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As I've said in my last two comments. The word clueless was used loosely. It wasn't a slur at people it was more just a frustration at the people who tend to kill the good debates ect. I'm sure you for one know the kind of things I'm talking about?

Fair enough let's move on.

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My aim on this thread wasn't to offend people and I realise I put my didn't put my point across in the best way. My frustration lies with and I think Spudski said I correctly about people putting input into something they don't know about. There are 100s of great threads on here and some fantastic debates. But sometimes people comment things to get a reaction or something funny and it kid a whole thread. Now I love this sight and I don't think anyone is clueless and that was the wrong thing to say and I feel I should apologise. I just feel that lots of threads get ruined by one "joke" or something and that's the end of it.

but once again I am sorry if I offended anyone. That was never my intention 

Who are you calling ' funny ' ?

The threads that you start are like children, you give them a good start and then release them into the world where they have to fend for themselves.

You can't dictate where they go or who likes them or not .

You just have to accept I'm afraid.

If you don't have a sense of humour may i suggest the dreaded ' ignore ' button for me and certain other posters who persist in making people laugh. Barstards.


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Who are you calling ' funny ' ?

The threads that you start are like children, you give them a good start and then release them into the world where they have to fend for themselves.

You can't dictate where they go or who likes them or not .

You just have to accept I'm afraid.

If you don't have a sense of humour may i suggest the dreaded ' ignore ' button for me and certain other posters who persist in making people laugh. Barstards.


I enjoy some of the funny jokes and things. It's when it kills a thread. It was just a frustrated thread. 

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I do understand what you mean, but I guess there are just as many who want to add a bit of humor into a thread as those who want a deep serious debate. Most people are somewhere in the middle I expect.

I think most of the time the thread polices itself, if there is still something to be said there's no reason why the OP or anyone else can't get it back on track. The reason why it fades is probably that it has run it's course as much as a few puns being thrown in. 

That said maybe people might be mindful that if a thread is on the serous side they might respect that and take their humor to somewhere else, another thread or even start one. People will add to it if worthy, if not just take the hint.

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I do understand what you mean, but I guess there are just as many who want to add a bit of humor into a thread as those who want a deep serious debate. Most people are somewhere in the middle I expect.

I think most of the time the thread polices itself, if there is still something to be said there's no reason why the OP or anyone else can't get it back on track. The reason why it fades is probably that it has run it's course as much as a few puns being thrown in. 

That said maybe people might be mindful that if a thread is on the serous side they might respect that and take their humor to somewhere else, another thread or even start one. People will add to it if worthy, if not just take the hint.

This was my point and as I've already said and apologised I didn't look to offend people but it's happened often to me and you're probably right. I enjoy a good laugh too but when you're mid debate or conversation it's frustrating. 

I'm glad people are beginning to understand what I meant all along and that I wasn't just slating people, jus said it in the wrong way 

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