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Portuguese Police!


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Just thought I'd let you know that my friend in Portugal reckons there will be more trouble than the other night if the police carry on the way they were behaving! He's quite dark-skinned so they thought he was Portugese in a bar and left him alone...when they found out he was English and not a local they started clubbing him with batons! This kind of attitude makes me sick..while there are a lot of idiots that follow English football and any involved/actively looking for any trouble maybe deserve this kind of treatment it really angers me to hear that genuine football fans have to put up with being treated like animals/second-class citizens. Human rights and all..!! So frustrating..he's literally been there two days just to follow a game he loves yet he could have had his holiday ruined by over-zealous police who tar English fans with the same brush.

Anyway..let's hope the other nights events were just a one-off and the rest of the tournament passes off without event. From the message my friend sent though there seems to be a lot of hostility around..let's hope the other night isn't repeated and football triumphes and each and every different culture is celebrated.

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What are you moaning about - Contintal Police deal with ALL riot situations like that! They aren't picking on England fans. As I've stated on previous posts, you can usually smell trouble before it happens - if you think it going over the top - LEAVE! If you stay and you get a baton round yer listener - don't whinge

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What are you moaning about - Contintal Police deal with ALL riot situations like that! They aren't picking on England fans. As I've stated on previous posts, you can usually smell trouble before it happens - if you think it going over the top - LEAVE! If you stay and you get a baton round yer listener - don't whinge
Nah of course they dont pick on English fans, they just charge a pub full of England fans with batons because they were singing England songs, No matter where we go we carry the reputation of hooligans so, if its late and you are singing england songs prepare yourself for a good hiding from the police, I will always remember France 98 when on the news they showed a clip of french police launching tear gas trough a pub door full of english, they included little boys and girls with there parents, but no, they dont pick on English fans!!
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What are you moaning about - Contintal Police deal with ALL riot situations like that! They aren't picking on England fans. As I've stated on previous posts, you can usually smell trouble before it happens - if you think it going over the top - LEAVE! If you stay and you get a baton round yer listener - don't whinge
This is the sort of drivel posted by someone who has obviously never found himself in a "situation"

It's the holier than thou pc claptrap spouted by too many on this Borum.

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Nah of course they dont pick on English fans, they just charge a pub full of England fans with batons because they were singing England songs, No matter where we go we carry the reputation of hooligans so, if its late and you are singing england songs prepare yourself for a good hiding from the police, I will always remember France 98 when on the news they showed a clip of french police launching tear gas trough a pub door full of english, they included little boys and girls with there parents, but no, they dont pick on English fans!!
Its probably a lot to do with the fact that there aint many places aint had the delight of "England" "fans" creating merry hell..ALL England fans will get this this reaction due to the fact England fans have a terrible reputation due to this..get over it..as the guy said LEAVE if you think theres going to be trouble..cos there are dikeads following England where ever you go, who WANT trouble knowing reactions like yours will back their stupidity up...Face it for every 1000 normal fans, there are just two dikeads..thats enought ot cause mayhem..just the sort of dikeads who rushed the EE fence last season..and who paid the ordinary City fan..just like normal. Its tough, and unfair, but theres one way to cure it aint there ?get rid of the muppets who besmirch Englands name

And before you start, yes England aint the only team with hoolie fans, Turkey are as bad, also Italy, Holland, Croatia, and Germany..but the English fans have been doing it longer, and gave Europe football hooliganism..and with the exception of Turkey, the hoolie problem aint as bad as here anyway.

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Guest bristollionheart

It's ALWAYS the police who cause the trouble, it really pisses me off, I have experience of it, when everybody is saying oh the English fans are so bad it's disgraceful ect I just feel like smashing them up because they know ###### all. Anyway I can't be bothered to get worked up about it, all I'll say is it's 110% police fault, ###### ######s :cool:

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So the solution is of couse to withdraw the police totally and allow the animals who purport to be English football fans smash up continental town centres. One good way of getting England kicked out of Europe I suppose.

Alternatively the police forces can do their job and try to protect property and people from being assaulted?

