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Mark Cooper Hits The Deck !


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See the response I made regarding Palace Forum, not trying to dodge anything, but need to take the dogs for a walk, and then some real fishing. :yes:

So you hate CPFC and therefore all their fans (using you're own logic that you apply to many City fans views towards Rovers) because of a few idiots on a football forum?

That's ridiculous.

At least Bristol based City fans have got a half decent excuse for disliking Rovers having to listen to their ill informed drivel about our club in workplaces on a reasonably regular basis.

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Not at all, but as always on a Forum other opinions are available. No need to add comments regarding glass houses etc, just debate it. 



 No, I simply and honestly express my views, if folk disagree then that's fine, but I never go out of my way to wind folk up.




There have been a few 'likes' on my comments in this thread, not everyone feels OK with saying something that the more vocal types on here would attack.


So be it...


So why do you feel the need to tell people what they should think or post about.


Other views are available.

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least he got a "personality" . :whistle2:

Phew, that's good news. On the evidence he's provided he's seemed rather on the sociopathic side in all honesty :whistle2:

Edit:- for clarity, him 'expressing his views' essentially gives us all license to spout whatever ill-founded, small minded crap that we fancy and the best part is, we don't need to feel any sensitivity towards the receiver of it. In fact, we can do it as a sport, like fishing.

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Phew, that's good news. On the evidence he's provided he's seemed rather on the sociopathic side in all honesty :whistle2:

Edit:- for clarity, him 'expressing his views' essentially gives us all license to spout whatever ill-founded, small minded crap that we fancy and the best part is, we don't need to feel any sensitivity towards the receiver of it. In fact, we can do it as a sport, like fishing.

 Blimey you are on melt down, you seem rather to eager to attack me and my 'sanity' rather the opinions I have expressed, agree or disagree I have no problem with that but you clearly are struggling to add anything other than name calling.


'Limp, small man syndrome, sociopath' try adding Integrity, look it up if  it helps. 

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Blimey you are on melt down, you seem rather to eager to attack me and my 'sanity' rather the opinions I have expressed, agree or disagree I have no problem with that but you clearly are struggling to add anything other than name calling.


'Limp, small man syndrome, sociopath' try adding Integrity, look it up if  it helps.

Good day "fishing for real"?


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Terry Cooper is old school, played hard, played with heart, and was a credit to football who would give his all, yes he would wind up the opposition along with the great NormanHunter. One thing they wouldn't do is dive.

I have to disagree with this. During his second spell with us (as player manager), having slowed down a bit since his England days, Terry Cooper used to give a regular master-class in falling over and conning the referee into giving a free kick, and enjoying these moments with the crowd by way of a large grin.  And Norman's winding up the opposition would nowadays be branded a disgrace, and yes he was brilliant, and one of City's best ever players during my time. 


This doesn't really relate to the fascinating debate on the MC diving saga, just thought I needed to point out that cheating and diving is not a preserve of the non-gentlemen of the game..

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You didn't go to the match!, perhaps if you had you would of seen that for the whole game that Swindle were not intrested in playing football, getting as many players sent off or yellow carded as they could was their game plan.

Even with ten men. We were still the better side especially the last ten minutes when they shit them selfs.

I think that spending the time you did in Swindle has effected you ( which is understandable ) and I am personally willing to give you some help.

You are on the right road by not returning to Swindle ( all though going to the game with some straight thinking city fans might of helped ).

Your hate of Crystal palace is fine as a certain Neal warnock seems to have inspired Mark Cooper.

As for tonight's game I recomend you have a few drinks around the ground with some City fans, if you talk to them your find that on the whole they are a good bunch, and then onto the game. By all means give MC a clap, but from then on support the City .

I recomend you don't engage with any Swindle fans as this could have a detrimental effect on your recovery.

I wish you all the best and hope that your Swindlenightus never returns.

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To be honest , I have spent more of my life in and around Swindon than any where else, RAF Lyneham and Wroughton Electricity Board in town, not to mention Min of Ag in Calne, but I never did once feel any affection to them or any other team, always City, even overseas pre interweb I would follow every match best I could.

So no worries as to where my support is, in fact as the years go by it gets more intense , and to be honest I have SKY but won't be watching it live, just can't do it, hopefully it will make great viewing with a beer later when I can relax.

The burden of supporting City over the years has taken its toll, everything revolves around City, and it's only the end of season I can relax... But already worried about next season ....crazy I know , and there is no cure.

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I am glad to see you are on the mend and would recommend you get yourself a season ticket for next year to further help your recovery. Though you might find that difficult at the mo. Don't try to contact your old friendDavid Lloyd about it as it will put your mental state back years! Enjoy your beer and hope the Reds do us proud .

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