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On 17 June 2016 at 19:54, Red Right Hand said:

Welcome on here mate. Always good to have a bit of banter with opposing fans - we even have a few Rovers fans on here but they`re good value so we let them stay. As long as people don`t come on all Billy Big Bollix or start getting abusive we`ve got no problem.

Good to hear about GON - I think we think we`ve got a good one there. Wilbs has been a bit of a hero for us too over the last couple of years. I think most of us were a bit underwhelmed by his signing but he`s proved us all wrong several times over. I don`t think we`ll see a lot of him this season though as his years are finally catching up with him.

The away end is in the Atyeo Stand which is now the oldest stand we`ve got left. I always enjoyed being in there when it was our home end though.

What numbers do you reckon you`ll be taking away next season? We must be one of the longer trips for you so I`m guessing you`d prefer for it not to be a Tuesday in February!


Last time we were in the champs we averaged about 2,000. Last season was about 3,000 but I should imagine it would drop due to relegation. Your right Bristol will be one of the longest journeys so at a guess I'd say 1500 to Ashton Gate. Last season the club put on free coach travel to the Swansea game however and sold out the allocation so if they do similar and you have the spare seats I could see 3000+. It will also depend on away form and being on a Saturday or not.

I see we're playing you at Carra Rud 3rd game of the season on a Tuesday night!? That's ridiculous. Long old drive for a work night! How many do you think will turn out?

On 19 June 2016 at 23:14, Donkeeebles said:

That does seem like rather a long time. I'm not aware of Bristolian weddings taking longer than anywhere else in the country, the average service probably taking around 45 mins. 

I meant the drive from North Norfolk to Bristol not the wedding! But I think you knew that... ;) 

On 18 June 2016 at 07:14, Garland-sweden said:

Thanks for the information. Have been in Norwich once. Norwich-City 2-1, Albert our goalscorer. Norwich was the better team. Nice stadium and nice supportes. Good luck to you in Norwich. Think we have a better chance to beat you this season, we will see.

As long as we can replace Redmond with a decent winger I believe we are stronger than the last time we were promoted but I also think it's a tougher league this year compared to 14/15.

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