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Realistic Exits...???


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10 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

Stucked again with rubbish on long term contracts

"Long term contracts" is relative. None are anywhere near as bad as the 10 year contracts from the 1970s. All of the players on long term contracts would be wanted elsewhere, as was Agard in the summer, so City could offload them if the correct incentives were offered. (Cole Skuse used to get a lot of flack on the forum, but he was welcomed at Ipswich)

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1 hour ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

All conjecture, but if better players were brought in to directly replace them in the first team they'd simply move down LJ's pecking order.

Under LJ very few players can count themselves a nailed on starter, so they're almost all used to being left out, subbed etc. and presumably any players brought in would be subject to the same, sometimes unfathomable, 'rotation.'

If you're suggesting it 'wouldn't be a nice place for them' because they might in some way be frozen out, then I would hope not.

They seem to be good lads who've served the club very well and they deserve alot better than that.

I'd hope they'd be given every opportunity to fight for their place, and even reclaim it over the 'superior' newcomers.

With all respect, I think you, like so many, are missing the aim of the first half of this season in the club’s long term “project.” Most of the players signed this summer have been for the future, except Tomlin, GON, Matthews. This was no doubt to give players from before then a chance to show if they can step up to a different, modern game, something many seem irate about when they talk of LJ’s tactics. Loyalty to those players who got us promoted has also led to our recent run of poor results, another point often overlooked on here. I applaud that these players have been given the chance to step up, but apart from Reid, most haven’t. And I don’t mean that they are all terrible etc, just that they lack the technical ability and reading of the game to adapt to this new style. Many here want short term fixes and old style tactics, seemingly unaware of the club’s aim for long term progression. As an example, most of our old squad were signed with one aim in mind – to achieve promotion from league one – little thought was given by Cotts for what would happen after that. Thus why we were so poor last season. Thus why so many of those players have reached their ceiling and are unable to adapt. So many are complaining here about square pegs in round holes. Yeah, there is a reason they look like that. Those players are being given the chance to show they can fit, but most can’t. The “signings for the future” are no doubt being trained to make sure they do fit.

And for all those screaming for LJ’s head, cursing his philosophy and tactics – again, you are missing the point. Don’t you realise he was signed because his tactics and philosophy fit what the club want? They are the club’s philosophies – LJ just happened to fit what they were looking for, not the other way around. The club wants to play the modern way. They are thinking beyond this season, beyond the next game. The club has made this so, so, so clear. All the interviews, all the media representation, the whole “project” has hardly been a secret. That is why LJ will not be sacked anytime soon.

So to answer the op’s question, at the very least I see a new left full back, a defensive midfielder who can play the ball forward, and maybe another wilbs type striker to play alongside Tammy. I am secretly hoping this will be one who is slightly younger than Wilbs, encouraged with promises of coaching after his contract expires, and very, very tall.

Pack – who makes too many silly mistakes under pressure, Smith – who I hope steps up, O’donnell, and Little will go I think, if not now then at the end of the season. I think Goldbourne rather than Bryan will leave too. Whilst I like Goldbourne and think he is the better defender, again it’s about adapting to the new game and Bryan is younger and has more potential to step up. Yet Bryan will now be second fiddle to someone coming in, having missed his chance to cement the position as his own. Otherwise I feel both would stay. Freeman has started linking well with Matthews, so maybe kept whilst the kids work their way into the team. Same with Flint whilst Moore breaks through, depending on Ekstrand’s recovery.


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45 minutes ago, Bobfish said:

And for all those screaming for LJ’s head, cursing his philosophy and tactics – again, you are missing the point. Don’t you realise he was signed because his tactics and philosophy fit what the club want? They are the club’s philosophies – LJ just happened to fit what they were looking for, not the other way around. The club wants to play the modern way. They are thinking beyond this season, beyond the next game. The club has made this so, so, so clear. All the interviews, all the media representation, the whole “project” has hardly been a secret. That is why LJ will not be sacked anytime soon.

well written post :thumbsup:

But when I read the above I thought

'......Spooky ..... LJ of all people,  :whistle: fitted the clubs philosiphies .... lucky coincidence '

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7 hours ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

If Freeman leaves it surely won't be for footballing reasons, more, I fear, due to being an inherited player. He's doing well this season and deserves to be in the team.

JB is suffering from LJ's determination to mould him into what he considers to be a future PL left back, and the way he's being handled seems to be harming his performances, confidence, and progress.

If LJ sees reason to shed these players I'd be more concerned about his judgement and coaching ability than their own proficiency..

JB hasn't stepped up to the championship required level under either manager unfortunately.

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