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He Turned Us Down


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No ambition .

If as reported it sounds anything but. The unambitious would certainly have taken the offer of more money and the option seemingly where he was going to be less of a marquee player - his statements about game time. Probably wouldn't move from Greece to Scotland either!!!

Know nothing of him as a footballer but I fail to see how you could be unimpressed by his attitude. He's forgiven salary, told them he'll lob 'em a few quid if he makes it and went for the club that convinced him he'll have more of an opportunity to impose immediately.

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Turned us down for positive reasons.


a) He didn't think he'd get enough game time here, so he doesn't think he's good enough and/or b) We informed him better strikers would be arriving and he wouldn't be first choice.


IMO it's the most positive news of the window so far in regard to transfers.

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Similar to Luke Freeman in that he had offers to play at a higher level but chose what he viewed to be the best move for his career. At least he was honest enough to admit he isn't good enough for us yet.

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If he wasn't up for the competition for a starting place then we don't want him, simples!

When uprooting your life from Greece you can reasonably expect some assurances in my opinion.

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The report said he

"rejected the English Championship because he is convinced his career can take off in Scotland"

In other words, he's not good enough to play at Championship level, but knows he can get by in the SPL (Scottish Pub League).

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When uprooting your life from Greece you can reasonably expect some assurances in my opinion.


Fair comment but certainly not any guarantees. Nobody (apart from mad Frankie at the mo) is or should ever be guaranteed a place. If the player didn't have enough faith in his own ability to take on the battle for places, I stand by the comment that he's not the sort of player we would want.

I'm not saying he would throw his toys out of the pram but we need to try and keep the great team spirit if at all possible so recruits have to be 'up for the battle'.

Good luck to the fella all the same.

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