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What Does Jet Have That Sets Him Apart ?

Major Isewater

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Pretty much everything bar allegedly being lazy in training and this mythical "consistency" barrier.


Strength, vision, passing, shooting, creativity, bursts of pace, power, height.. you name it.

Careful now my old son....There are three hundred threads saying the complete opposite! Surely they cant all be wrong!??



Some might say!



Not tried that since the 80s....

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He has pace,power and bundles of skill and should always play when he's prepared to apply himself and put the effort in like he is currently, when he just stands around, can't be bothered and doesn't work like he so often did at the end of last season and beginning of this when coming on he should no longer be in the team but long may his current form and effort continue because currently he is very difficult to defend against and has been awesome, well done JET.

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In all seriousness though when on form, he really could be out of the premier league. Strength, Pace, Skill, Ability to pick a pass, Height etc..


If you stated all his traits to someone who has no clue who he is; their initial thought would be 'all round striker' because he literally has everything you would want in a striker! That is when he hasn't given up on moving..


When lazy though he gets right on my t*ts, and can be a liability but on his day what a player and an absolute joy to watch

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He's got the funk, man, whether you love or hate him. He should be afforded special dispensation to wear the purple and lime home or away. Cooler than Disco Stu.

Also to have a weather bloody system named after you is better than being knighted, imo.

What a sickly bandwagon this is, btw :)

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