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Oops, The New Labour Mask Has Slipped Off.


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Often thought that the new breed of Labour politician was ashamed to be seen to be English/British and Emily Thornberry let the mask slip last night.

Deciding to post a picture of 3 St george flags hung on a house in Rochester, choosing to sneer at the type of person who might do this, I believe this may well have far reaching consequences on New Labour and the voters they claimed to represent.


Once a proud party that genuinely did care about the working class of this country has become a joke in my eyes, they are completely unrecognisable from it's roots. I think the voters have shown very clearly what matters to them, sneering at them for caring about their country is extremely insulting.

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Often thought that the new breed of Labour politician was ashamed to be seen to be English/British and Emily Thornberry let the mask slip last night.

Deciding to post a picture of 3 St george flags hung on a house in Rochester, choosing to sneer at the type of person who might do this, I believe this may well have far reaching consequences on New Labour and the voters they claimed to represent.


Once a proud party that genuinely did care about the working class of this country has become a joke in my eyes, they are completely unrecognisable from it's roots. I think the voters have shown very clearly what matters to them, sneering at them for caring about their country is extremely insulting.

Working people are no longer Labours core vote, take away the votes of those paid from the public purse and benefits claimants and they'd struggle to win a seat.

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Champagne socialists the lot of them

Some of them,not all.

Some of them still stand up for the likes of me.

But unfortunately people like this stupid woman grab the headlines with her pathetic tweet and people jump to the conclusion that all Labour MP's are the same.

To be honest though,I'm more worried about losing my sick pay holiday pay,nhs,and whatever working rights I still have,( if my Job is still available if we left the EU) to the Tories and ukip.

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Some of them,not all.

Some of them still stand up for the likes of me.

But unfortunately people like this stupid woman grab the headlines with her pathetic tweet and people jump to the conclusion that all Labour MP's are the same.

To be honest though,I'm more worried about losing my sick pay holiday pay,nhs,and whatever working rights I still have,( if my Job is still available if we left the EU) to the Tories and ukip.


When you joined OTIB did you suspect for one minute that your 9,000th post would have been discussing UKIP.....!!

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Often thought that the new breed of Labour politician was ashamed to be seen to be English/British and Emily Thornberry let the mask slip last night.

Deciding to post a picture of 3 St george flags hung on a house in Rochester, choosing to sneer at the type of person who might do this, I believe this may well have far reaching consequences on New Labour and the voters they claimed to represent.


Once a proud party that genuinely did care about the working class of this country has become a joke in my eyes, they are completely unrecognisable from it's roots. I think the voters have shown very clearly what matters to them, sneering at them for caring about their country is extremely insulting.


She's a complete muppet I agree but it's not like UKIP or the Tories are going to stand up for the working class...both parties are full of snobs.

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She's a complete muppet I agree but it's not like UKIP or the Tories are going to stand up for the working class...both parties are full of snobs.


I agree, it was more a comment on how far Labour have drifted away from their roots. It leaves me with nothing to vote for, I wont vote for this Labour set up, it's little more than Tory Lite.

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Problem is RR with such an unpopular Tory/Lib Dem government, Labour should be out of sight in the polls and they are not, something is seriously wrong, any ideas?

Easy really. Anyone who shortens Edward to ed is obviously a complete idiot. Labour have two complete idiots on their front bench.

That's besides the fact that economic policy seems to be about randomly pointing at stuff and then taxing it

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Problem is RR with such an unpopular Tory/Lib Dem government, Labour should be out of sight in the polls and they are not, something is seriously wrong, any ideas?

Well there is a bit of an unrelenting media attack led by papers whose multi-millionaire owners are tax exiles in the States, Monaco and Sark. You may have noticed it.

Probably why such a minor incident as some minor MP few of us will have heard of tweeting was splashed all over the papers, in some cases ahead of the fact that the Tories lost a constituency they'd held for most of the last three decades, and had a 9,000 majority in.

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The real problem now is that there are very few "carrots" any of the main parties can offer the electorate. We have in effect never had it so good overall.


The Unions, via Labour have done a great job of ensuring the lower/lower middle end of poulation have their "needs" at least covered and the Tories/City Financiers have ensured the top are continuing to remain comfortable. Taxation is the balancing act that moves back and forth.


Put in a nutshell we don't "need" like we used to and many can't be bothered to join in the discussion and vote.


