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No comments required really as the article sums up what we all know will come eventually.


An American sports executive wants to revamp the Champions League because he "could make a lot more money" if teams like Leicester weren't in it.

The  Guardian report that Stillitano wants to see a closed off competition comprising of only Europe's elite clubs, and believes the participating teams would become far richer were it to happen. Arsenal are the only English team to have so far come out against the formation of a  European Super League, but  Stillitano thinks football would benefit from having Europe's best clubs competing against each other on a regular basis.

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"Stillitano thinks football would benefit from having Europe's best clubs competing against each other on a regular basis."

Football in general would benefit from having Europe's biggest clubs bu55er off and play by themselves.

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There's an argument to say it is the best thing that could happen for the English game. Let the rich mens' play things go & play franchise football in a European Super League & eventually drown in their own money pit. Whilst in the real world the proper football clubs remain to play in a far more interesting, exciting & competitive League in this country.

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4 minutes ago, Cardy said:

There's an argument to say it is the best thing that could happen for the English game. Let the rich mens' play things go & play franchise football in a European Super League & eventually drown in their own money pit. Whilst in the real world the proper football clubs remain to play in a far more interesting, exciting & competitive League in this country.

Along the line I can see real United, City, Chelsea & Liverpool fans getting tired of it. They won't be able to afford travelling to Barcelona or Milan every week and the novelty will wear off. Splinter clubs like AFC Liverpool and FC United would grow as a result. 

If this happens though, that should be it. If it doesn't work out for those clubs and they want re-entry to our normal league system then that shouldn't be allowed.

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I always find this argument that top clubs should bugger off and play in their own league to get football back to the way it used to be really flawed. Essentially what we would end up with is the Premier league being very similar to the Scottish league, and I see nothing but ridicule of the quality of their football on here. 

It's also not really fair on the supporters of these big clubs, who may end up having to travel thousands of miles to watch their club, just because teams like Arsenal, Man U etc are big clubs doesn't mean they're not also peoples local clubs, who will feel the same way about them that we do about City.

It would also imo give us a similar situation to rugby, with a league and union style split, which I quite frankly haven't got the energy to try and keep up with.

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1 hour ago, Phileas Fogg said:

Along the line I can see real United, City, Chelsea & Liverpool fans getting tired of it. They won't be able to afford travelling to Barcelona or Milan every week and the novelty will wear off.

That doesn't matter to those planning the Super League. Clubs will get all their income from TV & sponsorship deals. Fans, sorry spectators, would only be required to "Create an atmosphere" and the TV companies could be relied on to provide some film extras to fill the seats and do the job.

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1 hour ago, 22A said:

No comments required really as the article sums up what we all know will come eventually.


An American sports executive wants to revamp the Champions League because he "could make a lot more money" if teams like Leicester weren't in it.

The  Guardian report that Stillitano wants to see a closed off competition comprising of only Europe's elite clubs, and believes the participating teams would become far richer were it to happen. Arsenal are the only English team to have so far come out against the formation of a  European Super League, but  Stillitano thinks football would benefit from having Europe's best clubs competing against each other on a regular basis.


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Common sense has been spoken:-

“All the fans want sport to be very clear, for there to be respect for everybody,” Ranieri said. “I understand the bigger teams want to be sure to get money and don’t want to lose one year without the Champions League but this is sport. You have to deserve the Champions League. “For one year you don’t achieve this, you want to make something different? I think it’s not right. You are afraid, you are not strong. You are afraid to lose money. It’s not good for the sport because after, what happens? There are four or five teams from each country, and the rest, what do they do? People must think what the fans want, not only about money because culture and fans are more important than other things.” Ranieri suggested that rather than plot a breakaway when faced with stronger competition, traditional powers should reflect harder on how to rise to new challenges".


If each national FA, UEFA and FIFA could rule that any player making even a single appearance for these break away clubs would then be banned for life from any other club. At first the "big clubs" would sign up all prospective talent. However those players would soon realise if they don't cut it in the Super League their career is over, they'd demand excessive wages which cumulatively TV & Sponsorship would not be able to keep up with.


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2 hours ago, 22A said:

No comments required really as the article sums up what we all know will come eventually.


An American sports executive wants to revamp the Champions League because he "could make a lot more money" if teams like Leicester weren't in it.

