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What a difference a couple of days make!


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I usually will sit at my desk with my first mug of tea most mornings and read through OTIB.

At the back end of last week a load of regular posters were practically in meltdown about the possibility of appointing LJ. Everyone on the board were getting loads of stick and in particular Mr Ashton. Season tickets were to be torn up, fans were publicly stating that they would boo at the Ipswich game. The inevitable announcement eventually came and at first was greeted by the same type of vitriol that preceded Saturday.

By Monday morning there seems to have been a seismic shift in opinion. It seems that fans now seem to grasp why we appointed LJ and are trying to pull the positives out of the appointment. IMO I think this shows that regular posters on here are knowledgeable, passionate and most of all resilient. Lets face it we have had a lot to put up with over the years.

I'm sure a lot of supporters feel a little betrayed with what happened in the summer and with the manager / coach appointment. I also don't agree with the LJ appointment and don't buy the apparent reasoning behind the appointment and the timing of it all. However, and its a big however, the choice has been made and LJ is here and so is Pembo at least for the time being which in my opinion is crucial for our survival chances.

We now have 16 games left and god knows what lies in store for us. Whatever our personal opinions about LJ, Ashton or the board need to be put to one side at least until we know our fate one way or the other. This isn't happy clapping and far from it but we all have one thing in common, we all love our team. IMO we have a huge influence on how we finish this season. CTID!



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LJ is the boss now.  So be it, like it or not.  There may be people we'd have preferred, but we don't know who applied. 

But for better or worse, it's LJ.  So let's get behind him and the lads, and move forwards.  Saturday's result was fabulous, and moving out of the bottom 3 a huge morale booster.  Onwards!

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Just now, Robbored said:

Very well put Sam.

Like some others I'm not wowed by LJs appointment but he's now in post so let's all get behind him. You never know but LJ could turn out be another Eddie Howe.

Well, he's the right age, so that's a good start!

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4 minutes ago, supercidered said:

Very well put Sam.

Like some others I'm not wowed by LJs appointment but he's now in post so let's all get behind him. You never know but LJ could turn out be another Eddie Howe.

As I mentioned before.  I felt underwhelmed by Cotts when he was announced.   And I was proved wrong.

I have learnt I am not in possession of a crystal ball.  So time will tell.

I am hoping for the best as I would like to see LJ do well for us.

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31 minutes ago, CotswoldRed said:

Although a great manager, Howe had a heap of cash to spend in the Championship.

Not sure what the point is there but I would guess that there will be plenty of cash made available to LJ / MA to enable them to carry out their duties efficiently.

And I could be wrong but it wasn't like they were spending like Boro or Derby have this season........

Similarities will be drawn between Johnson & Howe because they are both young & upcoming coaches who have played for the club they are now head coach at.

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55 minutes ago, SecretSam said:

Which makes him hardly unique.  And he appears to have spent well, as many of players made the transition to the prem.

The point I've always made when a bit of anti Howe / Bournemouth is on here, and the same with us last season. We had money to spend, and we / Bournemouth spent it well. I don't have a problem with that

A lot of comments about AFCB and FFP, I don't see anything to say they've broken any rules, unless someone has seen something I haven't. Fair play to them, living the dream and making a better fist of the Prem than I thought they would

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3 minutes ago, supercidered said:

One thing hasn't changed since pre LJ's appointment. We still need a blimin striker!!

Let's face it we're not going to get anyone brilliant now, if they were that good they'd have gone in the window, but we could do with another option in the squad (probably another tall striker). If our midfield players can start scoring (eg Tomlin / Freeman) then we should be OK.

I notice that our long time target Jan Kermogant hasn't scored for Reading yet and missed a good chance on Saturday, a lot of the available players haven't played much recently so won't be effective immediately, we have to make the most of the players we have already.

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28 minutes ago, Woodsy said:

The point I've always made when a bit of anti Howe / Bournemouth is on here, and the same with us last season. We had money to spend, and we / Bournemouth spent it well. I don't have a problem with that

A lot of comments about AFCB and FFP, I don't see anything to say they've broken any rules, unless someone has seen something I haven't. Fair play to them, living the dream and making a better fist of the Prem than I thought they would

I'd love to know how they funded that rise without breaking any FFP rules.

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29 minutes ago, kingswood red said:

I'd love to know how they funded that rise without breaking any FFP rules.

Fair point, but I've not seen them on a naughty boys list. They've obviously been very clever about it, fair play to them

Other clubs flout it without worrying about the consequences, so I'm sure they've done it in such a way that it's legal

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Ok, it's a fair post, and sometimes you have to crack on despite personal reservations.

However, some of the personal vitriol aimed at posters who dared to judge the board and seasoned posters on this forum was at best unsavoury, and at worst bullying. Can we please remember it is game and that we do not control the levers, that is down to SL. 

I will not crow if it goes horribly wrong, just reflect on another managerial appointment under the guidance of SL; a man I thoroughly admire for his business acumen.

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4 hours ago, supercidered said:

I usually will sit at my desk with my first mug of tea most mornings and read through OTIB.


That's a bizarre coincidence, I used to do that at work too. Unfortunately my boss caught me at it and politely suggested that perhaps air traffic control was not the job for me.

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5 hours ago, Woodsy said:

Fair point, but I've not seen them on a naughty boys list. They've obviously been very clever about it, fair play to them

Other clubs flout it without worrying about the consequences, so I'm sure they've done it in such a way that it's legal

Bournemouth were given a £10 million fine for breaking FFP



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8 hours ago, Robbored said:

Very well put Sam.

Like some others I'm not wowed by LJs appointment but he's now in post so let's all get behind him. You never know but LJ could turn out be another Eddie Howe.

As long as he's not Eddie the Eagle!.

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2 hours ago, City169 said:

 Good spot mate, that had passed me by

Quite an eye opener when you read that City paid more for one player than AFCB have spent in their history. Pretty disgusting really

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