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Thats why he's in the team, for those doubters. Absolutely bossed the midfield tonight, with all our attcking play starting from him. 

I agree he was great tonight and very strong, with one very slight caveat, he lacks the pass to unlock defences in and around the 18 yard box IMO, tends to go for the sideways or back pass in that position.

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He's been the most improved player for us this season by far imo. I rated him before and towards the back end of the season he grew into the team well, he's taken it to another level so far this campaign and has bossed the midfield in many games. Just a shame we haven't been able to get the results as a team to fully back it up. It'll come.

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I still doubt him overall.  I thought he was very good tonight though.  But I'm not gonna say he's ace on one or two games.  There will be games in the future, as there have been already where he lets himself down in two areas:

1) not overly quick against quick passing opponents

2) no killer ball

I forgive him the Hoddle balls, because I appreciate the headers. I don't mind the sideways (contradicts my second point I accept) passes, because that is how Cotts wants our attacks to be based around.

He is your 6/10 man, not a bad thing, but if we could get a better player in, I'd prefer that.  If we don't, then he performs a decent role for us.

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I believe in Marlon. 

Stated in pre season my opinion is he will turn into a very good championship player.  

Yes he lacks a turn of pace and is prone to a few to many hollywood pass attempts but given time to adjust  and gain experience at this level i truely believe he could flourish. 


Also think he has that defence splitting pass.  Just a matter of when it clicks for him.   

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His best performance in a city shirt. Missed a sitter, seemed to not keep his eye on the ball and hit his shoulder. Smith was the player that bossed the midfield but pack actually did a fine job along side him.

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I was worried going into this season that his lack of mobility would be dreadfully exposed this season, but he seems to have found a little bit more pace and found a way to play despite his shortcomings- he was very good last night.

HOWEVER, I still feel that we need to bring in another body in central midfield and if we can bring someone of real quality in, I'd suggest he'll still be the man to make way. Harsh, but that's football I guess

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Pack is one of the most underrated in the team. Seems to be whatever defensive type midfielder we get in whether it be Pack, Little Lee or Skuse, they always become the most over scrutinised players in the team.

Always good in the air, can put a tackle in, showed yesterday he can marshal people out of play and has a good shot on him. 

Keep it going Marlon! 

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Great game from pack, quailty player will only get better, especially under COTTS he's a fantastic manager, can't believe people were asking if we should sack him.

You can't have been a City fan for long if you can't believe that!

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He gets the plaudits tonight as he performed in front of 10s of thousands of people on TV but I would just like to say that he was equally as good in front of 400 City fans at Ipswich last month.

Absolutely spot on.

One thing I will say though is that whenever I praise him or comment that I don't know why he gets so much grief... The very next thing he does is give the ball away! So this thread is the last time I'm going to say anything positive about him in the hope that will cut out the odd mistake!!

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I'm not packs biggest fan but always try to defend him because I think people just jump on the bandwagon to have a go. Pack on the ball and in the air he is getting better every game and starting a very good partenership with Korey. The only thing that still worries me is runners off of Pack at least once a game does a midfielder run off the back of him with out him realising. Once he cuts this out he can be the player we all want him to be.

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Personally think he is a decent player. Seems to get the same grief as Skuse, sideway passes, doesn't score enough etc etc. controlled the game well last night imo. Does lack a bit of pace on the turn I would agree. But his passing and willingness to get on the ball should not be overlooked. Especially when you're team is struggling for results. In fact I could say that about the whole team, which says a lot about their character. 

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