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How Many Changes Do You See Tomorrow?

Port Said Red

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Don't you think that he could do with getting back into the swing of things then..?

Agreed he could but not at the expense of Jet or Smith, both are scoring goals and have formed a formidable partnership.

I think Agard should get another half hour cameo, hopefully when we are over the line.

After Saturday's defeat it's not worth thinking about not winning, to do that you need your best palyers on the pitch.

Hopefully we can afford to nurse both Agard and Alby back into the team gently, as we can't afford an injury to either.

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No changes. The team against the Blades will know they under performed and will be desperate to make up for it. Assuming everyone is fit of course.

I can see a 4-0 City win should Cotterill select the same starting 11.

I tend to agree with your philosophy, but don't think that SC will feel the same.

Interesting to see everyone wanting to drop JET, personally he'd be one of my first names on the team sheet, I don't think we should write Peterborough off & agree with what RR has said about making up for Saturday.

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Everyone says it, but I don't get the argument that players need rests, especially young ones. They should be better coped to deal with a Saturday-Tuesday schedule. After all they're professionals that spend every day improving their fitness levels, no way should any of them be knackered after a couple of games every week

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Everyone says it, but I don't get the argument that players need rests, especially young ones. They should be better coped to deal with a Saturday-Tuesday schedule. After all they're professionals that spend every day improving their fitness levels, no way should any of them be knackered after a couple of games every week

It's not as simple as that though, it should be but its not.

Everyone is built differently, for some natural fitness is a given, for others they have to work on stamina for years. Some players may have naturally tight hamstrings and have to work a lot on stretching blah blah blah, the human body is a finely oiled machine that can easily go wrong without precise maintenance and practice.

There's also the mental side to the game, it's always been there but now more than ever with TV, media, social media the pressure is huge to perform, there's always someone watching.

Years ago a player could be a regular at a local pub and be adored by the local clientele yet blend into the background the Sam was anyone else. Nowadays if a player is seen at a pub, he's a layabout and wreckless.

The game has changed hugely and I agree wholeheartedly with the ethos of what you have written, especially as they earn a disproportionate amount of money, but as I've said above its not that simple anymore.

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