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Piss Up In A Brewery


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Well a few bars and pubs scattered around Bristol would be nice.


I'm heading over to Bristol today for an end of season all dayer, staying over night and heading to the match tomorrow.

I'm not a local so apart from knowing the usual spots of waterfront and corn street can anybody suggest some decent places for food and a few ciders dotted around the city. Also some good spots for afternoon vs evening, maybe even some music chucked in (blues would be good).


I don't know, I'm sure there's lots going on in your fine city, give me some suggestions please, (sensible preferrably, no blue oyster stuff)

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The Stable on the waterfront has sixty different ciders.The Orchard,near the SS Gurt Biggun,is good.The Apple(boat) just past the Old Duke(Cheddar Valley here) has some great ciders.If you like BBQ style meat try GrillStock.Make sure you are really hungry first though.Warning. This will take up all your drinking space!

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