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any one know anything about these football magazines?

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I've been subscribing to Groundtastic for years. Brilliant mag, issued 4 times per year and well written by Football Ground tragics - great if you like nostalgia and looking at grounds with character, long before they turned into the Glanford Parks, The St Marys' & The Riversides of the this world. Haven't received my copy yet as I live in Australia so it takes a bit longer but should arrive any day. Usually you can buy hard copies from the GT website or on Ebay. The City issue GT89 is already up for bids on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Groundtastic-Football-Grounds-Mag-GT89-Summer-2017-Mint-/252967494151?hash=item3ae609a207:g:HOgAAOSwcgNZLyzK. I'd be surprised if you had to pay higher than face value.

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