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Reading v Ipswich

Lanterne Rouge

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Interesting to hear Mick McCarthy say that Ipswich players only get their bonus' for being inside the top 6.

I always assumed players had things like scoring bonus' & clean sheet bonus' put into their individual contracts or is he just talking team win bonus' only get paid if they are inside the top 6 & all individual bonus' are paid as to terms of their contracts & not reliant on the teams league position?

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I think their problem is going to be that they won`t score enough. The only forwards they have are Pitman, Sears, McGoldrick, Leon Best and Luke Varney and I can`t see any of them tearing it up TBH. Sure, they`ll all get a few but there isn`t a twenty goal a season striker there. They don`t tend to get many from midfield so that isn`t going to help a lot.

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1 hour ago, Tipps69 said:

Interesting to hear Mick McCarthy say that Ipswich players only get their bonus' for being inside the top 6.

I always assumed players had things like scoring bonus' & clean sheet bonus' put into their individual contracts or is he just talking team win bonus' only get paid if they are inside the top 6 & all individual bonus' are paid as to terms of their contracts & not reliant on the teams league position?

I've seen a few footballers contracts through work - absolute myriad of clauses but as a general rule, the team win bonuses work (or did work) on a tiered basis dependant on the teams position after that 'round' of games had been completed, and the higher the position after the round of games if the game was won, the higher the bonus.

The exception to this was the teams position when 'rounds' were completed for the first 5/10 games - logic being at that point the table hadn't settled down and it's unfair to tier the bonus based on position at that stage.

Made up Example of this - if after round X of games the team win and the teams position is 1st, player y gets £5000, 2nd-4th £4000, 5th-11th £3000, all the way down to (genuinely) even if the team win, if the club are still in 22-24th, there is no bonus (have seen this in a contract which begs the question where the incentive to get out of trouble is)

Individual bonuses vary by contract but you can get ones worded that if player X scores and the team win and are 1st after the round, he gets X amount. Ensures the scorer is working for the team and not just focused on himself

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Sorry to invade your forum once more but thought a view from one of the teams involved may be appreciated.    To be truthful, was unable to view tonight's game due to other commitments - and by all accounts perhaps it's just as well.

First and foremost the ref (in so many words) "didn't have the best of evenings" and it's something of a pattern for us just recently : sub-standard officiating and guilty of a number of questionable decisions.   Not making excuses, they have been poor just recently and cost us dearly with some asinine decisions although we didn't help ourselves tonight by giving away a stupid penalty right at the end and all this after previous moments of caution and warnings.

Somebody said in the above that they expect Bristol City to finish above us by end of season and Yes it would be little surprise if you were to achieve it.   We're a mid league side at best (have been ever since Joe Royle departed in 2006) and McCarthy may have pulled off something of a surprise by taking us to the play offs last year but were well beaten over two games by eventual promotion outfit Norwich City.  (Not pleasant to say but credit to them they were worthy promotion material at the end of it all)

If you look in on our TWTD fansite (right now would be the best time) and match day response from the main page you will see a substantial amount of fear and loathing for McCarthy (and Evans the owner let's be fair) and so many people want his resignation as he's simply a one-dimensional manager who plays people out of position and doesn't seem to know what his best starting XI resembles.   (We had some new players available after the recent transfer window but they didn't even start)

In so many words, we're a club with something of a once proud tradition but I think too many live off past glories that can never be replicated and we've stagnated for so long in the championship after relegation in 2002 that many can't see a way back (at least until major changes are made starting right at the top with change of ownership)

It's a crying shame that Steve Bruce is available for employment and we won't even make advances towards a possible move as the board are content to stick with an outdated relic of a name in Mick McCarthy who is only sending us deeper into the mire    (Bruce also has previous Norwich connections and once scored a very important goal against us (for them), and that alone would put a good many of our fans off from bringing him in.     He'll eventually go to a good home and take a club somewhere but they'll have to be quick and someone with that many years of managerial experience seems a rare commodity in today's game)

Last word, I don't always reply much on our own fan forums as there is (especially after a significant setback) a certain amount of in-fighting among users and accusations of all sorts that don't really require elaboration.  (The admin team and cyber stewards turn a blind eye to all but the very worst of behaviour so as you may imagine, it's not always the best of places for team interaction even when you're among your own support)  :shifty:

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13 minutes ago, Southend Blue said:

Sorry to invade your forum once more but thought a view from one of the teams involved may be appreciated.    To be truthful, was unable to view tonight's game due to other commitments - and by all accounts perhaps it's just as well.

First and foremost the ref (in so many words) "didn't have the best of evenings" and it's something of a pattern for us just recently : sub-standard officiating and guilty of a number of questionable decisions.   Not making excuses, they have been poor just recently and cost us dearly with some asinine decisions although we didn't help ourselves tonight by giving away a stupid penalty right at the end and all this after previous moments of caution and warnings.

