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Port Said Red

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My brother was talking to a depressive mate of his the other day. Both were obviously trying to outdo each other in the miserable stakes.


His friend won easily with this gem:


"Thing is, Dave, if I could just be sure there's no afterlife I would kill myself".


He was joking (I hope) but the more I think about that the more profound it gets....

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My brother was talking to a depressive mate of his the other day. Both were obviously trying to outdo each other in the miserable stakes.


His friend won easily with this gem:


"Thing is, Dave, if I could just be sure there's no afterlife I would kill myself".


He was joking (I hope) but the more I think about that the more profound it gets....

I have run out of likes, but *like*


It sort of reminded me of this piece from Annie Hall, Woody Allens character is Alvy Singer is doing a voiceover.


"There's an old joke - um... two elderly women are at a Catskill mountain resort, and one of 'em says, "Boy, the food at this place is really terrible." The other one says, "Yeah, I know; and such small portions." Well, that's essentially how I feel about life - full of loneliness, and misery, and suffering, and unhappiness, and it's all over much too quickly."

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Joy oh joy, a thread about the biscuits! Simply the world's greatest band. Some of my favs:

It fills me with joy to see moshers out jogging.

Keeper you just made a decent save,

So why d'ya feel the need to rant and rave?

Screaming at defenders, makes you look dead stupid,

Especially when they haven't done much wrong.

Please cease the trait!

Deep blue, in 97 i voted for you,

As sports personality of the year,

Thought at least you'd get the overseas,

Coz when all's said and done, your not like some of these.....bad losers, at Yahoo chess.

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I'd spend all day quoting HMHB, but suppose i'd better do some work too.....

If i had agrophobia

And if i had claustrophobia......

Trapped. Inside my porch.

Things can get bleak.

Especially midweek.

You call Glastonbury 'Glasto'

You'd like to go there one day.

When they put up the gun towers

To keep the hippies away.

Good mention of Gerry Gow on the latest album too!

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just when we were all enjoying ourselves away from the usual sniping...


different era, different context... darker, more sinister. Much hectoring too... but utterly relevant.

I started this and another thread because I needed a break from all that. You can only bang your head so long on a brick wall until it hurts you more than  the wall. I have been in a good mood all day thanks to this and playing HMHB in the background as I work in between. :)

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