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Cardiff away....how many?


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42 minutes ago, DavidNoble said:

Friday night + Sky + no trains = not quite as many. 

Cardiff seem to struggle to get any decent capacity as well so the actual stadium might be dead on the night!

If you look at their CCMB forum one of them is predicting a 12k attendance (amongst the many predicting relegation)! How the 'mighty' have fallen. A lesson to be learnt there me thinks. 

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6 hours ago, shelts said:

No trains and on a Friday night.....looks like I'll be at home watching it on Sky sat in just my pants


6 hours ago, Red Right Hand said:

Eating spaghetti hoops from the tin?

Stay Classy City :blink:

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5 hours ago, Red Grovesy said:

Already booked my coach and ticket. Looking forward to it. A new ground for me (I went to Ninian park but not their new place). I can't see that many going though. Happy to be proved wrong.

Cardiff away is just not what it once was.

The new stadium is not bad although it is Lego. What people don't allow for is there are a lot that have turned their back as a result of Tan. The intimidation is gone.

It's too easy and simple to blame the new ground, it's not solely down to that - although Ninian was fantastic as an intimidating place .

When they changed kit colour it hit some of their core, passionate support very hard. It's hard to praise anything Cardiff, but I do those who have stayed away and will continue to until Tan has gone. Once he has, perhaps Cardiff away will be somewhat like what it used to be, except the fans being so close to the pitch. 

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I live over this side and travel back to Chepstow from Cardiff on Friday nights. Most Fridays the traffic is standstill back to Magor around 5-5:30 but last Friday it was half way down the M48. I don't know if this is because of the tunnel closure but just the past week it's been terrible driving by Newport. 

Ive got a function in Cardiff that day and night so can't go, but might be worth finding out about driving into Chepstow and getting the train from there if there are more realistic train times getting back to Chepstow . 


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1 hour ago, 29AR said:

Cardiff away is just not what it once was.

The new stadium is not bad although it is Lego. What people don't allow for is there are a lot that have turned their back as a result of Tan. The intimidation is gone.

It's too easy and simple to blame the new ground, it's not solely down to that - although Ninian was fantastic as an intimidating place .

When they changed kit colour it hit some of their core, passionate support very hard. It's hard to praise anything Cardiff, but I do those who have stayed away and will continue to until Tan has gone. Once he has, perhaps Cardiff away will be somewhat like what it used to be, except the fans being so close to the pitch. 

Although I hate the generic bowl design, I don't think the ground itself has much to do with it - it's the change of culture, the disconnect of the fans, and the sheer number of empty seats that have come with it.

Wales v Belgium was phenomenal there, so it has the potential to create a proper atmosphere. Quite happy to see the sellouts struggle though!

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1 hour ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Although I hate the generic bowl design, I don't think the ground itself has much to do with it - it's the change of culture, the disconnect of the fans, and the sheer number of empty seats that have come with it.

Wales v Belgium was phenomenal there, so it has the potential to create a proper atmosphere. Quite happy to see the sellouts struggle though!

Agree. It's easy and lazy to blame the ground. I mean, they were never going to replicate Ninian because that was one of its own, outdated, but unique in its intimacy and intimidation factor. I think only a change in owner would give Cardiff that little spice that it is lacking. Personally I hope that happens, and in a way I do feel for their fans. Whilst some sold out, a number really, really didn't and its chasing those day trippers that don't turn up anymore that has hurt them. 

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19 minutes ago, ollywhyte said:

Bought two tickets for the game and two supporters coach tickets. Will I recieve the tickets in the post or will I collect them on the day? Anyone know?


Depends whether you selected delivery or collect. If you're unsure I'd check the email receipt to see if you paid the extra £1 for postage. If not I imagine you'll be able to collect from the club shop.  

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All that rubbish of it being on Sky. It's about a 50 minute drive! It takes me longer sometimes to get down the Gate when the traffic is bad!

We're doing so well and Cardiff have made a very poor start, so it should be a entertaining game for the away supporters you'd think. 

If we take less than last year then that's very poor

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1 hour ago, Lew-T said:

All that rubbish of it being on Sky. It's about a 50 minute drive! It takes me longer sometimes to get down the Gate when the traffic is bad!

We're doing so well and Cardiff have made a very poor start, so it should be a entertaining game for the away supporters you'd think. 

If we take less than last year then that's very poor

In a boat maybe.

Not on the M4 Friday night rush hour.

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3 hours ago, Lew-T said:

All that rubbish of it being on Sky. It's about a 50 minute drive! It takes me longer sometimes to get down the Gate when the traffic is bad!

We're doing so well and Cardiff have made a very poor start, so it should be a entertaining game for the away supporters you'd think. 

If we take less than last year then that's very poor

Most supporters don't have an unlimited fund for football and many will quite understandably save their funds for another game that they can't watch on the telly.  Good luck with the 50 minutes.

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2 hours ago, cityboy said:

I assume we've sold out now then, given that I can't see the option of Cardiff tickets on the Bristol sport ticketing website. Unless I'm just being dense and missed it, on mobile admittedly?

We must have. I tried to buy one today and the option was gone :-/

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On 2 October 2016 at 10:14, lenred said:

On a Friday so would need to take time off work. On TV. No trains. Atmosphere against them has been dead against them since they moved from Ninnian Park.  All adds up to a (close) no from me. Shame as it was always the game I looked for, now it's just a bit 'meh'.   Will save my cash for a better away day. Still expect a 1,000 plus though I would have thought. 

Completely gone against my initial thoughts and now succumbed and bought tickets. Who was I kidding! 

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On 03/10/2016 at 07:07, Griffin said:

What a cock up by Sky, 7:45PM on a Friday with the Severn tunnel being closed at the same time, brilliant.

To be honest I'm ecstatic about it.

Would normally go to this but whether Friday or Saturday- totally put off ages ago by the potential nightmare journey - now I get to sit in my house drinking beer, eating pizza and cradling my nads - perfick!!

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