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Ghost Stories


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Not strictly ghost related, but there are some good podcasts out there that cover 'unexplained' happenings


The Unexplained with Howard Hughes is a good one, British so without the razzmatazz of American casts. Guests from all over the world, just about every subject covered. Been listening for about 6 months now, well worth going through his back catalog of episodes, sure there will be something you like on there

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Don't really believe I'm this kind of thing but about 10 years ago when I was with my ex, I walked past her neighbours house and saw an old man sat in the chair in the window. Not thinking anything of it I carried on with the day, not sure how we got onto it but she mentioned her neighbour had died a few days earlier, having never seen him before I discribed him and sure enough it was the exact same description as the next door neighbour.

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The most eerie experience for me happened many years ago when I was working a a large mental hospital near Warwick. I was alone on night duty in a large ward of 40+ patients which was a more recent addition to the hospital having been built in the 1960's. About 2am I was doing the rounds and the walk from the TV room to the dormitory involved a walk along a long corridor.

Leaving the TV on I was two thirds along the corridor when I suddenly felt a strong chill which seemed to be coming from below.it was so strong that I had to force my way forward and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up.I also felt frightened but once through the chill passed.

I carried on "doing the rounds" and then returned to the TV room about 10 mins later to find that the TV screen was fuzzy and that stopped me in my tracks. I eventually saw the TV aerial had come out from the back of it. It was scary especially as I was alone in the ward.

When the day shift came on I told them about my experiences and one guy said 'hold on' got up and went and stood in exactly the same spot where I'd felt the chill. He then told me that the ward was guilt on a filled in pond where two patients, one male one female had drowned themselves many years before.

Spooky or what?

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well yes...... but a few other people also saw it and it made the newspaper the next day.


Ha - you were being serious!!


As a railwayman I found a BBC documentary called 'Ghosts on the Underground' fascinating. It was probably shown about 6 or 7 years ago but the full documentary can be found on YouTube. Obviously 'Underground' refers to the London Underground.

Very interesting.


That rings a bell, if it's the same one I watched it was a good programme. Tales that place could tell


Don't really believe I'm this kind of thing but about 10 years ago when I was with my ex, I walked past her neighbours house and saw an old man sat in the chair in the window. Not thinking anything of it I carried on with the day, not sure how we got onto it but she mentioned her neighbour had died a few days earlier, having never seen him before I discribed him and sure enough it was the exact same description as the next door neighbour.


Not the same thing, but the night my Dad died I had the weirdest chill run down my spine around 7pm. Was having a pint with a mate and actually spilt some drink as it was in my hand at the time, as it turns out it was pretty much the same time my Dad actually passed. Pardon the pun, but it still gives me chills thinking about that now, 24 years on. I've read many people that have had the same experience

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I was in an audience with a spirit reader who gave people messages from loved ones from beyond the grave. The guy said to the audience "has anyone here ever seen a ghost?", and about a quarter of the audience raised their hands. The guy then added "has anyone ever spoke to a ghost?", about 5 people put their hands up. The guy continued "okay, has anyone ever made love to a ghost?" And suddenly one person at the back of the audience put his hand up.

The spirit reader asked the person to come down onto the stage, and as he got down the spirit reader asked the person to explain your love encounter with the ghost. The guy suddenly looked very confused and looked back at the spirit reader and said "I'm very very sorry sir, I was sat in the back of the audience and I thought you said a 'goat"

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Ha - you were being serious!!

That rings a bell, if it's the same one I watched it was a good programme. Tales that place could tell

Not the same thing, but the night my Dad died I had the weirdest chill run down my spine around 7pm. Was having a pint with a mate and actually spilt some drink as it was in my hand at the time, as it turns out it was pretty much the same time my Dad actually passed. Pardon the pun, but it still gives me chills thinking about that now, 24 years on. I've read many people that have had the same experience

In 2005 me and my wife were on holiday in Dominican - about 3am in the morning she woke up baling her eyes out about a dream she had had about what She thought was her mum dying - we thought nothing of it until we got back home to the news that Her Nan had died at more or less the same time she had had that dream.

The other weird thing was that she would always go round her nans and show Her the holiday snaps - she had some pictures developed and put the pictures in her nans coffin,

2 years later she went to a medium - this person picked my missus out as somebody that a spirit would want to connect with - this medium told my missus this person wanted her to know she got the photos.

I never believed in this sort of thing before but nobody could have known that or even guessed, it's weird

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The most eerie experience for me happened many years ago when I was working a a large mental hospital near Warwick. I was alone on night duty in a large ward of 40+ patients which was a more recent addition to the hospital having been built in the 1960's. About 2am I was doing the rounds and the walk from the TV room to the dormitory involved a walk along a long corridor.

Leaving the TV on I was two thirds along the corridor when I suddenly felt a strong chill which seemed to be coming from below.it was so strong that I had to force my way forward and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up.I also felt frightened but once through the chill passed.

