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As gutted as I felt last night on not beating Portugal, it paled into insignificance compared to the pain I felt in Cardiff, almost a month ago.

Trying to explain this to people this morning was like banging your head against a brick wall, of course, but to have football ruin your summer TWICE is going some.

It did make me realise Bristol City do, and will always, come first.

One Team

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Guest jesser

yeah when england lost (and they shouldn't have) I kept thinking of the city game in cardiff it was a double blow....how can we be so unlucky?

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The disapointments worse for me when City lose.

Although I'm a member of the English football tribe through' and through' the England team seem so remote and distant. With City its a tribe within a tribe which makes defeat much more personal.

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I don't know. I always presumed club beforehand (although always been very proud to be English).

But, when I walked away from the Mill Stad, I was gutted but able to laugh with friends and family on the way back to the coach and resign myself once again that it is the life of a City fan.

Last night; I was crushed. Absolutely deflated and I am sat in work at the moment with nobody even daring to speak to me; I have a permanent scowl which will not go away.

In short, more upset by last nights result that the Mill Stad.

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Club every time without question.

The loss in Cardiff really mattered to me, I didn't sleep the night before or after that game. No problem sleeping last night. I haven't seen any player who played last night in the flesh ( so to speak :D ). whereas I watch the City players week in week out, you get to 'know' them and share the highs and lows.

I feel down that England lost, but we got what we deserved if we are honest. We sat back on a 1 goal lead, didn't we learn anything from the France game? :D

Beckham was a huge disappointment, a shadow of his former self. Rooney shone in most of the games we looked poorer when he went off. The best player for me was Campbell.

What hit me most when watching our England is that I found myself questioning is that really the best we have got? What is happening to English football. ? Shocking. Take all the 'imports' out of the Prem and you aren't left with much. Sven might have to dip into the coca-colas for some players! :D

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Definitely BCFC for me. Last night was disappointing for various reasons, not least the inept performance, but I am no where near as gutted as after the Mill Stad.

Everytime I hear "England till I die" being sung - I always sing "City till i die"!!!


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Guest WillsbridgeRed

No you're not Nick, this was my view posted somewhere else

"I'm looking forward to ***** like Beckham saying how the players let down the fans and are sorry. It's not good enough, perform on the pitch or **** off. I'm fed up of this **** appearing on endless commercials even though time after time he's been exposed this season as hardly world class"

And also, those of you that said you would but City over England - HOW MANY OF YOU WORE ENGLAND TOPS DURING THE EURO'S?

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For Various reasons (which I won't bore the forum with), I was unable to go to the playoff final. Instead I watched in a local pub (getting them to screen City games up here is a negotiation skills challenge-and-a-half).

The last three times I have been to that pub have been:

Rugby Play-off final (code for we WIN the league by 6 points and the other team are the champions) - BATH LOST :D

Div 2 Playoff final - CITY LOST :D:D

and now

Euro2004 Quarter-Final - ENGLAND LOST :D

(I will NEVER set foot in that pub again). :D

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Well said. Its hard trying to explain the feeling of loosing in the playoff final compared to that. To be honest i wasnt that bothered about england loosing last night , i knew we would loose , and france will win that tournament whoever they play in the final anyway. I think its because we follow our club through thick and thin for 9 months each year , we go to places like colchester , it just means so much more than England.

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And also, those of you that said you would but City over England - HOW MANY OF YOU WORE ENGLAND TOPS DURING THE EURO'S?

I have several City shirts but not one England, although I am tempted to get the England away. Perhaps that's because it is red? :D
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And also, those of you that said you would but City over England - HOW MANY OF YOU WORE ENGLAND TOPS DURING THE EURO'S?

I wore my BCFC 2004/5 shirt to a boozer in Leamington Spa last night for the game.

I have now worn this twice watching footie games - the first being that dreadful day in May in Cardiff.


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Guest WillsbridgeRed
I have several City shirts but not one England, although I am tempted to get the England away. Perhaps that's because it is red? :D
No, it's because you're really WELSH
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No, it's because you're really WELSH
How cruel ! Sorry welsh people.

The funny thing is Mr RedM and I got a 'History of your Surname' type printout and it says our surname has Welsh origins, he was horrified that he could be somehow Welsh! If i ever want to annoy him I just remind him! :D

On the subject of shirts I have got 2 Republic of Ireland shirts, and proud to be half Irish! :D

Welsh indeed! :P

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

So you're half and half, yet you wear Ireland tops. Shocking. Yet another example of someone that wants to be anything but English.

Your not a Labour MP by anychance?

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How can you say that I don't want to be English. I support England, I just don't have a shirt with it written on. :D

I can be both, Ireland when they play ( I like the underdogs).

But Bristol City most of all, and for the record our players can come from any country, be any sexuality, be purple with pink spots for all I care. If they are wearing a city shirt they are my players. :D:D:D

Labour MP? :D I'm used to dealing with children, might give it a try if I fancy a career change. They are all as bad as one another. :D

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Club. Without a shadow of a doubt.

Last night I was devastated, but by the end of the night I was able to laugh and joke with mates whereas in Cardiff I was almost silent for the rest of the day and it took me weeks to get over the disappointment! Yes, I care about the England football team, but nowhere near as much as City.

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Guest Rikku

Club - I'm still gutted about the game last night but nowhere near as bad as I was after Cardiff. The bottom line is, I will do everything within my power to get to a city game (I've already planned to pull a sickie at work so I can go to the Barnsley away game in August as I can't take that day as holiday) but I don't do the same to get to England games. If I'd really tried I could have afforded to go to Portugal but all my money goes on seeing City and I'm happy with that! :D

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But Bristol City most of all, and for the record our players can come from any country, be any sexuality, be purple with pink spots for all I care. If they are wearing a city shirt they are my players. :D:D:D

Says it for me without a doubt.....................City and proud. Club every time for me

There are probably a lot of City fans who aint English too...the Danish guys for example, and i've seen City tops in SA, on locals, not expats.

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As gutted as I felt last night on not beating Portugal, it paled into insignificance compared to the pain I felt in Cardiff, almost a month ago.

Trying to explain this to people this morning was like banging your head against a brick wall, of course, but to have football ruin your summer TWICE is going some.

It did make me realise Bristol City do, and will always, come first.

One Team

Count yourself lucky mate - mine was ruined 3 times - City, Italy, England, not a good year for footy, summats gotta go right this next season.
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Bristol City will always be first as they seem to be my team! Week in week out i chat about them with my friends, i watch them and splash money on them.

Although last night really hurt,the millenium stadium made me feel sick with disbaliefe!

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