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City Slowly Vanishing (Merged)

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I genuinely think the top people at Bristol Sport know this and have no intention of trying to dilute the Bristol City brand. It makes no business sense or otherwise to attempt to alter City's identity.

But Bristol City players should be wearing Bristol City training gear / merchandise not just "Bristol". I think this is another error of judgement on their part, unfortuanetly. I hope this is raised with Bristol Sport through the neccessary channels...

Having met the top person at Bristol Sport others could easily disagree. There have been other errors of judgement which were easily avoidable.

Bristol City is undergoing massive change and of course its identity is going to change, and of course Bristol Sport will be and are altering that identity. Reasoning for not placing Bristol City on the Dolman seats appears to be because it is now a shared stadium.

Yes Bristol City now shares what was its home, and is a partner, but a way of better implementing that inevitable change would be for Bristol Sport to better include core support of the FC.

Bristol Sport not being Adidas should offer flexibilty, and the opportunity for fan involvement = Improvement instead of easy wins being turned into something different

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Having met the top person at Bristol Sport others could easily disagree. There have been other errors of judgement which were easily avoidable.

Bristol City is undergoing massive change and of course its identity is going to change, and of course Bristol Sport will be and are altering that identity. Reasoning for not placing Bristol City on the Dolman seats appears to be because it is now a shared stadium.

Yes Bristol City now shares what was its home, and is a partner, but a way of better implementing that inevitable change would be for Bristol Sport to better include core support of the FC.

Bristol Sport not being Adidas should offer flexibilty, and the opportunity for fan involvement = Improvement instead of easy wins being turned into something different

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Personally I can't wait for the season starts so we can all worry about what's actually important which is winning matches. Dodgy training kits, Bristol Sport franchise, different shade of seats etc etc is non important.

I couldn't give a toss if training tops just say Bristol on, I'm proud to come from Bristol so see absolutely no problem with that being in training tops for both City and the rugby, they are not, and never will, change the club name or drop the City from it, the paranoia of some fans literally blows my mind every time!

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Personally I can't wait for the season starts so we can all worry about what's actually important which is winning matches. Dodgy training kits, Bristol Sport franchise, different shade of seats etc etc is non important.

I couldn't give a toss if training tops just say Bristol on, I'm proud to come from Bristol so see absolutely no problem with that being in training tops for both City and the rugby, they are not, and never will, change the club name or drop the City from it, the paranoia of some fans literally blows my mind every time!

just winning matches is not all important because if it was many of us would be on the train to London each week instead. dont measure everything by your standards because we are not all the same and its a good job we are not because some of us stick with it through thick and thin because of the not important stuff like the clubs identity, that is the glue that binds some of us together. when you hear the people now running city that it is a brand that and a brand this with barely a mention of it being a club at all many would question what it is they think is the club.

Message to BS stop promoting yourselves and concentrate more on Bristol City the club with fans instead of brands and you will get more fans onside than you are. We are not Cardiff.

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just winning matches is not all important because if it was many of us would be on the train to London each week instead. dont measure everything by your standards because we are not all the same and its a good job we are not because some of us stick with it through thick and thin because of the not important stuff like the clubs identity, that is the glue that binds some of us together. when you hear the people now running city that it is a brand that and a brand this with barely a mention of it being a club at all many would question what it is they think is the club.

Message to BS stop promoting yourselves and concentrate more on Bristol City the club with fans instead of brands and you will get more fans onside than you are. We are not Cardiff.

You think the clubs lost identity because City wasn't on a training top? It's a complete nonsense! You are paranoid and have nothing better to worry about, personally I believe there is more to life than worrying about trivial made up nonsense, that's my standard

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You think the clubs lost identity because City wasn't on a training top? It's a complete nonsense! You are paranoid and have nothing better to worry about, personally I believe there is more to life than worrying about trivial made up nonsense, that's my standard

it was not made up. at a meeting the head of bs was told after the umpteenth time of stating brand v club to stop calling Bristol city a brand as to some of us it is more than that. to yourself its just about results. Again if I was a results fan there is better on sky or on a train to london. that is a standard as well.

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Having met the top person at Bristol Sport others could easily disagree. There have been other errors of judgement which were easily avoidable.

Bristol City is undergoing massive change and of course its identity is going to change, and of course Bristol Sport will be and are altering that identity. Reasoning for not placing Bristol City on the Dolman seats appears to be because it is now a shared stadium.

Yes Bristol City now shares what was its home, and is a partner, but a way of better implementing that inevitable change would be for Bristol Sport to better include core support of the FC.

Bristol Sport not being Adidas should offer flexibilty, and the opportunity for fan involvement = Improvement instead of easy wins being turned into something different


Surely it's simply not practical to put the 'CITY' back in the lower Dolman with all those new vomitories and disabled areas?

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I'm a Bristol Sport fan and as a franchise can only see it benefiting all sporting teams that fall under the umbrella. I do however think it is vitally important to keep each teams identity and sticking us all in the same training gear for one example may be money saving but is tacky and lazy in my opinion.

