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The positive: Luke Freeman


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I thought he deserved his own thread because I thought he was the shining light amidst it all tonight.

He was beating players with ease and really starting to look like the player we know he can be.

Not the best day at the office all round, but I thought Freeman looked good and that excites me.

On a different note, I though Joey B looked good too and the decision to replace him struck me as odd. He's not injured is he?


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1 minute ago, Youngish said:

Thought he was **** to be honest. We laughed when he got MOTM. Gave little protection to Vyner and cut back every single time he got half a yard on his man. A very frustrating season from a man who is clearly very talented. Shame. 

Funny how people see things differently eh. I thought he got Vyner out of the shit a couple of times. 

Definitely our best outlet 2nd half. 

I think he's improving. 

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Personally, I do not think Luke has stepped upto the level. He will do so many things right and then hold onto the ball for that extra couple of seconds and it falls apart. He clearly needs to play the simple ball / pass / cross at little earlier. Going round and round in circles when he has already done the hard work is my only frustration. Release the ball Luke and stop making your job so much harder!

He is a talent - but in my opinion, he is frustrating some fans with his reluctance to release the ball after all his hardwork has been achieved. Whether his "football brain" needs that extra time is questionable or his he concerned of the lack of support from his colleagues?

By holding on to the ball to long (when it can be played earlier), he will continue to have his critics and at this moment in time, I am in that party! 


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55 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

I thought he deserved his own thread because I thought he was the shining light amidst it all tonight.

He was beating players with ease and really starting to look like the player we know he can be.

Not the best day at the office all round, but I thought Freeman looked good and that excites me.

On a different note, I though Joey B looked good too and the decision to replace him struck me as odd. He's not injured is he?


couldn't disagree more. But game of opinions. Feel he holds on to the ball to long and really embarrassing effort at winning ball back after losing it.A luxury we can't afford

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The fans love in with Freeman continues unabated I see. I was looking around the pitch at 70 mins trying to identify a MOM. There were no candidates so I knew it would be Freeman, the default position.


All 4 goals came down his side, he created no, zero, nada, nil chances and had one shot miles over the bar as per.


The creative midfielders of Brighton showed him how to do it but he is incapable. Once again for example he had a prime opportunity to put Bryan away- took too many touches and passed behind him. Too slow, too ponderous, very skilful, great at corners, not good enough for this level.

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He was ok for me, but still very frustrating at the amount of time he wants to release the ball!

Even after he beats his man it's like he's afraid to play the pass and ends up turning back on himself and running down a blind alley. 

32 appearances this season without an assist from open play from your key playmaker tells a desperate picture about why we've struggled for goals. 

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Freeman is a frustrating player as he doesn't play with his head up. He runs at pace but instead of offloading or crossing early he holds on too long, cuts back, plays it back or loses possession. His shooting is awful but he can take a good free kick or corner - sometimes.

To be fair to him he did track back in the 1st half & cover Vyner making a couple of tackles on Murphy but stopped doing that in the second half. He has made more tackles since SC left than he did in half a season before that, but that is hardly praiseworthy. I would even have considered Wagstaff as better defensive cover for a right winger, plus he is possibly quicker with & without the ball. May not be popular with some but perhaps worth a try instead of Freeman?

And agreed, considering he was up against Knockaert most of the game, Goulbourne should have got MotM. As for Bryan, he was sacrificed for Wilbraham to go 442. Not Joe's worst performance but still not back to last year's levels.

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8 hours ago, BA14 RED said:

I personally thought that it was Freeman's worse performance tonight since SC left. Thought he didn't help young Vyner at all down that right side, left him on his own exposed too often. When I heard he got MOTM it was laughable, that should have been Golbourne!

That's exactly how I saw it too. Yes Golbourne was my Motm aswell.

Well I suppose that's what makes football the great spectator sport it is. Thousands can watch the same game and come out with different opinions, varying from mildly disagreeing to being polar opposites.