Along comes a party that appers to offer to ensure that "others" don't take away what we have got, and many look the other way as to what it's going to cost us in the long run.


Labour and the Tories may be a bit stale but I shudder to think what might happen if UKIP had their hands on the wheel.

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She's a complete muppet I agree but it's not like UKIP or the Tories are going to stand up for the working class...both parties are full of snobs.

I would suggest that all parties are, if not full, at least replete, of the political classes, those who have been to school, university, then on to roles as political researchers, assistants and apparatchiks, before having brown nosed enough to be put forward for a seat.

I can only imagine how the 'Sir Humphries' of the senior civil service must be rubbing their hands at the infighting and self inflicted wounds, whilst they get on with the job of running the country and feathering their own nests.

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Thirty years ago for 51 weeks of the year Neil Kinnock appeared an ideal choice for Prime Minister and I reckon he'd have been a very good PM.

Unfortunately in the 52nd week of the year came the Party Conference when Labour supporters such as Scargill and Scanlon would address the conference and announce the sort of policies that they'd ensure would be carried out as soon as Labour get back in power.

As a result, we all kept Thatcher in Nr 10.

That was why Tony Blair decided Labour had to ditch it's roots and traditions.

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Thirty years ago for 51 weeks of the year Neil Kinnock appeared an ideal choice for Prime Minister and I reckon he'd have been a very good PM.

Unfortunately in the 52nd week of the year came the Party Conference when Labour supporters such as Scargill and Scanlon would address the conference and announce the sort of policies that they'd ensure would be carried out as soon as Labour get back in power.

As a result, we all kept Thatcher in Nr 10.

That was why Tony Blair decided Labour had to ditch it's roots and traditions.

Thatcher was, IMO, always going to win in 1987. At the time she had a lot of support, but that was before the days when she lost the plot with the Poll Tax and on Europe. Kinnock had always been behind and was still in the process of cleaning the party out.

Roll forward 5 years to 1992 and I would say that Kinnock looked like he would beat Major but a steady campaign from Major and a few gaffes from Kinnock saw an end to that.

Kinnock certainly does deserve a lot of credit - he'd picked up a basket case of a party from Michael Foot and left in a position where Blair could come in and win 3 elections on the bounce. No mean feat that, and one for which history will treat him well.

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Question to the group. If a UKIP or even Tory activist or politician had sent that exact tweet, i.e. "An image of #rochester" and that picture, what do people think the reaction would be?

Not sure if it would have got the same reaction,the press ( most of it anyway) would have ignored it.

But it's interesting to note that the latest ukip MP's gaffe about repatriation a couple of days ago,didn't get a mention on here.

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Thirty years ago for 51 weeks of the year Neil Kinnock appeared an ideal choice for Prime Minister and I reckon he'd have been a very good PM.

Unfortunately in the 52nd week of the year came the Party Conference when Labour supporters such as Scargill and Scanlon would address the conference and announce the sort of policies that they'd ensure would be carried out as soon as Labour get back in power.

As a result, we all kept Thatcher in Nr 10.

That was why Tony Blair decided Labour had to ditch it's roots and traditions.

You've rather misremembered that.

Scanlon had retired more than a decade before that rally, and Scargill was an avowed opponent of Kinnock, who was accused of failing to support the miners strike. Scargill would not share a platform with Kinnock, and anyway, the power of the NUM was totally broken by then, as the mines were shut down.

The rally I think you're referring to was in 1992, when Labour held a lead in the polls and some observers - mainly in right-wing papers - accused him of triumphantism. As a partial consequence perhaps of that, he lost to John Major.

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Not sure if it would have got the same reaction,the press ( most of it anyway) would have ignored it.

But it's interesting to note that the latest ukip MP's gaffe about repatriation a couple of days ago,didn't get a mention on here.

Didn't see a thread about Farage's views about NHS privatisation either, Bill!

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Well there is a bit of an unrelenting media attack led by papers whose multi-millionaire owners are tax exiles in the States, Monaco and Sark. You may have noticed it.

Probably why such a minor incident as some minor MP few of us will have heard of tweeting was splashed all over the papers, in some cases ahead of the fact that the Tories lost a constituency they'd held for most of the last three decades, and had a 9,000 majority in.


That's it? you are saying this is down to press and the press only?.

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