Or what is your solution, those of you who immediately howl on your hind legs about police aggressiveness, and ignore the aggressiveness of the drunken louts? Come on, lets have a sensible alternative.

Otherwise shut it.

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It's ALWAYS the police who cause the trouble, it really pisses me off, I have experience of it, when everybody is saying oh the English fans are so bad it's disgraceful ect I just feel like smashing them up because they know ###### all. Anyway I can't be bothered to get worked up about it, all I'll say is it's 110% police fault, ###### ######s :cool:
Your right there mate half of the time its the police causing the trouble and hostility.

The truth is they love a bit of action and are all a bunch of bullies then wonder why they get no respect from people these days. The power goes to their head and they get silly.

The biggest "hooligans" of today are the police and having also experience power mad policing on more than on occation I'm not surprised by the comments made by dazza.

Lets just hope that the media pick up on this sooner rather than later so something can be done about it.

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Poor Poor England fans, Picked on where ever they go, After all they never cause trouble it's always the police who start all these riots.

Truth is, If they can't fight other fans or the police they usually fight each other.

Bottom line if trouble starts GET OUT OF THE WAY, Sorry I hope all the arrested get banged up for 12 months each at least.

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So the solution is of couse to withdraw the police totally and allow the animals who purport to be English football fans smash up continental town centres. One good way of getting England kicked out of Europe I suppose.

Alternatively the police forces can do their job and try to protect property and people from being assaulted?

Or what is your solution, those of you who immediately howl on your hind legs about police aggressiveness, and ignore the aggressiveness of the drunken louts? Come on, lets have a sensible alternative.

Otherwise shut it.

You t##t.

So singing England songs is illegal now, supporting your team at a major tornement is illegal?

Sat down at a bar being english condones police to hit you with batons?

I know if I walked up to a African or asian and hit him with a baton because he was african or asian i would be done for assult and racism. Or to a copper cause he was a copper i would be done for all sorts of things.

There shouldn't be one law for one set of people and another for other sets.

AND RUMBELLOW it was clearly stated that this man did nothing wrong apart from simply being English! So yes poor poor england fan for getting hit by a baton for doing nothing as its uncalled for and a disgrace.

Wake up to the fact that police aren't always 100% right and perfect and that English are always wrong. I have my own opinions on hooligans and thats anothe rmatter but how you can do anything other than sympathise for this England fan I don't know and its a disgrace that you done otherwise. :@ :@

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Heard it all before, Always "I was just sat there having a quiet drink and all of sudden, I was attacked by the police".

My heart bleeds, Just get out of the way, Don't hang around to get hit with a baton, As soon as the trouble starts get out of the way.

No sympathy.

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I think there is a cultural issue here. In the UK everyone, including the police, is used to seeing large crowds of people gathered outside pubs, singing, shouting and generally messing about, we hava a well established hard/binge drinking culture and that is accepted "English" behaviour. Likewise the Police in England are used to dealing with the consequences. This is not true of other countries, in the med, and especially outside the more tourist areas they (Police) are just not used to this sort of behaviour, it makes them nervous and aggresive. There isn't a hard drinking culture and it is not normal to expeience large crowds of drunks congregated on the streets, so they interpret any such gatherings as aggresive and aren't sure how to deal with it, this is how trouble starts.

Sorry to get all intellectual but I'm doing a social psychology course, currently on the "Crowd Behaviour" chapter !

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You have left me speechless.

How you can slag off this man before you know about anything that happened i do not know. I could take it if you simply said i don't belive that. But coming out with cocky sarcastic comments like "my heart bleeds" sickens me. Its not as if there is anything on here that suggests he caused the trouble so how you can pull it out of the blue with an assumption like that I do not know.

You have really p***ed me off with your stupid narrow minded comments. I just hope that such a thing don't happen to you because i will find it very hard to sympathise with you after your disgracefull comments towards this fellow englishman and city fan i assume?

Your a disgrace saying such a thing in my opinion.

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I saw the start of last nights trouble (i didnt hang around to see it.)

