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Admin Fee


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And another thing, the freezing of prices. I didn't even realise this as I intended to move anyway. I can't remember and can't be bothered to read back through the thread, who mentioned it but ......

 while technically true, to freeze the price at the general sell price and not the price that everyone would have renewed at is a little sneaky. 

Right , I think that's everything ..... and relax :shifty:

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As I mentioned earlier, I'm in no position to moan.....I get in free as Joe's Carer....and his ticket is only £50 (u12).

But is the £2 admin fee for ST or per transaction?  If it's per ST, then it makes no sense to keep it separate.  In trying to be 'transparent' (ok, maybe they aren't), they've just made it worse for themselves.

if we sell 15k STs, that £30k.  In the grand scheme of things it's not that much for them to absorb / hide.

Trying to be a bit balanced, we are now getting an extra 5% (15%) off of food and stuff, so if you do buy a pint or a pie each home game, you'll make it back....but that's not the point is it.

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