Somebody said in the above that they expect Bristol City to finish above us by end of season and Yes it would be little surprise if you were to achieve it.   We're a mid league side at best (have been ever since Joe Royle departed in 2006) and McCarthy may have pulled off something of a surprise by taking us to the play offs last year but were well beaten over two games by eventual promotion outfit Norwich City.  (Not pleasant to say but credit to them they were worthy promotion material at the end of it all)

If you look in on our TWTD fansite (right now would be the best time) and match day response from the main page you will see a substantial amount of fear and loathing for McCarthy (and Evans the owner let's be fair) and so many people want his resignation as he's simply a one-dimensional manager who plays people out of position and doesn't seem to know what his best starting XI resembles.   (We had some new players available after the recent transfer window but they didn't even start)

In so many words, we're a club with something of a once proud tradition but I think too many live off past glories that can never be replicated and we've stagnated for so long in the championship after relegation in 2002 that many can't see a way back (at least until major changes are made starting right at the top with change of ownership)

It's a crying shame that Steve Bruce is available for employment and we won't even make advances towards a possible move as the board are content to stick with an outdated relic of a name in Mick McCarthy who is only sending us deeper into the mire    (Bruce also has previous Norwich connections and once scored a very important goal against us (for them), and that alone would put a good many of our fans off from bringing him in.     He'll eventually go to a good home and take a club somewhere but they'll have to be quick and someone with that many years of managerial experience seems a rare commodity in today's game)

Last word, I don't always reply much on our own fan forums as there is (especially after a significant setback) a certain amount of in-fighting among users and accusations of all sorts that don't really require elaboration.  (The admin team and cyber stewards turn a blind eye to all but the very worst of behaviour so as you may imagine, it's not always the best of places for team interaction even when you're among your own support)  :shifty:

Ref got it all right imo, you're player was stupid at the end after the ref had already had two conversations. All 3 were penalties. Can't blame him this time.

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12 minutes ago, Southend Blue said:

Sorry to invade your forum once more but thought a view from one of the teams involved may be appreciated.    To be truthful, was unable to view tonight's game due to other commitments - and by all accounts perhaps it's just as well.

First and foremost the ref (in so many words) "didn't have the best of evenings" and it's something of a pattern for us just recently : sub-standard officiating and guilty of a number of questionable decisions.   Not making excuses, they have been poor just recently and cost us dearly with some asinine decisions although we didn't help ourselves tonight by giving away a stupid penalty right at the end and all this after previous moments of caution and warnings.

That's quite an opinionated review of the referee's performance, from someone who didn't see it..?! 

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33 minutes ago, Southend Blue said:

Sorry to invade your forum once more but thought a view from one of the teams involved may be appreciated.    To be truthful, was unable to view tonight's game due to other commitments - and by all accounts perhaps it's just as well.

First and foremost the ref (in so many words) "didn't have the best of evenings" and it's something of a pattern for us just recently : sub-standard officiating and guilty of a number of questionable decisions.   Not making excuses, they have been poor just recently and cost us dearly with some asinine decisions although we didn't help ourselves tonight by giving away a stupid penalty right at the end and all this after previous moments of caution and warnings.

Somebody said in the above that they expect Bristol City to finish above us by end of season and Yes it would be little surprise if you were to achieve it.   We're a mid league side at best (have been ever since Joe Royle departed in 2006) and McCarthy may have pulled off something of a surprise by taking us to the play offs last year but were well beaten over two games by eventual promotion outfit Norwich City.  (Not pleasant to say but credit to them they were worthy promotion material at the end of it all)

If you look in on our TWTD fansite (right now would be the best time) and match day response from the main page you will see a substantial amount of fear and loathing for McCarthy (and Evans the owner let's be fair) and so many people want his resignation as he's simply a one-dimensional manager who plays people out of position and doesn't seem to know what his best starting XI resembles.   (We had some new players available after the recent transfer window but they didn't even start)

In so many words, we're a club with something of a once proud tradition but I think too many live off past glories that can never be replicated and we've stagnated for so long in the championship after relegation in 2002 that many can't see a way back (at least until major changes are made starting right at the top with change of ownership)

It's a crying shame that Steve Bruce is available for employment and we won't even make advances towards a possible move as the board are content to stick with an outdated relic of a name in Mick McCarthy who is only sending us deeper into the mire    (Bruce also has previous Norwich connections and once scored a very important goal against us (for them), and that alone would put a good many of our fans off from bringing him in.     He'll eventually go to a good home and take a club somewhere but they'll have to be quick and someone with that many years of managerial experience seems a rare commodity in today's game)

Last word, I don't always reply much on our own fan forums as there is (especially after a significant setback) a certain amount of in-fighting among users and accusations of all sorts that don't really require elaboration.  (The admin team and cyber stewards turn a blind eye to all but the very worst of behaviour so as you may imagine, it's not always the best of places for team interaction even when you're among your own support)  :shifty:

In fairness to Mick McCarthy, apparently he's spent £2m since he's been there (Think that was what was mentioned by the commentators) so he hasn't exactly been backed in the transfer market, especially when you consider what he has brought in money wise from outgoing transfers & when you put it into perspective as to how much is being spent by more or less everyone else in The Championship. So I'd say your view of your owner / chairman is more accurate. For what he's had to work with, he's (McCarthy) done quite a good job.

And changing manager doesn't always bring success especially if the new manager brought in isn't supported financially.

Would you lot really want Steve Bruce (former Norwich defender) in as manager?

I guess maybe something needs to change at Ipswich to give them that boost, maybe a nice takeover by Chinese or American money men who are only interested in themselves (Look at Villa or Blackburn), be careful what you wish for :whistle:.

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