To be fair apart from the patrol of police on hourse back (which was unnecessary) the police seemed to have learnt their lesson from the previous night. There was chanting, but none of it particularly agressive and none (despite what the chief of police has said here) of it was racist.

A few bottles and glasses were thrown but the police still held back, however when a few chairs were thrown it started to kick off and all of a sudden some people rushed to Renos bar opposite La Bambas. At that point me and my mates decided it was not a good idea to stay and we made are way back to our apartment for some vodka and cards.

Last night was not caused by overzealous police but by some idiots who decided to throw chairs and have a fight.

Its a real shame whats going on, hopefully theyve got the majority of idiots that are here now, and i can enjoy my nights out without the fear of getting battoned by the police.

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Heard it all before, Always "I was just sat there having a quiet drink and all of sudden, I was attacked by the police".

My heart bleeds, Just get out of the way, Don't hang around to get hit with a baton, As soon as the trouble starts get out of the way.

No sympathy.

Just like the innocent English in that french bar during 98' parents with there kids having a quiet drink and all of a sudden, they were attacked with tear gas! "Just get out of the way"? easier said than done, try escaping a pub with batons flying left right and centre? My example is cardiff, thousands of city fans on the streets singing and drinking with no trouble! Why's that? there were few police sticking there nose in ordering us away or telling us to stop singing, if alot of police were present telling us to shut up or order us about saying we cant stand here and sing, there would of been trouble then. POLICE ABROAD HATE ENGLISH, FACT, AND WILL CAUSE TROUBLE WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY NOW THEY WILL FIGHT BACK, FACT, Id love to go away to england abroad but wouldnt stay out all night long as I know there would be trouble with police
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I saw the start of last nights trouble (i didnt hang around to see it.)

To be fair apart from the patrol of police on hourse back (which was unnecessary) the police seemed to have learnt their lesson from the previous night. There was chanting, but none of it particularly agressive and none (despite what the chief of police has said here) of it was racist.

A few bottles and glasses were thrown but the police still held back, however when a few chairs were thrown it started to kick off and all of a sudden some people rushed to Renos bar opposite La Bambas. At that point me and my mates decided it was not a good idea to stay and we made are way back to our apartment for some vodka and cards.

Last night was not caused by overzealous police but by some idiots who decided to throw chairs and have a fight.

Its a real shame whats going on, hopefully theyve got the majority of idiots that are here now, and i can enjoy my nights out without the fear of getting battoned by the police.

Thats not the argument. The argument is the particular incident of the starting post.

I know the police are perfectly capable of having a pop at a england or a group of England fans maybe not for absolutely nothing but for some very petty things such as singing, just being drunk even if not causing trouble. Maybe for simply wearing desinger labels such as Burberry.

Its this narrow mindedness that causes a lot of trouble and gives the real "hooligans" and excuse to have it off with the coppers.

I can assure you being a relatively young person i have been in a simpilar situation. being young and walking home late at night I have been shouted at, acused of drug dealing, accused of drinking on the streets, causing trouble, vandelism the works when really I'm simply walking home. When you get a decent copper who can talk to you on your level and have a nice and normal conversation with you you co-orperate when you get the ones (which seem to be a majority) that stop at you by shouting at you and being aggresive you don't co-orperate and they get ehat they want a little bit of action.

The post was about a seemingly innocent fan getting punished for actions of others, it happens all across the world every day so no point turning a blind eye to it. it happens I can guarentee it. I for one feel sorry for people who get punished for others action, i have been victim of it but not on such a scale that i got hit with a baton for it.

When people say good that innocent people take the consequences for "hooligans" actions then sorry but i find that ridiculous and i think I have every right to be p***ed off about it.

