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Refs starting to get fame hungry?


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I thought that was fashionable for 15 year old kids?


Anyway, can see why people think 'what's he thinking'. A good ref is one you don't notice. Well having some childish lines in your hair is going to get you noticed. Made some shockers lately too so you'd think he'd want to blend in.

Each to their own..   

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13 minutes ago, gordie said:

Fashionable hmmm, I am an oldie mind

So am I an oldie but when I see a hairstyle that lots of younger people have I assume it's fashionable. If he'd had a beard I'd have though that fashionable as well.....but apparently the beard is sooooo last year...

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2 minutes ago, Robbored said:

You are the one who allowed yourself to become annoyed and then externalise it by blaming someone else....

You really are a massive bellend, but you already know that. Pretty sad how you have to irritate other people to get a laugh yourself, but then you are a very sad man clearly.

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1 hour ago, Griffin said:

You sound surprised, I've never met anyone more annoying online.

There are plenty on here, I can tell you!  I agree, what difference does the refs haircut make, it's not exactly overwhelming is it?  The main thing is that he does his job properly.

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2 hours ago, Robbored said:

Really?  :dunno:

Is that why I get so many notifications? 

RR you should go with fashion, but instead of having two lines shaved into your hairline, perhaps zzz would be more suitable.:)

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