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Why it can't be Pemberton


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I have nothing against the chap at all. I want him to do well but I don't think he's the right man for the job. But let's put our personal feelings to one side and look at the evidence. 

Heres exactly why it cannot be John Pemberton...

When interviewed on the radio the other night, Mark Ashton said "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job!"

Appointing anyone but someone impressive would make this comment absolute nonsense. It would almost be like career suicide if we were then to turn round and appoint Pembo or someone not well known. 

I'm still not giving up on a big name here but I'm convinced it won't be Pemberton til the end of the season or otherwise. 

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What's wrong with Pemberton Untill the end of the season? Surely when we are stable we will be even more likely to get "someone impressive". You also have to remember Ashton doesn't want a manager who'll request full control. All but ruling out most people's favourites. There aren't that many big names who won't want full control. Pembo till the end of the season and then the requests will fly in as we are stable. 

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5 minutes ago, Shtanley said:

What's wrong with Pemberton Untill the end of the season? Surely when we are stable we will be even more likely to get "someone impressive". You also have to remember Ashton doesn't want a manager who'll request full control. All but ruling out most people's favourites. There aren't that many big names who won't want full control. Pembo till the end of the season and then the requests will fly in as we are stable. 

What if he doesn't make us stable?

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1 minute ago, Shtanley said:

What's wrong with Pemberton Untill the end of the season? Surely when we are stable we will be even more likely to get "someone impressive". You also have to remember Ashton doesn't want a manager who'll request full control. All but ruling out most people's favourites. There aren't that many big names who won't want full control. Pembo till the end of the season and then the requests will fly in as we are stable. 

I'm not sure there's necessarily anything wrong with it, it would just be a remarkable appointment given Ashton's comments. "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job... but we've chosen not to appoint any of them!"  

Like I said, nothing against the chap at all, I'll gladly judge him after six or seven games in charge, but judging him after one single decent performance (let's face it we were crap against WBA) - and the Boro game may have been an anomaly anyway as a number of players may have been impassioned by their loyalty to Cotts. 

Like I say, I'd be surprised if that were the appointment we went with. 

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We've got to get the right manager.

We've got to get some players in.

We've got to avoid relegation.

It's far more important that all of those things happen than what order they happen in.

If Pemberton gets enough results to get us out of the drop zone and keep us there, there is no rush whatsoever to appoint a manager.

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7 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

I'm not sure there's necessarily anything wrong with it, it would just be a remarkable appointment given Ashton's comments. "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job... but we've chosen not to appoint any of them!"  

Like I said, nothing against the chap at all, I'll gladly judge him after six or seven games in charge, but judging him after one single decent performance (let's face it we were crap against WBA) - and the Boro game may have been an anomaly anyway as a number of players may have been impassioned by their loyalty to Cotts. 

Like I say, I'd be surprised if that were the appointment we went with. 

I'd be surprised if there were that many "big names" who fit the mould of head coach. If Monk, Appleton and Pearce are those big names then I'll stick with Pemberton. 

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1 minute ago, Shtanley said:

I'd be surprised if there were that many "big names" who fit the mould of head coach. If Monk, Appleton and Pearce are those big names then I'll stick with Pemberton. 

Pearce I'll give you. But I'd take Monk & probably Appleton. 

I'm still hoping for Pearson. 

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4 minutes ago, Doozerchris said:

For Pembo see Millen...Groundhog Day

Yeah he did a great job turning us around  and then we appointed Coppell who used up all of the wage budget on David James, Nicky Hunt and Damian Stewart then buggered off weeks later. Really good decision not appointing Millen...

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1 minute ago, Fordy62 said:

Pearce I'll give you. But I'd take Monk & probably Appleton. 

I'm still hoping for Pearson. 

Wow, I'm surprised you'd take those 2 over Pembo. Monk was appalling in his second season with a great squad. If it wasn't for Bony he wouldn't have done near as well. Appleton really isn't that great. 

As for Pearson surely Ashton would have to leave if he came in? Would Pearson work under him? I'm not too sure.

What head coaches are out there that you think we can attract that are "big names"?

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2 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

I think I preferred it before the edit!