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Just like the innocent English in that french bar during 98' parents with there kids having a quiet drink and all of a sudden, they were attacked with tear gas! "Just get out of the way"? easier said than done, try escaping a pub with batons flying left right and centre? My example is cardiff, thousands of city fans on the streets singing and drinking with no trouble! Why's that? there were few police sticking there nose in ordering us away or telling us to stop singing, if alot of police were present telling us to shut up or order us about saying we cant stand here and sing, there would of been trouble then. POLICE ABROAD HATE ENGLISH, FACT, AND WILL CAUSE TROUBLE WITH THEM BECAUSE THEY NOW THEY WILL FIGHT BACK, FACT, Id love to go away to england abroad but wouldnt stay out all night long as I know there would be trouble with police
Great post, agree with your sentiments 100%, just what I'm getting at.
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But still no alternative solution to stopping the hooligans I see. OK slag off the cops but just don't expect them to rescue you people who do slag them off when a group of low-life thugs corner you.

And because I counter your point of view does that entitle you, Tommycidered, to abuse me? Typical hooligan mentality, I'd say. Defend the thugs, attack the cops, sweer at those who provide a counter-argument. Nothing changes does it?

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But still no alternative solution to stopping the hooligans I see. OK slag off the cops but just don't expect them to rescue you people who do slag them off when a group of low-life thugs corner you.

And because I counter your point of view does that entitle you, Tommycidered, to abuse me? Typical hooligan mentality, I'd say. Defend the thugs, attack the cops, sweer at those who provide a counter-argument. Nothing changes does it?

They have tried banning the "hooligans" from flying out from airports, may have worked a little, Why dont they just shut all pubs and clubs at midnight during tournements like these? That is the only solution, English are not the only "hooligans" of this world, there are ,many more, so if they dont like the pubs/clubs shutting early, they dont go, simple, as for being corner by some low life thugs, i wouldnt call for the police anyways, id get battered by the thugs or battered by the police no doubt,
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This is the sort of drivel posted by someone who has obviously never found himself in a "situation"

It's the holier than thou pc claptrap spouted by too many on this Borum.

Thanks Elvis. I have found myself in a similar situation (Spain 82 for one). I engaged brain + legs - and walked! - it makes life easier. I don't understand why it's all such a novelty - for years the Continental Cops have clubbed everyone in sight of a situation - the surprise should surely be the day they don't. I feel sorry for any innocent bystander that does get caught, but that I'm afraid is the Continental Cops way of dealing with a problem.
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So its my job to stop the hooligans now?

if i don't think up and idea of stopping these people i have to be treated badly instead? Seems fair.

If you read my post properly i don't actually condone the whole police force, i actually do admit that there are a few decent coppers out there and actually said its them that actually get somewhere when trying to stop something from happening.

If you can't take a little abuse then I suggest you start getting used to it because no-one is perfect and you will get a lot of it in your life time.

I'm not defending the thugs I'm defending the poor bloke who got attacked for no reason.

As for swearing i apologise for not being as well spoken as you but i happen to of been brought up in a society where swearing is a natural thing. i try to restrict it in public places but when people wind me up i just can't help it. again if you can't handle a few swear words i suggest you get used to it because you will hear a lot in your life time expecially at football.

But I would say one even joking with your friends in front of a copper because most of them will probaly came and thorw tear gas at you, spray you with CS then bat you to the ground before another 6 or 7 come along and help him out by doing the same.

Then while this is happening they are letting serial killers, rapists, women beaters etc roam free.

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Close friends of mine watched the England v Tunisia game during France 98

on the beach in Marseilles at the 'official big screen' showing.

This event was attended by many families and regular sorts wanting to

watch the match in peace whilst being alongside the Med.

During the match a large crowd of 'local' North African men/youths

assembled on the promenade and nearby car parks.

They soon began to throw bottles and rocks into the tightly packed

crowd. Completely indiscriminate. Many people were terrifed and attempted

to shelter towards the screen but began to find themselves crushed

whilst still being hit by a volley of missles.

Thankfully the police turn up and calm is restored, for about 1 minute.

The police then tear-gassed the English people on the beach. This acted as

a signal to the 'locals' who then upped their attack. They were left to

freely lauch a frightening array of objects into the crowd.

This continued until the English people either escaped towards the sea

or by charging towards the baying 'local' crowd. Only then did the area begin to

calm down.

This is a true story and reflects the other side rarely heard or reported.

