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BRISTOL CITY: John Pemberton calls upon French connection to help top-scorer Jonathan Kodjia

BRISTOL City interim manager John Pemberton is going to extraordinary lengths in an attempt to extract more goals from top-scorer Jonathan Kodjia.

Although the summer signing from Angers has netted 10 times in the Championship in his first season in English football, he has scored only twice in his last 16 outings as City have slipped back into relegation trouble.

Desperate to address a worrying lack of goals, Pemberton last week called up former Nottingham Forest defender and current City scout Matthieu Louis-Jean and asked him to travel from his home in France to assist Kodjia.

A Forest player between 199 and 2005, the 39-year-old spent three days acting as a translator and assisting Pemberton in one-on-one sessions with Kodjia at the club's Failand training headquarters.



Pemberton explained: "Jonathan is coming on and his English is improving, but there are times when he doesn't quite understand the terminology. Matthieu was a player at Forest when I first went there as a coach and we have been friends for a long time.

"I asked Matthieu over for a couple of days just so I could sit down with Jonathan and work one-to-one. He is our French scout, so I had him flown over and we asked him to stay for a few days.

"Matthieu sat in with me and a few of the players in the training room before the Birmingham match just so we could tell him what we wanted. He then passed that on to Jonathan."

Pemberton spent a good deal of time working with his defenders on the training ground following Steve Cotterill's exit, since when the Robins have conceded just two goals in four games.

He has now switched his attention to the other end of the pitch, working closely with City's strikers and creative midfield players in an attempt to render his team more potent in the final third.

He said: "I like to break things down and sit down with individuals and the different units in the team. It is easier to get your point across that way.

"I've shown him loads of clips to show him what he is doing right, what he is doing wrong and the best ways he can help the team. I've had him working against two centre halves and I've talked to him about how to make himself available when the team is under pressure.

"I've spent a lot of time with Luke Freeman, Bobby Reid and Lee Tomlin working on the kind of runs we need and the kind of balls we need into the box. We've been working on keeping Jonathan higher up the pitch and I think that showed in the first half (against Birmingham)."


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Still don't know whether Pemberton would be right choice as our next permanent manager but every time I hear him or read his interviews I can't help but feel very impressed by what he says and how he goes about his business. This seems like a simple but well thought plan. Hopefully we'll see the rewards of it.

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Wise move.

I think there is also a real value in Arnie Garita rooming with Kodjia on away trips, even though it seems highly unlikely that he is going to be in the match day squad this season.

The opportunity to speak to someone in your native language should never be underestimated and if it makes Kodjia happy then we can only benefit.

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3 minutes ago, GrahamC said:

Wise move.

I think there is also a real value in Arnie Garita rooming with Kodjia on away trips, even though it seems highly unlikely that he is going to be in the match day squad this season.

The opportunity to speak to someone in your native language should never be underestimated and if it makes Kodjia happy then we can only benefit.

I can`t believe SL can`t at least get by in French living where he does but I realise that`s not the answer!

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Not sure if I'm alone here but the more I see/hear of JP the more impressed I am.

The main concern when any number 2 is potentially in line to succeed the previous manager is that you will get a degree of continuity in terms of team selection/tactics etc. leading to not a lot changing - I don't think anyone can argue that this has been the case with JP - player signings, flexibility in terms of both team selection and formation (including a willingness to actually make substitutions) and at least trying to address the issues rather than stubbornly pressing on regardless, more accessible and open to the media and less of the bitter, twisted bad loser routine in interviews.

I know that the goals are hardly flying in at the moment but in fairness to JP he appears to at least be trying to address this and hopefully we'll have a proven goalscorer sat in the Atyeo doing the "double shirt" photo shoot in the next 24 hours - if he does manage to get the right man in then that'll further enhance my opinion that I think I'd be happier with him until the end of the season rather than a hired gun type of manager plus I get the feeling that he does really care and he seems like a genuine guy to me - although I'm sure that regardless of the potential plus points it would be viewed as the cheap option because we've failed to attract Moyes, Pearson or Pep etc. - the reality is that despite being a potentially attractive opportunity with the investment in the stadium etc. it would appear that the more desirable available managers are hardly falling over themselves to come here.

Also, it does make you wonder how often SC/JP would have disagreed during SC's time given that their approach, on the face of it, appears to be so different?

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26 minutes ago, arrytheb said:

Still don't know whether Pemberton would be right choice as our next permanent manager but every time I hear him or read his interviews I can't help but feel very impressed by what he says and how he goes about his business. This seems like a simple but well thought plan. Hopefully we'll see the rewards of it.

I'm starting to lean toward leaving Pembo in charge until the end of the season and then take stock. I think a new guy coming in now will only add more unrest, and as you say , been very impressed with him so far on and off the pitch.

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14 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

I'm starting to lean toward leaving Pembo in charge until the end of the season and then take stock. I think a new guy coming in now will only add more unrest, and as you say , been very impressed with him so far on and off the pitch.

That's pretty much where I'm at now, mainly because I don't like the current options from the managers who are unemployed. Pemberton has been impressive with what he has said so far, now we just need to to transfer to the pitch.

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1 hour ago, 1960maaan said:

I'm starting to lean toward leaving Pembo in charge until the end of the season and then take stock. I think a new guy coming in now will only add more unrest, and as you say , been very impressed with him so far on and off the pitch.

Yeah, I'm in a similar position. Pemberton has said all the right stuff for me, couple of decent results and who knows what will happen.

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I know the thread title is about our French scout, but it has turned into a thread about John Pemberton so here is my take on the current situation.