It has always irked me when pundits and reporters refer to us as 'Bristol', at the end of the day that IS NOT the name of our great club and just shows disrespect,

you would NEVER hear florist being referred to as 'Nottingham' for example.

I imagine Interflora would be blooming livid.

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Surely it's simply not practical to put the 'CITY' back in the lower Dolman with all those new vomitories and disabled areas?

A supporter made an enquiry, and that reasoning was not provided. Images provided by BCFC - BS of the Dolman previously include no lettering on the seats.

It would be interesting to hear from Bristol Sport if this becomes permanent why it has occurred. This could be linked to the topic in question here.

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A supporter made an enquiry, and that reasoning was not provided. Images provided by BCFC - BS of the Dolman previously include no lettering on the seats.

It would be interesting to hear from Bristol Sport if this becomes permanent why it has occurred. This could be linked to the topic in question here.


I don't know about that but you only have to look at the pictures of the Lower Dolman.


Putting back the word 'CITY'  with so many of the old seating areas removed simply can't be done.

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I don't know about that but you only have to look at the pictures of the Lower Dolman.

Putting back the word 'CITY' & with so many seating areas removed simply can't be done.

Which was not the reasoning provided by Bristol Sport. Images BCFC - BS provided did not feature the word Bristol in the upper tier, and if they had at any point since 2013 why questions would have followed.

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Which was not the reasoning provided by Bristol Sport. Images BCFC - BS provided did not feature the word Bristol in the upper tier, and if they had at any point since 2013 why questions would have followed.


OK, my guess is the medium term plan is to replace the Upper Dolman seats with those similar to the SS and Lower Dolman, i.e bigger, more comfortable ones, slightly less per row etc.


They may have decided to delay it for this season due to wanting to have as many seats as possible for next season, and of course there's already a temporary capacity reduction due to the top few rows going to the media.


I should think there must be a good chance the plan is to replace the seats in the U.Dolman at some stage, maybe even for the 16/17 season, and there will then be no letters anywhere in that stand.


Even if they don't/can't replace the seats due to width of steps etc., I'd hope they realise the necessity to replace the white 'BRISTOL' ones, AG is not a Rugby ground after all. To me leaving 'BRISTOL' there on it's own would be totally unacceptable.

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just winning matches is not all important because if it was many of us would be on the train to London each week instead. dont measure everything by your standards because we are not all the same and its a good job we are not because some of us stick with it through thick and thin because of the not important stuff like the clubs identity, that is the glue that binds some of us together. when you hear the people now running city that it is a brand that and a brand this with barely a mention of it being a club at all many would question what it is they think is the club.

Message to BS stop promoting yourselves and concentrate more on Bristol City the club with fans instead of brands and you will get more fans onside than you are. We are not Cardiff.


Here Here.


You think the clubs lost identity because City wasn't on a training top? It's a complete nonsense! You are paranoid and have nothing better to worry about, personally I believe there is more to life than worrying about trivial made up nonsense, that's my standard


Bristol City have been identified now by Bristol Sport as a brand, which in a way shows the club has lost some of its identity.


For the record, I am not a BS supporter.... I am a Bristol City supporter. I have not bought any shirts for a while now and I dont intend to.

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Fair analysis there Nogs.. what about the Atyeo?


My own view is I hope the Atyeo will remain unchanged but be populated entirely by City fans as one of 2 home 'ends' the season after next.


The only new lettering I'd like to see is 'EAST END' in the South Stand. It'll be officially known as the SS it seems - the club seem determined on this - for ticketing etc. but due regard should be given to the history of that end and it's place in the hearts of the fans.


I'm not saying they should put 'AGGRO' or 'BOVVER BOYS' underneath though. ;) Perhaps just 'EAST END ASHTON GATE'?  :dunno:

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OK, my guess is the medium term plan is to replace the Upper Dolman seats with those similar to the SS and Lower Dolman, i.e bigger, more comfortable ones, slightly less per row etc.

They may have decided to delay it for this season due to wanting to have as many seats as possible for next season, and of course there's already a temporary capacity reduction due to the top few rows going to the media.

I should think there must be a good chance the plan is to replace the seats in the U.Dolman at some stage, maybe even for the 16/17 season, and there will then be no letters anywhere in that stand.

Even if they don't/can't replace the seats due to width of steps etc., I'd hope they realise the necessity to replace the white 'BRISTOL' ones, AG is not a Rugby ground after all. To me leaving 'BRISTOL' there on it's own would be totally unacceptable.

Bristol Sport have stated there are no plans to change the upper seating in the Dolman stand with comfier etc.

Those who have met Bristol Sport and attended consultations could have a differing view to yours e.g. Ashton Gate is now a shared facility and is also a rugby ground. The rugby club have been described as equal partners sitting alongside BCFC in a framework of sporting bodies.

The above could provide reasoning for Bristol being on the seats. That is "could" , not an is. Hopefully not, they will be changed quickly .. It will look poor and clumsy.

Clear statements on branding strategy/ marketing, imagery, bigger pictures etc clear this up and allow no conspiracy theories.

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