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Sir Leigh of Somerset

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Dear Readers,

Our esteemed fount of all football knowledge (and, I'd guess, everything in the Universe), dear old Bob etc etc has not only had a sense of humour by-pass for Xmas but, in case you didn't know, he has the super-hero ability to track down your own personal email address and send you threatening emails.

Nothing like a bit of banter eh Super K nob!



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10 minutes ago, SX225 said:

Someones been on the sherry..


Badger8, then badger9  - until he found out about boxing vs Cardiowork and decided to withdraw his challenge - now Badger10 and now Sir Leigh of Somerset.



Or failing that, meet up in Greville Smythe Park before the next home game at 1.45 pm and have at it like men. That should draw a crowd.


It's not the time of the year to cause this havoc, especially as Bobs mother has just passed away.


Have a word with yourself, put the bottle down, and turn your computer off - before you get banned, or worse.


Happy new Year to you as well

Exactly; from what I could see - the latest guise of 'Badger08' made some stupid comment (not for the first time) which unfortunately was timed very badly in context to BBSB's own life.

Hopefully Badger/Jesus/Tim whatever will retract what he said and apologise for the offence caused, even if unintentional.

@BobBobSuperBob is a really good poster and very level headed so it would take a lot to upset him like this.

Hopefully it can be sorted out soon, life's too short and it's not the important thing at Christmas.

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42 minutes ago, Sir Leigh of Somerset said:

Dear Readers,

Our esteemed fount of all football knowledge (and, I'd guess, everything in the Universe), dear old Bob etc etc has not only had a sense of humour by-pass for Xmas but, in case you didn't know, he has the super-hero ability to track down your own personal email address and send you threatening emails.

Nothing like a bit of banter eh Super K nob!



Ha ha ha 

Just for the purpose of accuracy and this will be my only post on this

1 You are a liar, brainless or both

no e-mails sent

Its called a private message

please feel free to publish it or I shall explain that after attacking me with your toddler mentality of referring to me as Super Knob on numerous occasions as I have a opinion on a Bristol City Player

The relevant posts speak for themselves if anyone is really interested enough to look which I doubt

I suggested in that pm that you appeared to have a very big mouth (true) that you were not anonymous as you seem to believe you are as a keyboard warrior (true) and asked you if you had the b**s to back up your big mouth

Im entirely comfortable with everything I said - I post on here exactly what I'd say to you , to your face

Unlike you I'd suggest

The reason I sent it privately is for the reason that no one else is interested in our interaction

You have now raised it to bore everybody 

Doesnt worry me one bit except it's a shame for those that waste time reading it

You continue to speak for yourself

Another prime example of someone who can't debate an opinion without using 3yr olds insults

Unfortunately, although I ignored the first set of insults -  I then fall to your level

When you want to post an intelligent considered post I am sure some will have some interest

At your age you really should be embarrassed

if you wish to continue this away from

the Forum please contact me privately

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50 minutes ago, Eddie Hitler said:

There's nothing like a big Christmas row on OTIB to enliven the dull days when you can't face another mince pie.

Do share the email Leigh, it's the season for sharing.


Edit: Just seen the exchange that started this. Apology in order from Leigh to Bob please.

This is the message I sent

Not Shakesperian but I'm open and honest and say what I mean -



You have a very big mouth Grandad

got the balls to follow it up have you ?

Yellow muppet

we can put this on the main forum if you like


- Not my best post or message but I am sick to death of moronic keyboard warriors who start personal insults when they don't like others opinions and this applies whether the attack is on me or another recent poster

Like all of us there are hundreds of posts and dozens of views on here that I think are complete nonsense (As well as hundreds of posts that are interesting , good etc) but I don't attack the poster with personal insults - Normally I don't comment but if I do I will try and debate it even if we end up disagreeing - that's football , that's opinions

Would I call someone a 'knob' in a pub ???

if I was prepared to take the consequences , ......possibly

But then I wouldn't whine if the recipient of my insult put a good right hander on me..:.

I wonder how many of those who start throwing personal insults are the same


So that was a second post and I'm imposing a self posting ban for a while

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Just back from a family function and read the recent postings from Super (er) Bob.

I may well have been out of order calling you Super K Nob (twice) before we were formally introduced but that seems a fairly innocuous jibe compared to some I've seen between posters on this forum. Had you had any sense of humour, you could have responded in equal measure by thinking up an equally daft or piss-taking name for me (eg 'Shirley of Somerset' or such-like?).

The fact that the only response you had in your stable was that of the classroom bully says a lot more about you as an individual than I could ever articulate.

On the basis that you've now got it all off of your chest, that I have no intention of posting any response to the 'opinions' you express in the future and that you've imposed a posting ban on yourself, I guess we can let this slide away.....


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