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Do You Smoke?

Big Red Rich

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Never ever touched a fag, and very thankful for it. Working in supermarkets and shops brings you close to those dying a slow death from them. And the worst thing is they can't seem to see it.

What also annoys me about smokers is the belief that they are discrimated against. If a restaurant has a smoking ban all hell breaks loose - "it's a nanny state. They're infringing on my right to smoke!"

What about my right not to smoke??

Don't get me wrong, I don't think that they should completely ban smoking altogether. Just that it should be kept out of my face :D

[/end rant]


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Keep it up Big Red Rich.

I've quit smoking sinse mid November (After 16 yrs ) as me and my good ladie had our first Child "Zoe Louise".

I can actualy run further than Homer Simpson, Taste my food! and use the Up stairs bathroom now Hmm, I bet there's a smilie on here that conveys laughter but I'm too lazy to look for it..

all jokes a side Fair play to who ever cracks it, it's a disgusting habit and very very dificult to give up, especially if you live with a partner that also smokes too :whistle:

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Guest bristolbred

Used to smoke up to 40 a day, when i first used to work, and i'd even have a fag at half time when playing football, and even had one or two fag breaks when cross country running, :city:

Then a few years ago, the Landlady of my local pub took my tobbacco away at the stroke of midnight one New Years Eve, and that was it!!, :D

Was 18 months before i had any real craving, as i turned up my will power to succeed, but i did have a raging toothache one day, so i succombed to the evil weed one last time, but as Three Castles was no longer available, i did by a packet of Marlboro', and threw up on the first ciggy, and havn't touched them since!!. :whistle:

So as long as you have support from your friends, and the will power, you will succeed, without the need for gums and patches, :cool:

Wish they would ban smoking at the Gate, as there is nothing worse, than being at a game with your kids, and breathing in other peoples smoke, and that they have NO consideration for your, or their childs welfare!!. :Rage: :Fume: :Rage:

Anyway, GOOD LUCK giving up!!, you know it's for the best, your health, and your pocket!!. :)

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I can see you are your normal ray of sunshine this morning eh Neo  :whistle:

:D Well it is Monday. So far, I have upset my 2 staff and the Personnel Manager and told my boss that if he has any respect for me whatsoever, he WILL put me on the next redundancy list. It has been a reasonably successful morning.

I'm off to do my customary rain dance now :cool:

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I'm only young but smoke when i drink.  Just feel like they go together.

Yeah, so did i, 15 years ago. Then its a fag after food or during your tea break and before you know it, you smoke 20 a day.

I hate to think of all the harm i have done to my body over the years. The money that i have wasted isnt really a issue but of course it must add up.

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Will I be invited to the perfect people's party this year ^_^

This thread is like a who's who of angelic citizens. So nice to see :Sleep12:

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Angelic? I wouldn't say so. Afterall, it isnt illegal or anything. But at the end of the day, smoking kills and if you have an ounce of self respect, you will try and save yourself from being hooked up to a machine by the age of 60. No amount of sweeping facts under rugs can change that. If you ever give up you might understand what us reformed smokers are on about.....

But now i have given up, i'll never understand the point in spending £5 on 20 cylinder objects that have a sole purpose of killing you?

p.s. My girlfriend works in an old peoples home, one of her residents had her leg amputated because a clot due to smoking was found in her leg. Hmmm, a fag or a leg?? Hard decision.

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I gave up quite a few years ago, but even now, just sometimes, when I smell the smoke I could fancy one. :dunno: I wasn't a heavy smoker, smoked through college and the stresses that big exams bring. Smoked at work at breaks, stressful job. Smoked at football at half-time, even more stress! I don't know if smoking 'helped' but it seemed to at the time. My friends smoked so I did.

Then smoking got banned at work in the Staffrooms, there was an alternative room offered but with no window it was always full of smoke! The staff group got very split, it depended who I was scheduled on abreak with as to whether I smoked or not. Outside work I met other friends, some didn't smoke. I just natrually gave up.

Like I said I think I could easily be tempted again but I have been through a lot of horrible things in my life. These happenings haven't made me return to smoking again, so hopefully I never will.

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Not to bad. Had a hard time yesterday but no problems today. I'm putting on a little weight though :dunno: .

Well stick with it mate. Its worth it.

I intend to give up soon, and that I think is the hardest bit, deciding when to actually do it!!!

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I gave up quite a few years ago, but even now, just sometimes, when I smell the smoke I could fancy one. :dunno:  I wasn't a heavy smoker, smoked through college and the stresses that big exams bring. Smoked at work at breaks, stressful job. Smoked at football at half-time, even more stress! I don't know if smoking 'helped' but it seemed to at the time. My friends smoked so I did.

Then smoking got banned at work in the Staffrooms, there was an alternative room offered but with no window it was always full of smoke! The staff group got very split, it depended who I was scheduled on abreak with as to whether I smoked or not. Outside work I met other friends, some didn't smoke. I just natrually gave up.

Like I said I think I could easily be tempted again but I have been through a lot of horrible things in my life. These happenings haven't made me return to smoking again, so hopefully I never will.

Scientifically proven not to relieve stress.

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Guest gaschick

i started smoking socially and that was the worst thing ever!although I'm only 18,I'm still finding it hard to quit.but I'm cutting down and the increase in price on the fags is startin to put me off a bit.but its gotta be done!so good luck to everyone else whos trying to quit-keep it up! :dunno:

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