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Were any Brighton fans ejected last night?

A Horse With No Name

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Isn't it strange that racist and  homophobic chants and songs are rightly being stamped out in football, and yet when such songs are sung ironically by the people they are supposed to upset, it is met with indifference and even laughter.  Two nil to the Nancy Boys wouldnt have sat well if it had come from our supporters would it? Much the same way as black people calling each other the n word is deemed as a friendly gesture. Weird.



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Gay people and (many) ethnic groups have rightly fought for respect and are also protected by law.

There is still a long way to go in protecting other groups, largely because the politically correct masses (I appreciate an unfortunate term) haven't moved on to these areas yet.

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52 minutes ago, Woodsy said:

Some of the chants aimed at the Brighton fans last night were just plain embarrassing. They obviously have their own repertoire to come back with, I think 4-0 to the nancy boys was the perfect comeback

Just summed up some of the morons in the Atyeo last night.

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The Brighton chants were all in response to chants Atyeo fans started anyway, the only one the other way round was Brighton fans with 'you know you are you're welsh' and Atyeo fans responded 'and you know you are you're gay'.

still embarrassing either way.

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1 hour ago, CotswoldRed said:

Gay people and (many) ethnic groups have rightly fought for respect and are also protected by law.

There is still a long way to go in protecting other groups, largely because the politically correct masses (I appreciate an unfortunate term) haven't moved on to these areas yet.

I went to match in spain on Sunday and i can tell you without shadow of doubt we are thirty years in front of them in terms of dealing with this.

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18 minutes ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Not the point I was making. Hate the tit for tat between our own fans, people getting "embarrassed" and offended all the time on someone else's behalf. 


I was embarrassed by it. I couldn't give a **** if anyone else was or not to be honest

Does it offend me personally, no. Does being called Welsh offend me, no. Do I think it's embarrassing that other clubs sing it at us, yes

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“It's now very common to hear people say, 'I'm rather offended by that.' As if that gives them certain rights. It's actually nothing more... than a whine. 'I find that offensive.' It has no meaning; it has no purpose; it has no reason to be respected as a phrase. 'I am offended by that.' Well, so ****ing what."

I like this quote by Stephen Fry.

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30 minutes ago, Woodsy said:

I was embarrassed by it. I couldn't give a **** if anyone else was or not to be honest

Does it offend me personally, no. Does being called Welsh offend me, no. Do I think it's embarrassing that other clubs sing it at us, yes

To be honest I shouldn't have replied I don't know enough about/ have an interest in the issues raised so will end up not being able to make an articulate argument about it and get picked off by super/spoons and all the others. I'm an atyeo knuckledragger after all.

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42 minutes ago, Sir Colby-Tit said:

I like this quote by Stephen Fry.

You should read the article it's from then... It's about blasphemy being a crime and his own anti-semitic experiences, nothing to do with this. Implying he is would be ok with homophobic chanting is rather ironic considering his own life and his stance on such matters.

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1 hour ago, WolfOfWestStreet said:

Not the point I was making. Hate the tit for tat between our own fans, people getting "embarrassed" and offended all the time on someone else's behalf. 


I don't understand where the "offended on someone else's behalf" thing comes from, what's wrong with that? Often the people being abused (or whatever) are in a tiny minority and unable to stand up for themselves, so it requires other people to be offended or stick up for them to get there to be change.

I'd like to think I would stand up for anyone "on their behalf" if I thought it was the right thing to do at the time... Nothing to be ashamed of.

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