The  Guardian report that Stillitano wants to see a closed off competition comprising of only Europe's elite clubs, and believes the participating teams would become far richer were it to happen. Arsenal are the only English team to have so far come out against the formation of a  European Super League, but  Stillitano thinks football would benefit from having Europe's best clubs competing against each other on a regular basis.

Great response in Friday's Fiver:

“What would Manchester United argue: did we create soccer or did Leicester create [it]?” were the words that came tumbling out of his yap. “Let’s call it the money pot created by soccer and the fandom around the world. Who has had more of an integral role, Manchester United or Leicester?” Pausing briefly to acknowledge the “wonderful, wonderful story” of Leicester’s astonishing season, Stillitano quickly returned to the bottom line: “There are wonderful, wonderful, wonderful elements to relegation and promotion and there are good arguments for a closed system.” A closed system like the original Football League, perhaps? A “closed system” that for several years repeatedly refused to let the original incarnation of Manchester United in.

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Has to be the Americans of course, our game is worth more than there singles sports games considerably. And the guy who organised it couldn't even be bothered to show up, just as baffling. Where is the people aspect of this? If anything this shows how these aren't OUR football clubs anymore, we are just punters part of a corporation. It's sickening. 

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A further thought; this league will be composed of four or five clubs from each country.

Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea, Man C, Man U, Liverpool & Everton are seven "traditional giants" of the English game. Which two will be excluded? Cue anguish!

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5 hours ago, 22A said:

A further thought; this league will be composed of four or five clubs from each country.

Arsenal, Spurs, Chelsea, Man C, Man U, Liverpool & Everton are seven "traditional giants" of the English game. Which two will be excluded? Cue anguish!

Everton and probably Spurs (despite being better than Liverpool now) as Liverpool would probably be a bigger financial prospect.

4 or 5 from each country? Good luck finding 4 or 5 in France, PSG, Lyon after that you're struggling. Germany with Munich and Dortmund, no other real 'giants'. 

You'd probably have 5 from Spain - Barca, 2 Madrid clubs, Sevilla and Villareal/Valencia.

Italy - Juve, 2 Milan clubs, Napoli, Roma

England - Manchester Utd/City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Arsenal

Add the 4/5 German and French clubs.

Bet Celtic will be all for this even if there's a second division.

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Just let them get on with it.

English football will adapt and evolve.

Look how the top English clubs (the Big 4/5/6) have failed to adapt to the other clubs in this country, let alone Europe, having more money, thus nullifying their previous big-boy bullying tactics.  It's been refreshing (even as a Liverpool supporter - yes I like another club alongside City) to see the likes of Leicester (especially), Watford and Bournemouth beating the big clubs this season.

In European comps, we are no longer filling 3 of the semi-final slots, or winning the Europa, we are regularly beaten before the real serious stuff takes place.

When the likes of Mascherano and Alonso left Liverpool and to a lesser extent Garcia, I knew the balance of power / money had shifted.  Ditto when Ronaldo left MU for RM.  Chelsea bought Torres, so that kept it in the Prem...shame he wasn't the player he was.  Suarez to Barca.  Liverpool could resist Arsenal's £40m and a penny, but not Barca.

If / When it happens, they may become richer.....we will then see whether it is £ / € / $ that wins or whether the football is ultimately the focus.  I suspect that money will be the winner whether our clubs are treading water in a super-league or winning it.

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8 hours ago, Seventeen said:

He said: “What would Manchester United argue: did we create soccer or did Leicester create (it)?

“Let’s call it the money pot created by soccer and the fandom around the world.


Is this bloke stupid? 

It's also a dumb argument because man u have a history that is unique, to argue Chelsea or man city are similar it's stupid

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13 hours ago, 22A said:

No comments required really as the article sums up what we all know will come eventually.


An American sports executive wants to revamp the Champions League because he "could make a lot more money" if teams like Leicester weren't in it.

The  Guardian report that Stillitano wants to see a closed off competition comprising of only Europe's elite clubs, and believes the participating teams would become far richer were it to happen. Arsenal are the only English team to have so far come out against the formation of a  European Super League, but  Stillitano thinks football would benefit from having Europe's best clubs competing against each other on a regular basis.

Fat bastard looks like the toy dealer from Toy Story 2. Arsewipe.

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