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Name For New East End


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Bristol City Council held a contest to decide on the new name for the re-vamped M Shed on the docks. The resulting new name? "M Shed" !

I seem to recall Bristol City Council forked out shed loads of our council tax money on paying some consultancy type company from oop north (Manchester/Liverpool?) to come up with that genius name.

I know Tens Of Thousands of pounds was spent on that little exercise... Obviously no one in our fair City could be trusted with the intelligence to come up with a suitable name for our Bristol Industrial Museum.

If that money was distributed between the city's hard-up primary schools for

participating in a fun naming competition the kids would've had knowledge of the place a feeling of being part of it etc, had fun making suggestions and at the very least come up with something just as ' brilliant ' as the professional corporate entity hundreds of miles away with no connection to our city.

Virtute et Industria ..indeed.

I'm sticking with Buster Footman as a name for our new stand (a non-playing legend and popular character throughout years if service at Ashton Gate... Away from the Club he went on to raise Thousands of pounds for charity, a BCFC legend & a Bristol legend, deserves recognition - BUSTER FOOTMAN STAND for me.

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Might be a good idea to have an OTIB Poll on this subject...

Nominate suggested names for the new stand and vote on 'em.. ?

(pity the City Council didn't turn to us when looking for the Industrial Museum name, an OTIB poll would've come up with a great name for free. M Shed wow.)

I think it will be some kind of sponser name Stand/End,

Its about maximising money we can get with FFP etc,

So say we name it The Beryl Fudge Stand sponsered by Butcombes or something,

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Never been keen on the East End name. Always thought it sounded like it belonged on a London ground


It were the Covered End when I were a nipper.


Anyway, back on subject. I notice that a precident has been set on physio / kitman naming of stands - Derby have the Gordon Guthrie stand. Ergo, we'll go one better with the Buster Footman stand (even though it sounds like an insurance company).


Naming rights by a sponsor will bu99er it all up anyway.

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Because Ashton gate is on an angle and parts of that stand was in the south and parts east (Dolman / East end corner points east)


Where the parkenders used to have their flag is North...


That Dolman / EE corner used so bend round with terracing so where the old mural was located is East and some fans named it the East end due to saying i'll meet you the East side of that stand (no mobile phones back then) so it was a fans nick name..




So from your picture, are you saying we should call it the NEWStand?  ;)

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