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Clarity Of Football Clubs....


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I often find discussing football is quiet a tricky business, because more often than not, Clubs are not very forthcoming about how they run.

So the general football fan, can only make views based on the little amount of information they are given. Not their fault....


It's quiet refreshing to see Southampton talk so openly over the past year or so.


In the below youtube discussion, you will see how part of that Club work....and how it seriously effects us with their catchment area.


It's a rainy miserable day....you could do a lot worse than watch it and other uploads from Southampton FC....some truly enlightening info that is generally not talked about by most Clubs....happy watching ;-)





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Don't go chucking witchcraft like that about on here.

This Ron Koeman chap

"I believe in development"

"I believe in structure and development"

"I looked at the structure"



Sounds like Mr SOD ... Heads will explode

Haha....to an extent I'd totally agree....but the point of my op, was that Southampton are very open in the way they work as a Club, and it gives a fan a far better insight....thus a fans view can be more educated.


Look at that Clubs uploads on youtube, and relevant other ones regarding that Club, and you get a really good insight to how a lot of modern Clubs work these days...and more importantly how far we still have yet to go.


For what it's worth though, and it was nice to hear, a good friend of mine was talking to Sir Alex Ferguson at Wimbledon yesterday, and got talking about the City, even back to the Anglo Scottish encounter....but the outstanding comment was that he thinks we'll go far now. Which is nice to hear from such a well respected person in football.

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Found it really insightful and would like to think our club is trying to accomplish the same things!

I'm glad someone appreciated it...astonishing the set up they have their now. Hope we can try and accomplish something similar too fella :-)

The Scouting and Academy is astounding.


These are some links to some older articles...but they give some insight to the little details they go into....most won't realise.

It's a shame 120 million was spent on a lot of dross over the years by us, when we could have put something similar in place a while back.









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