + Ed IMHO would probably have been unbeatable, along the lines of the Kennedy's in the U S of A back in the 60's, but Labour decided on Ed + Harriet and may pay the price, lessons to be learned?.

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We may never know RR, but although entitled I don't vote and his detractors on here won't make a difference, so cannot be blamed, it looks like the electorate in general don't like him and perhaps the unions have shot the Labour party in the Michael Foot again, as I said earlier David + Ed IMHO would probably have been unbeatable, along the lines of the Kennedy's in the U S of A back in the 60's, but Labour decided on Ed + Harriet and may pay the price, lessons to be learned?.


I don't think so ES. David Miliband - although he was the media's darling - just struck me as a sort of Blair-lite. More composed than his brother for sure, but where was the fire? I, personally, don't want a leader like Blair or Cameron who sucks up to Murdoch.


Whoever was selected I'm sure would be subject of a vicious and personal campaign in these months. You hope people might see through the spin eventually.


In the same month we had headlines about the Rochester tweet, we have had Theresa May admit that their party's "no ifs, no buts" vow to get migration below 100,000 was being abandoned as they were still stuck at 240,000 a year, Osborne had to admit his austerity programme hadn't touched the deficit, but in fact Britain''s borrowing had trebled partly because tax take has fallen under this government, and N Farage had to hastily say his proposals to privatise the NHS were "not UKIP policy and never would be". So that's clear then. Something he thought 3 years ago was a good idea isn't party policy because ... he said so. Because he IS the party and can just make announcements on the hoof.


The penny might drop on the populance eventually...

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