England fans aren't angels, but it is very unfair for some blinkered idiot

on this site to slag off people 1000 miles away. There is always a 2nd

side to every story.

Don't be such fools and think before you type.

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I see, So the police should allow glass & bottle throwing and stand back when chairs are thrown and take no action when windows are smashed.

Ordinary members of the public and local bar owners and workers deserve to be protected from these scum and as harsh as it may seem if you get in the way you get hurt.

Speak to owners of looted shops in Croydon etc. and ask what they think of the police standing back and doing nothing as their livelyhoods are destroyed, People are fed up with a softly softly approach, Stand back and try to identify offenders by video, Take them to court then send the scum on holiday. Whilst honest peoples business that they have built up over the years is just ruined.

I wonder how tolerant tommycidered would be if he was hit in the face by a flying bottle from one of these innocent choirboys, Because, Believe me they ain't going to worry where the bottle lands.

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So the solution is of couse to withdraw the police totally and allow the animals who purport to be English football fans smash up continental town centres. One good way of getting England kicked out of Europe I suppose.

Alternatively the police forces can do their job and try to protect property and people from being assaulted?

Or what is your solution, those of you who immediately howl on your hind legs about police aggressiveness, and ignore the aggressiveness of the drunken louts? Come on, lets have a sensible alternative.

Otherwise shut it.

Not a good idea :cool:

But the police do cause a lot of the trouble, usually these things start off with some good old fasioned English limb waving, nobody anywhere near each other, just limbs being waved at each other. Then the police wade in.

Now in this country we are not used to being attacked by a bunch of Nazis with big sticks who call themselfs police, so most of the time when someone is randomly attacked by a nazi in uniform, with no provocation what so ever, then oddly enough some people get highly miffed.

European police wouldn't know how to control a riot if the instructions of how to do so slapped them in the face, they know how to escalate a riot but not how to diffuse one.

I still believe that for once our police should go and have a look at just how bad England fans are treated, then their attitude would be completely difference once they see how these Nazis act.

It does not help that for some reason we always jump up and down blaming ourselfs anyway, take Hasel, we just stood up and went "ohh god it's all our fault" and made UEFA's decision for them, we refuse to accept that anything else could have been wrong. Hasel was no more the Liverpool fans fault as it was UEFA's and the Belgian Police.

Uefa picked a stadium that was built worse than the hand stadium, it was a disgrace to the word stadium it was falling apart, then the belgian polce thought it would be a celver idea to force a few hundred liverpool fans into the area where a few thousand Juve fans were, and guess where the considerably larger and more dangerous Juve hooligan contingent was, oh yes it would be there. And then oddly enough a fight broke out. So obvioulsy it was the few hundred Liverpool fans fault for trying to get away from the juve fans, while being attaced by the police, who made that wall fall down, and the Juve fans who have always been far, far worse than any club fans in this country ever will be, came out as angels.

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I see, So the police should allow glass & bottle throwing and stand back when chairs are thrown and take no action when windows are smashed.

Ordinary members of the public and local bar owners and workers deserve to be protected from these scum and as harsh as it may seem if you get in the way you get hurt.

Speak to owners of looted shops in Croydon etc. and ask what they think of the police standing back and doing nothing as their livelyhoods are destroyed, People are fed up with a softly softly approach, Stand back and try to identify offenders by video, Take them to court then send the scum on holiday. Whilst honest peoples business that they have built up over the years is just ruined.

I wonder how tolerant tommycidered would be if he was hit in the face by a flying bottle from one of these innocent choirboys, Because, Believe me they ain't going to worry where the bottle lands.

You are thick as poo.

Its the innocent people we are standing up for here and its the innocent person that YOU started slagging off.

Yes there are idiots out there who throw bottles at police and start trouble for the hell of it. I am braod minded enough to accept that and accept its a problem that still needs to be sorted out.

Shame your so narrow minded you cannot accept sometimes the police are out of hand and take out their frustrasions on innocent people just because they can link the two people in some way. I.E Both English.

