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Communication Coming Out Of The Gate


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I'm not sure if its just me, but I have noticed a great deal more information coming directly from Tinman (compared to our previous manager) about what is going on re current players and their contract talks and our actual targets for new signings. Some of it is "bad" news and some good.

Fair play to you Tinman - if one of your strategies is to keep the fans up to date with your thoughts and what is actually going on, and I hope it continues and includes accurate comments on how the team is performing once the season starts.

Being completely open about what is going on can sometime be a risky business strategy, but at least we as fans know what his thinking is.

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Whilst I welcome the openess coming from the managers office,its vital that certain things remain within the club.

So far nothing has been disclosed that could be seen as confidential and long may it remain so.

Tinnion has made public the players he wants to keep and has let it be indirectly known that if they don't sign new deals it wasn't because he didn't want them but more to do with a difference in what the players think they should be earning and what Steve Landsdown is prepared to pay them.

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Yes, Tinnion has a habit of making things very open & utilises PR quite well!

As robbored says, certain things have to remain within the club.

Lets hope Tinnion, dosn't have happen to him, what clearly happened to DW & many disconcerning voices remain in the confines of the club.

We all know that much was said about DW's tenure, all the training stories, the living away from Bristol deal, the unrest with senior players etc, etc,

Well I hope it dosn't happen to Tinnion, as perhaps he knows what it's like on the other side of the gossip fence. :grr:

Having said that, the openess on playing tactics & player requirements are forthcoming & I hope that the talking is transfered into action come Aug 7th

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