I carried on "doing the rounds" and then returned to the TV room about 10 mins later to find that the TV screen was fuzzy and that stopped me in my tracks. I eventually saw the TV aerial had come out from the back of it. It was scary especially as I was alone in the ward.

When the day shift came on I told them about my experiences and one guy said 'hold on' got up and went and stood in exactly the same spot where I'd felt the chill. He then told me that the ward was guilt on a filled in pond where two patients, one male one female had drowned themselves many years before.

Spooky or what?


Just to clarify........were you working or were you a resident ?

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As a railwayman I found a BBC documentary called 'Ghosts on the Underground' fascinating. It was probably shown about 6 or 7 years ago but the full documentary can be found on YouTube. Obviously 'Underground' refers to the London Underground.

Very interesting.


Did you enjoy The Railway Children as well ?

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Did you enjoy The Railway Children as well ?

No, just like I dont sit at home and watch back to back episodes of Thomas the Tank Engine. The railway connection was specifically more to do with ghost stories, of which there are plenty whether its on the mainline or the London Underground.

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In 2005 me and my wife were on holiday in Dominican - about 3am in the morning she woke up baling her eyes out about a dream she had had about what She thought was her mum dying - we thought nothing of it until we got back home to the news that Her Nan had died at more or less the same time she had had that dream.

The other weird thing was that she would always go round her nans and show Her the holiday snaps - she had some pictures developed and put the pictures in her nans coffin,

2 years later she went to a medium - this person picked my missus out as somebody that a spirit would want to connect with - this medium told my missus this person wanted her to know she got the photos.

I never believed in this sort of thing before but nobody could have known that or even guessed, it's weird


Weird! I would never believe until someone tells me something completely random, looks like your missus has that confirmation

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The most eerie experience for me happened many years ago when I was working a a large mental hospital near Warwick. I was alone on night duty in a large ward of 40+ patients which was a more recent addition to the hospital having been built in the 1960's. About 2am I was doing the rounds and the walk from the TV room to the dormitory involved a walk along a long corridor.

Leaving the TV on I was two thirds along the corridor when I suddenly felt a strong chill which seemed to be coming from below.it was so strong that I had to force my way forward and I felt the hairs on my neck stand up.I also felt frightened but once through the chill passed.

I carried on "doing the rounds" and then returned to the TV room about 10 mins later to find that the TV screen was fuzzy and that stopped me in my tracks. I eventually saw the TV aerial had come out from the back of it. It was scary especially as I was alone in the ward.

When the day shift came on I told them about my experiences and one guy said 'hold on' got up and went and stood in exactly the same spot where I'd felt the chill. He then told me that the ward was guilt on a filled in pond where two patients, one male one female had drowned themselves many years before.

Spooky or what?



There is something about the old county asylums/mental institutions.   I get a lot of ghost hunters/paranormal guff through my website because I photograph/explore these old places (see the website link in my signature if you are curious).  The horrors that went on at these places though.. certainly before the 1950's when they figured drugs might be a better approach..


Having visited near 35 of them including some at stupid hours at night (like Barrow at 2am) I've never had a spooky experience.  Sure my mind freaks me out, sure the wind and natural noises have put me on edge.

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My Daughter phoned me the other day and said that her middle son aged 4 was sat on her lap

having a cuddle when he looked up at her and said " i remember when you were a little girl and you

used to sit on my lap.......but i was somone else then !

Saw a fascinating documentary some years ago about reincarnation. It was largely based on Indian examples of the same. One story in particular has stayed in my memory ever since.

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There is something about the old county asylums/mental institutions.   I get a lot of ghost hunters/paranormal guff through my website because I photograph/explore these old places (see the website link in my signature if you are curious).  The horrors that went on at these places though.. certainly before the 1950's when they figured drugs might be a better approach..


Having visited near 35 of them including some at stupid hours at night (like Barrow at 2am) I've never had a spooky experience.  Sure my mind freaks me out, sure the wind and natural noises have put me on edge.


I have had to survey several for renovation and I agree they put you on edge.  One in particular in London was really creepy and reminded me of the movie Hostel.

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I have had to survey several for renovation and I agree they put you on edge.  One in particular in London was really creepy and reminded me of the movie Hostel.


Which one out of interest?


Going off topic but the documentary 'Silent Minority' showed how chilling the places are (albeit it mental defective institutes)


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One of my friends lives in a very old, scary  house with a huge corridor upstairs with creaky floorboards.


Well they have two children,  and one night he heard footsteps running down the corridor. The obvious conclusion to that would be the kids running around, but when he checked on them they were both fast asleep.


This happened a few times, the same outcome they'd check on the kids and they were both fast asleep, until it just completely stopped. This was around 13-14 years ago. It hasn't happened since.


It was most likely the two kids, but they apparently gave no indications that it was them. Even when they were asked.

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