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Portuguese Police!


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Guest LeicesterRed
Your right there mate half of the time its the police causing the trouble and hostility.

The truth is they love a bit of action and are all a bunch of bullies then wonder why they get no respect from people these days. The power goes to their head and they get silly.

The biggest "hooligans" of today are the police and having also experience power mad policing on more than on occation I'm not surprised by the comments made by dazza.

Lets just hope that the media pick up on this sooner rather than later so something can be done about it.

What complete and utter drivel.

Want to know what its like to be pelted with coins, chairs, bottles? Has it ever happened to you? If not, ask and I`ll bloody well tell you.

Let`s look at facts. The riots in Marseille in the France world cup was put down to everyone other than our scum. Denmark, who was to blame, Henry Kissinger?? Everywherer English trash go they soil the great name of this once great country.

The police are power mad?? Are you on drugs????

The fact is they English trash don`t get dealt with as tough as they do abroad at home. I hope the ring leaders get battered by the Portuguese police and get their passports taken off them for life.

Instead of looking for excuses for these animals(infact most animals are infinitely better) get a grip with their disgusting behaviour.

So the riots in the rest of the UK following the France match is down to the police. The fact it happens on every ocassion England are in a competition amazes me.

Let`s excuse these poor unfortunate souls who have got bladdered and want a fight. After all, they have human rights don`t they, a bit like the poor sods feeling the toe of their boots on their faces.

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I'm not blaming the coppers for going after the ones throwing coins, bottles etc at them I'm on about the coppers who go for the innocent people.

Like in this situation.

Don't say they are not power mad I have experience this many a time as said before by simply walking down the street get abused by some of them for being young.

The ones who do cause trouble and ruin our name I'm all for them getting punished for it in wahtever way and get them sorted.

But i can tell you my post was not COMPLETE and utter drivel as I have FACTS to back up my points facts i know are true as they have happened to me.

The only bit I would qualify as exaggeration is the bit where i condemn the police as the biggest hooligans. However I stand by my word that they are their own worst enimy when it comes to solving it a lot of the time.

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Guest ~X~BcFc_BaBe~X

:@ i see it as 1 rule for 1 and 1 for another!

not all football fans are hooligans , nd it reli makesme angry wen fans get tarred with the "holligan" brush , even though they r jus supportin the team :D

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To be honest I enjoy singing, especially at away games, but not when it is just aggresive as it seemed to be with the England fans on the news, just goading the police to have a go, throwing glasses and chairs is'nt on and wouldn't like to see that at the gate. Iv'e been pelted with coins at Cardiff, Wolves etc and it aint nice. I was wearing my City shirt in Turkey 2 weeks ago and didn't get set on by anyone just a few inquisative remarks like what teams that, never heard of them, apart from one geordie who said youve got a nerve wearing that.

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the thing is that annoys me off is the germany vs holland

game, there was big time trouble with their fans but not

one mention about that, it is always england this and england that,

it is always the heavy handed police that starts the fans off, think

about it england have been warned if their fans don't behave then

team could be sent home, now if your a copper in portugal there

is nothing better than annoying the english in hope they will bite

and get england sent home as that is one big rival out of the way.

if you take a red rag to a bull it will go for you :D

ok the turks are not there but look at what they get away with

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Tommycidered, You are a hard boy hiding behind your computer screen and insulting people and calling them names, If you don't agree with me great, I haven't called you names or insulted you, So grow up.


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Oh dear what a fool you are, come on over should be home all day tommorrow look forward to seeing you :D

I am just angry that some people can be so stupid and narrow minded to condone innocent fans getting tarred with the same brush as hooligans.

Its a free world i have a right to call you what I like when I like nothing or no-one will stop me. The fact is i don't call you it to act or feel hard behind my computer screen I say it cause I mean it like everything else I have ever said.

I personally think I have vented my feelings well, said things exactly how i see them and isn't that what a forums for.

So "jog on" Mr. Rumbellow I really am fed up with your silly pointless posts :wub:

Back to the subject some very good posts which I agree with, Judge red, jess, ben and cider head. Just like to add don't believe everything you see and/or hear in the news. They do like to be competitive and only show the "best bits".

Just like to confirm that I do not condone hooliganism and when innocent people take the slack for it, it really does me nut in. When people stick up for coppers going for innocent people necause we have hooligans ( agreeing with it) that really gets me fuming. :@

Also I know England fans ain't angels but i think you will find most countries will have a hooligan element and we are always shown more and have harsher rules put upon us.

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Just to add something else to this:

Last night ITV news showed a report on english hoolies over the years, and Brits (Accurately English)always say its foreign police, always!

How come Jocks, Irish can go away and get ratted and 95% dont pick a fight with local old Bill?

The reason English always get bounced is a sufficient number of p***** up fans follow the hard core hoolies into trouble. These hoolies know it, and play on it, yet time and again, most of normal fans get caught up in it. I've a mate who's a plod, and they hate football matches, cos there is ALWAYS some ###### who starts, and the abuse they cop for, most of us would lump anyone who said it to us. 90% of European football passes of peacefully, except where the "hoolie" clubs visit, and something about p***** up English (AND Welsh) makes them far more agressive than anyone else. I've seen Danish, Dutch, German, Belgian, French, Scottish, Irish, Swedish, and Portugese fans seriously wasted, but no punch ups ensued..and the only dubious thing I've seen is Fritzes singing illegal songs, ie Nazi period songs, despite prodigious quantities of ale being sunk. what is it about p***** up English, any town on a Friday/Saturday night its the same, in virtually any City or town-two pints a sniff of the barmaids apron, and a ruck kicks off..do you really wonder why English fans get this reaction?? C'mon!!

I was on a Gernman Newspaper site yesterday afternoon, and there was no mention of it "kicking off big time" after the Holland/Germany game either..and German press always report serious trouble, after all they have their own version of Milwall-called Schalke 04.

Just a thought for y'all, what about these idiots who rushed the fence in the EE, last season..same crazy sheep mentality..its a ###### game for Christssakes..not a war! and most of these t@ssers wouldnt be seen anyway near a real war zone either. I'm fed the ##** up with hearing about these idiots ruining it for the mass of PROPER fans.

Get them away from football, and give us our game back!

Point taken about Turkey, who are worse , but no-one else's fans are anywhere as bad as Englands behaviour abroad.

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Wait a minute can we all hold on here.

This whole thing is about innocent fans getting caught up in the trouble and the police unneccesarily having a aggresive pop at them.

The whole hooligan situation is a different argument altogether and i think there are a few crossed wires on this thread.

If someone wants to bring up a thread about hooliganism in general then do so, but i don't think your going to get a very much varied opinion. Expecially not on here!

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