2 minutes ago, Shtanley said:

Yeah he did a great job turning us around  and then we appointed Coppell who used up all of the wage budget on David James, Nicky Hunt and Damian Stewart then buggered off weeks later. Really good decision not appointing Millen...

Really really good options available to the club at the moment, do we go all out and bring in a top manager or revert to type ?

over to you Mr Ashton

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The problem I have with appointing a new coach at this time is the new man's lack of time needed to get to know the players, at least Pembo and Wade do have this. Of course it would be huge if we can get a talented coach, and if Ashton says we have some good applicants to ponder, even better. Not so sure I like the announcement by Pembo throwing his that into the ring though.

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1 minute ago, Doozerchris said:


Really really good options available to the club at the moment, do we go all out and bring in a top manager or revert to type ?

over to you Mr Ashton

I just don't see us having top managers who won't want full control being interested. If Pembo keeps us up then I can see people like Di Matteo etc being vaguely interested. But right now as we're in the bottom 3? No. 

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I think it's pretty clear, that Pemberton will be here until the end of the season...or to a point where we are mathematically safe.

It's resulted because we needed players in over a manager.

The fact Alex Pearce came here because he was assured of Pembertons position, also speaks volumes.

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26 minutes ago, ten minutes of rough said:

The problem I have with appointing a new coach at this time is the new man's lack of time needed to get to know the players, at least Pembo and Wade do have this. Of course it would be huge if we can get a talented coach, and if Ashton says we have some good applicants to ponder, even better. Not so sure I like the announcement by Pembo throwing his that into the ring though.

What is so wrong with him throwing his hat into the ring? He's currently in the role even if it's just as interim boss so why not.

Thats not saying I think he'd be the man to take us to the prem but then saying that we just don't know.

Its funny listening to all the comments on here about some of the managers they want or don't want. End of the day we don't know if the next new manager, whoever they are, will be successful. We've had managers in the past that we've previously lauded over such as SOD or McInnes and they've been flops. On the other side we've had Cotts who few people on here actually wanted who last season gave us one of the best and successful seasons for a very long time.

My actual opinion is that we carry on with Pembo for a few games and then, if he gets us heading for safety, then he should stay till the end of the season. We then reassess where we go from there.

So called top managers will then be more likely to be knocking on our door with our status in the Championship preserved


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23 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

I have nothing against the chap at all. I want him to do well but I don't think he's the right man for the job. But let's put our personal feelings to one side and look at the evidence. 

Heres exactly why it cannot be John Pemberton...

When interviewed on the radio the other night, Mark Ashton said "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job!"

Appointing anyone but someone impressive would make this comment absolute nonsense. It would almost be like career suicide if we were then to turn round and appoint Pembo or someone not well known. 

I'm still not giving up on a big name here but I'm convinced it won't be Pemberton til the end of the season or otherwise. 

I'm with you on this. But its been a week now so don't you think if any of these surprised who's interested chaps were real we would have someone in place by now?

So for me would be very if surprised if it's anyone but pembo at least until the end of the season.

But god forbid if this happens and we loose our next three games this place will be in the biggest meltdown ever.


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1 hour ago, Doozerchris said:

For Pembo see Millen...Groundhog Day

When Millen was given the job until the end of the season first time around he kept us up comfortably. The Three Kings when given the job until the end of the season in 2000 also kept us up comfortably and took us to Wembley.

Our experience of appointing internally SHORT TERM for stability seems very good to me.

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1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

I have nothing against the chap at all. I want him to do well but I don't think he's the right man for the job. But let's put our personal feelings to one side and look at the evidence. 

Heres exactly why it cannot be John Pemberton...

When interviewed on the radio the other night, Mark Ashton said "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job!"

Appointing anyone but someone impressive would make this comment absolute nonsense. It would almost be like career suicide if we were then to turn round and appoint Pembo or someone not well known. 

I'm still not giving up on a big name here but I'm convinced it won't be Pemberton til the end of the season or otherwise. 

In the same interview when asked by 20man whether Pembo was in the running Ashton said "I've said to Pembo: give me a headache" meaning potentially if he did a good job then he could quite clearly be in the running.

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38 minutes ago, billywedlock said:

Monk ? Minimal experience , failed first job . 

Incredibly harsh.

In his only full season Swansea finished EIGHTH in the Prem!

