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Without Kodj, will we score more goals than last season?

Jack Dawe

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5 minutes ago, Jack Dawe said:

Or not as many? Last year we managed 54. JK got 19 of them, meaning the others scored 35 between them (trust me, I just did the "math.")

54 then. Higher, or lower? I'm going higher.


I trust that you accounted for own goals.

I'm going higher.

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Yep, I feel we've got goals throughout the side now. Midfield, even Defence with Magnusson and Flint, should be contributing. Assuming we play 1 striker, there's more expectation on the like of Bryan, Tomlin, O'Dowda, Freeman :shutup:, Paterson etc to score.

When Smith is back, alongside O'Neil, I think Johnson will want him to maraude forward more from midfield so he could chip in.

I am more hopeful of goals and more expansive football this season. We should comfortably get more than 54.

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After 5 games last season we'd scored 6 and conceded 10.

Now, after 5 games we have scored 7 and conceded 5.

So, on this very solid basis I am going to say we will score 16.6% more goals than last year and concede only half of what we conceded.

This gives a projected final tally of 63 goals scored and 36 conceded. That is roughly what Hull (69, 35) and Boro (63, 31) got last year.


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1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

After 5 games last season we'd scored 6 and conceded 10.

Now, after 5 games we have scored 7 and conceded 5.

So, on this very solid basis I am going to say we will score 16.6% more goals than last year and concede only half of what we conceded.

This gives a projected final tally of 63 goals scored and 36 conceded. That is roughly what Hull (69, 35) and Boro (63, 31) got last year.



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1 hour ago, ExiledAjax said:

After 5 games last season we'd scored 6 and conceded 10.

Now, after 5 games we have scored 7 and conceded 5.

So, on this very solid basis I am going to say we will score 16.6% more goals than last year and concede only half of what we conceded.

This gives a projected final tally of 63 goals scored and 36 conceded. That is roughly what Hull (69, 35) and Boro (63, 31) got last year.


Lies, Damn Lies..... and scientifically calculated statistics that absolutely prove beyond doubt that we will be in the play offs.:fingerscrossed:

What could possibly go wrong?

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I'd say higher as well though I'll say 54 was inflated a bit towards the end of the year. Scored 10 against Bolton and Huddersfield in two home games. I know they all count but scoring was a huge problem last year and I think we've solved it. I'll give a count now to what I roughly think just because I'm bored and I can.

Tammy- 15

Engvall- 7

Wilbs- 4

Tomlin- 8

Reid- 3

Bryan- 3

Freeman- 1(winner to get us playoff spot)

Paterson- 5

COD- 2

Pack- 0

Smith- 0

GON- 1

Brownhill- 1

Golbourne- 1

Matthews- 2

Little- 0

Flint- 4

Magnusson- 3

Moore- 0

That makes 60 or 1.3 per game. Hopefully I estimated a bit low because it seems like less than I had in my mind. Though if we can keep our current rate of conceding up, we have a +14 GD. That should place us nicely in the upper mid table(10th). 

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Well Tammy alone is targeting over 30 goals and I'm sure Tomlin has said he will be disappointed if he doesn't get 10 in a full season so that's at least 40. Get the other 20 players to chip in the same between them and we will be celebrating a very good season in May! :yahoo:

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5 hours ago, Kermit the Frog said:

If freeman scores will LJ be baring his arse in Burtons window? Either way, I say higher. The team is much stronger

I don't think Nigel Clough would appreciate that, and it's a bit of an unnecessary journey, seeing we've played them away.:whistle:

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