Please remeber its the innocent people we are trying to protect and the poor policing that doesn't do the same. the treat the innocent and the guilty the same and its that I am angry about.

its you doig the same that frustrated me in the first place and now you seem to be contradicting yourself a bit by sticking up for the very same inncoent people :cool:

Simple fact is these people as soon as they get CAUGHT doing it they should lock them up for a very long time. Another fact is that the same should happen to police officers who start on innocent fans just because they are of the same nationality as some trouble makers.

Simple fact is some police officers decided to be a police officer for the power and immunity they seem to possess. Some of them love the aggro and cause just as much of it as they solve. The ones who do thier job to get a job done and not for their personal pleasure are the decent ones that actually achieve something in thier job.

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Whoa!! This topic has seemed to open up a big can of worms!! Just felt the need to report this as not everything gets reported in the National Media; there are two sides to every story. For records sake, my friend did leave as soon as he could to a quieter resort with less police/England fans but not before he'd taken a few whacks just for being an English "football fan" in the same resort that a drunken minority of idiots had decided they couldn't handle their drink and wanted a fight. The thing that angered me the most was the fact that first of all they thought he was Portuguese and when he spoke and realised he was English...THEN they started to hit him. Been speaking to a friend at work who was brought up in Portugal and it seems the main-culprits aren't actually the police but a cross between the police and the military-not sure of their actual title but they're kind of in between the two and seem to govern themselves.

As for people implying that this kind of treatment of fans is acceptable then imagine if Bristol City fans were put in the same situation. Say 20 of our idiots are rampaging around Birmingham looking for trouble yet the people that bear the brunt of the police are those in a pub having a quiet beer and a bite to eat just before the game..and then the police decide to storm in and beat the hell out of them just because the perceived view of City fans are those of trouble-makers. They can do what they like to so-called 'fans' that are causing trouble but surely a bit of common sense should prevail. It can't be too difficult to identify first those who are going around causing trouble in comparison to those who happen to just be in the same resort as the same group of idiots. In some European countries it appears that the local Police or equivalent can pretty much do what they like...makes you appreciate how much fairer our system is at times!

Anyway.rant over..not having a go at anyone in particular just this kind of thing appalls me and puts me off following my country abroad myself. Just doesn't seem worth the aggro!

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Whoa!!  This topic has seemed to open up a big can of worms!!  Just felt the need to report this as not everything gets reported in the National Media; there are two sides to every story.  For records sake, my friend did leave as soon as he could to a quieter resort with less police/England fans but not before he'd taken a few whacks just for being an English "football fan" in the same resort that a drunken minority of idiots had decided they couldn't handle their drink and wanted a fight.  The thing that angered me the most was the fact that first of all they thought he was Portuguese and when he spoke and realised he was English...THEN they started to hit him.  Been speaking to a friend at work who was brought up in Portugal and it seems the main-culprits aren't actually the police but a cross between the police and the military-not sure of their actual title but they're kind of in between the two and seem to govern themselves.

  As for people implying that this kind of treatment of fans is acceptable then imagine if Bristol City fans were put in the same situation.  Say 20 of our idiots are rampaging around Cardiff looking for trouble yet the people that bear the brunt of the police are those in a pub having a quiet beer and a bite to eat just before the game..and then the police decide to storm in and beat the hell out of them just because the perceived view of City fans are those of trouble-makers.  They can do what they like to so-called 'fans' that are causing trouble but surely a bit of common sense should prevail.  It can't be too difficult to identify first those who are going around causing trouble in comparison to those who happen to just be in the same resort as the same group of idiots.  In some European countries it appears that the local Police or equivalent can pretty much do what they like...makes you appreciate how much fairer our system is at times!

  Anyway.rant over..not having a go at anyone in particular just this kind of thing appalls me and puts me off following my country abroad myself.  Just doesn't seem worth the aggro!

My apologies Dazza - I didn't read your original screed correctly. You are right though - it makes you appreciate just how much difference there is between the Euro Riot Police and our own Police. I hope your friend escaped without too much of a battering, and he recovers quickly. :cool::laugh::laugh:
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