That's Swansea, a club that up until the last few years has mainly bumped around at the third tier of English football.

Monk was also written up in Marca last year as one of the young coaching talents of world football. Eventually Swansea will go down, because they are a small club and their run of good appointments will stop but to call him a failure there is very, very harsh.

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1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

I'm not sure there's necessarily anything wrong with it, it would just be a remarkable appointment given Ashton's comments. "You'd be surprised who's interested in the job... but we've chosen not to appoint any of them!"  

Like I said, nothing against the chap at all, I'll gladly judge him after six or seven games in charge, but judging him after one single decent performance (let's face it we were crap against WBA) - and the Boro game may have been an anomaly anyway as a number of players may have been impassioned by their loyalty to Cotts. 

Like I say, I'd be surprised if that were the appointment we went with. 

But it depends in what context he said it doesn't it? 

"You would be surprised in who's interested" could mean SAF, Jose or Wengar. 


"you would be surprised in who's interested" negatively could be bloody Pearce, Clark or even worse Dean Saunders. 


Im hoping he said it in a positive manner :) 

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42 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

In the same interview when asked by 20man whether Pembo was in the running Ashton said "I've said to Pembo: give me a headache" meaning potentially if he did a good job then he could quite clearly be in the running.

Ah that kind of undermines the point. 

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36 minutes ago, Redtone said:

sBut it depends in what context he said it doesn't it? 

"You would be surprised in who's interested" could mean SAF, Jose or Wengar. 


"you would be surprised in who's interested" negatively could be bloody Pearce, Clark or even worse Dean Saunders. 


Im hoping he said it in a positive manner :) 

To re-assure you then - if you'd heard how he said it, you'd be in no doubt that he meant it in a positive way.

Having heard the 20pence show, however, I think he's full of corporate/management bullscheisse, smooth patter and soundbites, stuff that sounds good but delivers.... what exactly? 

Some people will disagree, wanting to believe him, needing to believe him, believe that everything's going to be alright. Others, myself included, have our critical faculties        engaged and wait to see whether action speaks louder than words.

Ps. I particularly didn't like the bit when he tried to sound like he was responsible for getting WBA promoted to the Premier League - twice! "I was part of the management team who got West Brom to the Premier League twice" he said over confidently (over confident being his modus operandi, and how people like him bullshit their way through life). Well for your information Mr Ashton, you had F* all to do with it - believe me, it was down to the efforts of the manager and his players, no more no less. That's a bit like a Chairman wanting to share in the glory once a League/Cup double has been secured, and silence emanating from the boardroom when things go tits up... isn't it Keith.          

PPS. When was Ashton here last? That's it - the McInnes era. Someone remind me how that ended...

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1 hour ago, Show Me The Money! said:

What is so wrong with him throwing his hat into the ring? He's currently in the role even if it's just as interim boss so why not.

Thats not saying I think he'd be the man to take us to the prem but then saying that we just don't know.

Its funny listening to all the comments on here about some of the managers they want or don't want. End of the day we don't know if the next new manager, whoever they are, will be successful. We've had managers in the past that we've previously lauded over such as SOD or McInnes and they've been flops. On the other side we've had Cotts who few people on here actually wanted who last season gave us one of the best and successful seasons for a very long time.

My actual opinion is that we carry on with Pembo for a few games and then, if he gets us heading for safety, then he should stay till the end of the season. We then reassess where we go from there.

So called top managers will then be more likely to be knocking on our door with our status in the Championship preserved


I agree that if he does well then he should stay on until the end of the season at least, but a few good results in February might cement his position, and then what if the wheels come off after? It is a tough one for the Board, there would no one to blame except themselves or the COO.Can't see Ashton gambling with his reputation so I fully expect an appointment next week, (not Pembo) 

My thoughts that Pembo should not have stated he wanted the job was because it is often heard from a succession of previous coaches in his position, that rarely has any substance.  Of course it might just serve to keep the players on their toes.

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i dont think the club have any intention of Pembo being in the hot seat for long unless the right applicant doesnt appear. my understanding of applicant is somebody who has applied for a vacancy offered. if the job wasnt advertised, surely there wouldnt be many applicants unless they were out of work job hunters? by this, i mean the club are actively looking and not just going to hand it to JP regardless

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