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Sheffield Wednesday Tickets (Merged) :petition Link Added


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To paraphrase: It's not for us to tell SWFC how to run their business.

I can agree with that. IMHO, however, taking that stance and expressing sympathy with BCFC fans over the high price they are being asked to pay are not two mutually exclusive things. Sadly the club appears to think otherwise.

Fair enough - I wonder what the role of the SLO actually is sometimes

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In addition to writing - politely - to SWFC to express your view on their pricing policy, you might also want to consider asking two of their main sponsors if they are happy supporting a club that sets its prices at such a high level. Polite queries of that nature could go, for instance, via Twitter to @YorkshireTea and @Heineken cc'd to @SWFC

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Will the boycott mean you'll bring less than the 450 you brought last time, or the time before?


Perhaps, perhaps not, but it will be a darn sight less then what would ordinarily turn out for first away game of the season following a promotion season, smart arse.


Perhaps engage brain before asking stupid questions.

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Will the boycott mean you'll bring less than the 450 you brought last time, or the time before?

When you actually pay income tax and you've worked hard for your money you have to take tough choices :)


Plus, kinda proves you aren't the pull you think you are, hence the term "rip-off".

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When you actually pay income tax and you've worked hard for your money you have to take tough choices :)

Plus, kinda proves you aren't the pull you think you are, hence the term "rip-off".

It is a rip off, I agree, but don't make out that it's price alone that your away followings are shit.

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It is a rip off, I agree, but don't make out that it's price alone that your away followings are shit.

No, it because its a long trip and grim up north and your Victorian stadium is sparsely populated, so not a massive buzz.  Some of the same reasons apply to us, except for the grim bit.

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It is a rip off, I agree, but don't make out that it's price alone that your away followings are shit.

Ahhhh I get it now - pre-pubescent troll going fishing and now playing attendance jibes.


Oh what wit.

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Rather than moaning on about the prices (they aren't going to change now) why doesn't everybody who was going to go to Sheffield, use the money to go to Luton.

We are going to to get ripped by other fans for what appears is going to be a low turn out at Hillsborough for our first game back, so let's show that it really is because of the price (and not just an excuse not to bother) and sell out the hole end at Luton.

Trying to decide if the typo here is a missing "W" or a missing "S, H, I and T"

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It is a rip off, I agree, but don't make out that it's price alone that your away followings are shit.

Our highest away attendance last season was a thousand more than yours. We travel when it's reasonable.

I understand a lot of SWFC fans agree that the tickets prices are unfair but you're charging 11 more than my ticket was to Wembley, I think we're right to be put off on what could/should have been a very large attendance from both sides.

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Our highest away attendance last season was a thousand more than yours. We travel when it's reasonable.

I understand a lot of SWFC fans agree that the tickets prices are unfair but you're charging 11 more than my ticket was to Wembley, I think we're right to be put off on what could/should have been a very large attendance from both sides.

We averaged over 2k though, we consistently take bigger numbers.

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We averaged over 2k though, we consistently take bigger numbers.

No one is knocking SWFC away support; it's good. I would say one of the best I've seen in terms of consistent numbers, noise and % standing. Well done you.

We are a smaller club, much less history. What we do have however is a large floating support that will attend when the right game comes along. Our hardcore away attendance, the people that attend 85% of away games, is much smaller. With our large catchment area and potential this can only increase; especially with success.

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We averaged over 2k though, we consistently take bigger numbers.


And we are in the south west of England and have to travel pretty significant distances to get to away games, Cardiff this year being the only game within an hour of us. How many within an hour for you?


Review your 'numbers' in light of that and consider how well we actually are supported, not that you'll find many who particularly care about what others may think about them, particularly when they're spouting ill-informed nonsense.


Marry the distance we generally have to travel with the extortion your club are trying. Price of the tickets will be a significant detraction. We as a club are on a high, our first ever title-win... there's absolutely no reason to suggest that if it wasn't a reasonable price we wouldn't take the 4,500 thousand.

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We averaged over 2k though, we consistently take bigger numbers.

That's because you are a bigger club, your board however don't see the bigger picture, would you rather have 500.paying 39 quid or 3500 paying 25 quid?

19500 quid vs 87500 quid

I'm going to go to Luton as my first away game rather then your mob which is a shame because I've always liked going to hillsborough

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The cup game in 1999? I remember it was a shite game, fair play got the 4500 in 2004 on the back of the 11 game winning run, that was a cracking turn out. But for run of the mill games you barely muster 500.....

In all seriousness though 39 quid is ridiculous and I don't blame you in the slightest for not paying it, I loathed paying it at Leeds last season, we took just over 1k for the televised game.

Sadly our club decided, for whatever reason, that our opening fixture was a high category fixture, it's just unfortunate for City that the wheel landed on you.


Just over 1K for a 35 mile trip...impressive.


Go Owls :dancing6::banana: 

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It is indeed true that The Owls have a much better away attendance than we manage.  Check out our histories over the last 100 years and its easy to understand why, culturally, this is the case, aside from more immediate matters of price etc.


But we have every chance of closing the gap.  Things are looking up and the future is brighter than at any time since 1905-09, the Atyeo years and the late seventies.


And we're in the beautiful South West overlooking the Avon Gorge and suspension bridge.  Not all bad.


Whatever the future holds at least we're not stuck up North with all that that entails.  I simply can't stand it up there (countryside excepted), although the people are great.  I'm married to a northerner too - she bloody hates the place.  Its no wonder you travel in numbers - I'd leave at every opportunity too.


Enjoy the north, SWFC and everything that means to you - you can keep it Sir :)

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