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Do we need a new club badge?


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Actually we do have a new badge of sorts; i advocated simplifocation or cleaning up the detail about 2 or 3 years ago on this forum along with using just red and white.... They have done the latter but not the former and i think it looks a bit flat. Do both, maintaining the stylization, but clean it up.... Evolutionary... You still see and recognise it. Maybe next season they will do the second half of the job.

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2 minutes ago, Aaron-Bcfc said:

That new West Ham badge is pathetic. Looks like it took them 5 minutes to make on microsoft paint.

I like it.  

Really don't like the old Robin and bridge.  Too cartoon like.  A red silhouetted robin (think Spurs cockerel) with simplified lines to represent the bridge might work.  

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1 minute ago, Calculus said:

Alligator. We can change our nickname, or even name, to the Ashton Gators. (See what I did there?)

Job's a good 'un...

We adopted the nickname "Robins" on a whim because of a song in the 50s.  Ditched all our previous nicknames.  Don't see why it can't be done again...

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3 minutes ago, Betty Swallocks said:

If we were to ditch the Bristol coat of arms there's a mob of scavengers in this city that would take it on. 

So it's a no from me. 

No they would not - they would not ditch their pirate as quickly as we dropped our robin and bridge - the same bridge we often use in pictures publicising the Gate

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1 hour ago, Reds2016 said:

Just watching the West Ham game. They have a new badge, looks smart and very clear and clean.

Our current crest is not easily reconisable and arguably out of date. I'm not suggesting we bring the robin back. But maybe we need something fresh and new now.

Not recognisable?

Without it being something ludicrous our badge won't be more recognisable than it currently is. And should we have sustained success it will be recognisable, that's how things work. Our badge isn't as recognisable as some because we have never been one on the big teams, but if you showed it to anyone who follows the championship/ a championship team they will know it, as would most fans of league 1 teams and probably league 2 fans as well.


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6 minutes ago, City169 said:

Not recognisable?

Without it being something ludicrous our badge won't be more recognisable than it currently is. And should we have sustained success it will be recognisable, that's how things work. Our badge isn't as recognisable as some because we have never been one on the big teams, but if you showed it to anyone who follows the championship/ a championship team they will know it, as would most fans of league 1 teams and probably league 2 fans as well.


I understand what you mean. The badge is still complex though and not as stand out as say Swansea, wolves, arsenal, man city etc could go on

Other clubs who have cost of arms as their crest looks messy in my opinion and I think we are just too familiar with ours.

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10 minutes ago, City169 said:

but if you showed it to anyone who follows the championship/ a championship team they will know it, as would most fans of league 1 teams and probably league 2 fans as well.


Well as it says Bristol City FC on it I would think you are correct.

But if you took the words out and presented in black and white to hide colours I bet you will get a decent percentage say Yeovil, Cheltenham etc.

I quite like the badge but it lacks the obvious club marks of the hammers, pirates etc

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9 minutes ago, Neo said:

Well as it says Bristol City FC on it I would think you are correct.

But if you took the words out and presented in black and white to hide colours I bet you will get a decent percentage say Yeovil, Cheltenham etc.

I quite like the badge but it lacks the obvious club marks of the hammers, pirates etc

Yeovil perhaps, but the Cheltenham badge is nothing like it at all, and most people who follow the lower leagues with any interest would know the difference

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12 minutes ago, Reds2016 said:

I understand what you mean. The badge is still complex though and not as stand out as say Swansea, wolves, arsenal, man city etc could go on

Other clubs who have cost of arms as their crest looks messy in my opinion and I think we are just too familiar with ours.

Man City's new badge is awful as well. Just a horrible copy of the New York City franchise. Old one was great and recognisable.

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1 minute ago, Reds2016 said:

Well Bristol city and Bristol rugby have the same coat of arms crest now anyway !

No they don't?

Both are based on the coat of arms, and I don't recall the rugby one changing recently, and it wasn't the same as our on the photo of the kit releases, so if it has changed it has changed in the last 48 hours and only you know about it.

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10 minutes ago, City169 said:

No they don't?

Both are based on the coat of arms, and I don't recall the rugby one changing recently, and it wasn't the same as our on the photo of the kit releases, so if it has changed it has changed in the last 48 hours and only you know about it.

Didn't mean literally this season. Just in general they are very similar versions.

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Just now, Aaron-Bcfc said:

I'd be absolutely gutted if I was a West Ham fan. Yes, the Olympic stadium will give the club the potential to finish higher in the Premier League, but is it worth it? Never in my eyes.

I believe they have become Americanised, I never said the Olympic Stadium won't benefit them.

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New badge? Pah! That's only the start! I say we rename ourselves to Bristol Sport AFC, and then continue on by renaming the rugby club Bristol Sport RFC, the women's football team Bristol Sport WFC and so on, until we all play under the "Bristol Sport" banner, with the twirly tornado thingy as our crest across the board. We can then proceed to rename Ashton Gate as "Bristol Sport Stadium connected by Vodafone", make our official club motto #MakingBristolProud, and make our club colours red and light blue. We can commission George Ezra to write us a new club anthem, entitled "One For The Bristol Sport", and change all our chants: for example, "City 'Till I Die" to "Making Bristol Proud 'Till I Die". Only then will I be satisfied with the club.

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