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To those who thinks he holds the ball too long just look around a see what passing options there are. More often than not, no one moving into space no one wanting the ball, or Kodjia offside. 

We don't offer the runner with the ball enough passing options. Just look at the movement Brighton displayed going forward. Totally different. 

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3 minutes ago, Strawberry2157. said:

Just been told by a Brighton fan I work with who was at the game that Freeman was booed by the Brighton fans for tearing into ZV in the first half... even the Brighton fans felt sorry for the kid.

Really? Missed that. Sure Flint was about to give the lad a massive bollocking during the first half but resisted the temptation. RoD had a little word after the 3rd, poor kid must be absolutely gutted this morning. That was a harsh lesson from a good side who put everything down his side last night

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I thought Freeman's performance was fairly typical of how he has played this season. He saw lots of the ball, was skilful and caused them some problems but there wasn't enough end product.

Our vulnerability on our right-side was concerning - the combination between Vyner and Freeman defensively didn't work and we were still exposed down that flank after Vyner had been substituted.

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9 hours ago, Fordy62 said:

I thought he deserved his own thread because I thought he was the shining light amidst it all tonight.

He was beating players with ease and really starting to look like the player we know he can be.

Not the best day at the office all round, but I thought Freeman looked good and that excites me.

On a different note, I though Joey B looked good too and the decision to replace him struck me as odd. He's not injured is he?


We all see things differently don't we? First half LF  decided to play keep ball, ran down the right wing, stopped went backwards, sideways, every way except forward and then either lost the ball or passed it meaninglessly.

I'm loathe to criticise anyone because they are all trying their hardest to pull us up the league table but because he has so much skill with the ball but no football brain and cannot hit a barn door with a bag of rice from three feet, he is, to me, a most frustrating player.

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I think Freeman is a very frustrating player. He definitely has skill, but where is the end product? He hustles and bustles,  beats players and goes around in circles, but there's rarely a good pass or shot. The Brighton players showed him what to do. They were decisive and moved with a purpose. 

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33 minutes ago, Strawberry2157. said:

Just been told by a Brighton fan I work with who was at the game that Freeman was booed by the Brighton fans for tearing into ZV in the first half... even the Brighton fans felt sorry for the kid.

He was also the first one over to ZV after the 3rd goal to 'console' (For want of a better word) him and try and pick his head up.


At the end of the day its professional football, i'm sure it wasn't the first time and certainly wont be the last that somebody has a go at him, hell it won't be long before some fans start ripping into him!!

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2 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

I think Freeman is a very frustrating player. He definitely has skill, but where is the end product? He hustles and bustles,  beats players and goes around in circles, but there's rarely a good pass or shot. The Brighton players showed him what to do. They were decisive and moved with a purpose. 

To be fair, Brighton had done their homework and every time Freeman got the ball, particularly in the second half, he was immediately confronted by at least three and sometimes four Brighton players.  However, I agree with those who are frustrated by his use of the ball.  There were several occasions when the pass was on, but he chose to hold onto the ball, usually turning into trouble.

Very impressed with the speed with which Brighton tackled back last night.  I think we were worn out and couldn't match their energy levels. Interesting that they made five changes last night: Rosenior, Hemed, Baldock all used only as subs on Saturday against Cardiff, and Murphy and Kayal not used at all.  Shows the strength in depth of their squad.

Also interesting that we had 60% of possession, 17 shots to their 11, 4 on target to their 3 (presumably Little's own goal doesn't count as a shot on target!).  They were clinical and had more energy than us, but I don't think we should beat ourselves up about it.

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46 minutes ago, Strawberry2157. said:

Just been told by a Brighton fan I work with who was at the game that Freeman was booed by the Brighton fans for tearing into ZV in the first half... even the Brighton fans felt sorry for the kid.

That's interesting, after the third - arguably Vyner's fault, freeman spent a good 30'seconds chatting to Vyner trying to comfort him. Didn't spot that in the first half.

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