A couple of weeks ago I would have been very upset if he was our next manager. I still have thoughts that we should hire a David Moyes. Pearson or Di Matteo. A name to give us a lift in the credibility stakes.

Yet many of the most famous and successful managers in football were hardly household names when they were first appointed. Ferguson and Wenger come readily to mind while Alan Dicks for example had nil front line management whe he arrived from Coventry.

What I am hearing about Pemberton gives me an idea that he is his own man. Thinking outside the box for solutions. A willingness to change formations and with immediate improvement to our goals against tally, something that SC said was not possible with the players available within the club.

And while I was impressed with the win against Boro, I still thought that we would get well and truly stuffed by Birmingham with an away record of 7 wins 5 draws and only 3 defeats; third in the away table. But what an impressive first half performance from a team that must be suffering some lack of confidence. Much of that must be due to Pembo and Wade.

We have recruited more in two weeks than in the whole of the summer without a big name manager. We still need wins over draws to pull away from the relegation mire.

Should it now be with John Pemberton and Wade Elliott as our management/coaching team? 

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So why not give him the job and ask him to recruit a No 2 to assist - Possibly an ex-manager that he knows and is comfortable with who has experience Pembo can draw on. Rather like when 'arry got Jim Smith in at Pompey and - don't slag me - Trollope got in Lennie Lawrence.....who is still at it assisting Freedman at Forest.

It's a big load for one man and presumably Wade is still running U21 as well.

Like others I agree that by now it's clear Moyes and Pearson aren't interested and the club don't want Warnock so lets build on what we have.


We're not looking for a complete rebuild of the team or anything - we certainly didn't look like a struggling side on Sat so lets not destroy what we have that's good and look to improve on that.

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It's disappointing to hear this really. Kodjia has been here nearly 7 months and I'd question what the club have done to help him settle prior to now. I know for a fact that a supporter who is fluent in French and experienced in coaching/mentoring offered his services to help Kodjia settle. The request was turned down. 

Seems symptomatic of the stubbornness that has marauded our club this year. Glad Pemberton has taken action in this regard, but it should've been something the club had in place from day 1 - an aide for JK. 

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13 minutes ago, Harry said:

It's disappointing to hear this really. Kodjia has been here nearly 7 months and I'd question what the club have done to help him settle prior to now. I know for a fact that a supporter who is fluent in French and experienced in coaching/mentoring offered his services to help Kodjia settle. The request was turned down. 

Seems symptomatic of the stubbornness that has marauded our club this year. Glad Pemberton has taken action in this regard, but it should've been something the club had in place from day 1 - an aide for JK. 

You might be referring to my dad, he asked DL about it but was told he already had someone so it wasn't necessary. How appalling. 

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Is it just me or are there more and more posts suggesting that it was SC who was the barrier to our progress?

Suggesting that one of the most successful Managers in our history was the cause of our current problems is bonkers. He may well be at fault for a number of bad decisions but he wasn't alone and certainly didn't control strategy, transfers, budgets and wasn't on the board.

I suspect it might be quite convenient though... for some who are.

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Read 'Soccernomics' and the chapter on Lyon (Olympique Lyionnais) and the way they they recruited successfully from Brazil.  They found a formula that worked, initially with Andersen the striker.  They basically did all they could to help him settle (admittedly he'd come via Barcelona), and he enjoyed great success.  They then decided they'd only go for Brazilians.  Juninho (not the Boro one) came and they enjoyed a great deal of success.

They couldn't believe that Chelsea spent £30m on Drogba and left him to fend for himself in London, he couldn't speak English, and couldn't find the training ground.  Sound vaguely familiar?

Glad the club are doing something.

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5 hours ago, 1960maaan said:

I'm starting to lean toward leaving Pembo in charge until the end of the season and then take stock. I think a new guy coming in now will only add more unrest, and as you say , been very impressed with him so far on and off the pitch.

That must mean the new manager is imminent!...... I am unsure about JP getting the job on a permanent basis,doing a great job at present,shutting the back door.very impressed also with how he handles himself.one goal conceded in three league games??...take that forward and survival would be assured.would the added pressure of being named 'permanent' affect him adversely??..the fact I'm asking myself this question after only three league games is testament to how he has shown a calming influence.......

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15 hours ago, spudski said:



BRISTOL CITY: John Pemberton calls upon French connection to help top-scorer Jonathan Kodjia

BRISTOL City interim manager John Pemberton is going to extraordinary lengths in an attempt to extract more goals from top-scorer Jonathan Kodjia.

Although the summer signing from Angers has netted 10 times in the Championship in his first season in English football, he has scored only twice in his last 16 outings as City have slipped back into relegation trouble.

Desperate to address a worrying lack of goals, Pemberton last week called up former Nottingham Forest defender and current City scout Matthieu Louis-Jean and asked him to travel from his home in France to assist Kodjia.

A Forest player between 199 and 2005, the 39-year-old spent three days acting as a translator and assisting Pemberton in one-on-one sessions with Kodjia at the club's Failand training headquarters.



Pemberton explained: "Jonathan is coming on and his English is improving, but there are times when he doesn't quite understand


Just reading this again and I am struck by the words "extraordinary lengths."

So you spend £2m on a player that doesn't speak English, and finally getting in someone to translate for him is going to "extraordinary lengths"? 

Isn't it just a bit of common sense, six months too late?

I think what is meant here is that it is extraordinary for Bristol City to do this. While things like this continue to be extraordinary at AG, we should not be surprised that City trail way behind the competition. 

Have the people at AG not heard of Dave Brailsford? Can any of them explain what "marginal gains" means in sport?

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