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Thank you Cotts


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Now I've heard from an impeccably reliable source that the rumours are true and Cotts has been relieved of his duties. 

I think we should have a thread to say thank you. I don't want it to descend into the petty squabbling that every other thread does. I don't want to hear about the things frustrations that some had towards the end of his reign. I just want it to be about heartfelt thanks. 

When SC was appointed I wasn't sure. I wanted O'driscoll and McIness but they were shit judgements by me and I thought that it might be a blessing that we had appointed someone who I wouldn't necessarily have chosen. And boy did Cotts show me. 

Ive never known a time as a Bristol City supporter where I expected to win every week. But Cotts made us exactly that. He payed brilliant football and we pretty much beat everyone, smashing Swindon And taking us to an Unprecended season of victory. 

Steve will go down as a legend in my book. More silverwear than we can shake a stick at. 

Cotts - thank you. 

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Gave us the best season ever and although the results haven't been forthcoming this season the majority of games we have been competitive, not sure if I believe the rumours yet but if true all I have to say is thank you Steve Cotteril for what you have done at my club. 

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6 minutes ago, Fiale said:

Lets not jump the gun with a wake before we know we have a corpse.. only one source so far for all these tweets/stories.

Mate, I wouldn't have started the thread if I didn't KNOW it was true. I have a different source to Twitter and it's the one piece of news i didn't want to know. 

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Totally agree with the OP, last season was one of my most memorable in over 40 years of supporting the club.

As one of very, very few that wanted him in the first place I'd like to wish him well and think last season's achievements will be remembered for as long as we all here.

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As somebody who has been 57 years a slave, SC gave me the best season ever during that time and I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

Especially given some of the lies and urban myths spread by some on this forum from day one.

All the best in the future SC and thanks for the memories.

PS:- The guardian reporting it now and they would never lie would they.

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Yes I hope it doesn't turn into a negative thread. It didn't work out the way anyone hoped this year but he gave us a strong 2 years. Thanks for keeping us up in year 1, winning the double in league 1 and getting us where we are now despite the table.

All the best 

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Completely under whelmed when appointed, then surprised me with attacking entertaining winning football. As said before gave us THE best season ever. I think the end was inevitable and the timing is always difficult , but thanks for the memories.

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Absolutely fantastic season last year. As has been mentioned, expecting to win every week and being proven right was great. 

SC's side tore up that league and he created a fantastic team, a real bunch of mates that worked for each other and played some great football.

Both at Wembley and on the final day (after we scored 8 and saw the trophy presentation), myself and @ChippenhamRed took a moment to realise just how good and how lucky we were to be supporters and witness what we saw. Great memories. 

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I thought it right that Steve  be relieved of his post much as someone knows it's time to put the old family dog out of his misery .He gave his all for the club and our directors are to blame for his burn out and our current position. Don't see any of them offering their resignation !

I thank Steve for restoring pride in our club , for daring to play in the way we did and for one of  the best seasons ever witnessed at the Gate .:clap:

I am truly sad that it has come to this ,our bright new future has stalled .

I hope Steve rests up ,gets his mojo back and returns to entertain the football world with his passion ,honesty and enthusiasm.


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As others have said, SC gave me the best season of my 40 years following City. The first time in all those years that  I ever had tears in my eyes was when we held that League trophy up last May. One of the happiest days of my life, never to be forgotten. 

I was sceptical when SC was named manager, but boy did he do a job for us. Just a shame it's had to end so quickly, as I still believe he could have turned it around, but hey ho.

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Thousands of miles away and amazed this has happened. Echo Fordy's comments. Unbelievable really that it has got to this after two seasons of unprecedented success. I'm gutted about this.

Unless there is a sub story no one knows about, Cotterill is carrying the can, I hope someone else at the club is feeling suitably ashamed right now.

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