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If The Gaps Stay As They Are...


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So if we are able to maintain our 12 point gap over Swindon in third and 10 point lead over Preston in second into April then...

A Win against Swindon will see us promoted.

A win the following Saturday against Preston will see us crowned champions.


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So if we are able to maintain our 12 point gap over Swindon in third and 10 point lead over Preston in second into April then...

A Win against Swindon will see us promoted.

A win the following Saturday against Preston will see us crowned champions.

Not quite re the Swindon game,they would still have 15 points to play for,so could still pip us on GD if we last our last 5 ;)
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Did you work that out all your own? or did you see the same thing on here a few days ago....

The latter.

I trawl through otib desperately searching for something to plagiarise.

if it was said a few days ago then it would have been inaccurate as MK Dons were third and a win over Swindon wouldn't have guaranteed anything, of course don't let facts get in the way of your will to be negative.

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So if we are able to maintain our 12 point gap over Swindon in third and 10 point lead over Preston in second into April then...

A Win against Swindon will see us promoted.

A win the following Saturday against Preston will see us crowned champions.



It is looking more possible than it did, but still unlikely. As we are getting in games now early Swindon have 6 left after we play them and Preston will have five after we play them..


HOWEVER, If we win at Yeovil, it then does get interesting. Ignoring Mk, We will be 13 above Preston, and 15 above Swindon.


We would need to take one more point out of Swindon before we meet to ensure we must finish above them if we beat them (and probable promotion). Equally, if that gap stayed the same, a win at Preston must see us finish above them. 


Just the five games to play before that in the league however. Or if you like, if we win the next seven, the title is ours.

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So in summary then we need 7 more wins (ie, 21pts) to guarantee promotion?.

Sorry being lazy!

Actually with 33 more to play for and a 12pt lead over 3rd doesn't that make it 11 more pts to guarantee promotion?. Or am I being stupid?


Nope, just had one to many sherberts I suspect.


33-12 = 21.

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Ahhhhhh..thanks for that. My bad!. Realised I had an error in my Column R as I had negatively prefaced my COUNTIFS which was creating incorrect factors on my WIN COEFICIENT tab on my spreadsheet. Bloody Excel 07 not as good as 05. :blush:

Jeez...poor bugger...just had my hand down my pants and that was confusing

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Retired, which gives me time to peruse this forum, amongst other things.

Oh that's a little nibble....there are no other things though are there?, come on were all freinds here, but I'm guessing the ones on here are the only ones you have if you spend all day in retirement being the "forum sage" haha

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So if we are able to maintain our 12 point gap over Swindon in third and 10 point lead over Preston in second into April then...

A Win against Swindon will see us promoted.

A win the following Saturday against Preston will see us crowned champions.


That is my wish as declared before the Dale match.


But since we are now 2 pts ahead of my prediction we might do both at home v swindle.

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