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van Basten's recommendations


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2 hours ago, 22A said:

I saw on SSN Marco v Basten was invited by FIFA to improve the game. He recommends amongst other things;

1; No offside and

2; Replace penalty shoot outs with the format used in ice hockey. The forward starts further back and has to dribble the ball round the keeper.

In the 1970 Anglo Italian Cup they experimented with offside only in the penalty area.



The Conference trialled no offsides from free-kicks in the late 80s.  I may be wrong, but Lincoln got relegated to the conference and had a bean-pole striker called Mick Waitt, who they just used to stand in front of the keeper on free-kicks from anywhere, causing mayhem.  It got scrapped.

2 hours ago, spudski said:

The offside rule and penalty rules should be changed imo.

No way should a penalty be given, unless it stopped a clear chance on goal. A tap on the ankles, with an opponent on the edge of the 18 yard box, facing the corner flag, never deserves the reward of a free shot on goal.

Penalties in a season, really don't give a true reflection on how good or bad a team are, and often gives a result that doesn't show how a team really played.

Never thought about pens in that way, but my argument against it is, you'really a defender, you're in the penalty area, you know the rules, go bleeding careful!  Cue Mark Little v Cardiff....I could see he was gonna lunge in....perfect for the striker to make up his mind.

2 hours ago, hertsexile said:

I say introduce a 22/25 yard line, and you could only be off side in side that area between the line and goalmouth. But still think linesman would manage not to understand.Do away with going inside from off side position this rule only confuses linesman. As they interpret the rule inconsistently

Bit like the Subbuteo pitch....and would mean one less green rugby line on our pitch, we could re-use it!

1 hour ago, handsofclay said:

In cricket it seems to be the done thing now for the umpire not to bother if the bowler oversteps the bowling crease. This only comes into play if a wicket is taken. Then the TV umpire checks if the bowler overstepped the crease on the wicket taking delivery. If he did then the wicket is restored.

Perhaps this can be applied to football. Don't call offsides, only bring them into play if a goal is scored. Then the TV ref can check that nobody was in an offside position and interfering with play. If there was a transgressor then the goal can be ruled out. This will actually speed up play by the use of TV playbacks rather than hold it up as is often cited as a drawback of TV technology.

Umpires still do check, because even for a non-wicket ball, a no ball is a run.

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I'd change the points system to reward attacking play. 

Maybe start with a bonus point for score draws and consideration to another bonus point if you score over 3 goals maybe. 

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30 minutes ago, 29AR said:

I'd change the points system to reward attacking play. 

Maybe start with a bonus point for score draws and consideration to another bonus point if you score over 3 goals maybe. 

I'd give bonus points for teams who go behind in the first half and recover in the second half.:whistle:

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2 hours ago, Fiale said:

Throw ins, you can take them anywhere behind the spot the ball went out, as quickly as you want.

Penalties, as @spudski said, only for clear goal scoring op's.

Subs, the game does not have to stop for subs,  player comes of on the half way line, another player can come on - there is a fourth official there, surely he can ensure 1 off / 1 on - would stop time wasting, easier for players suffering a knock to limp off

Free kicks can be taken as fast as team wants, if a opposition player gets in the way of it being taken on purpose move the ball forwards 10 yards.

Stop kicking the ball out of play, play to the ref's whistle - again 4 officials, and soon maybe a TV official in the box... let them decide.

Sometimes things are missed during the game,  incidents can reviewed after the game, play acting, fouls then can be sorted and players retrospectivley booked.. no more getting away with it because the ref did not see...


Just want things that keep the game flowing more. 

Love this post as it covers many thoughts that I would change about the game. One point about the throw in - I would like to see one arm throw in allowed, so you can immediately throw long into the penalty box or under arm throw along the ground.

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2 hours ago, OddBallJim said:

The way I see it, getting rid of the offside rule would have many different effects:

  • Goal hanging would be inevitable, which would lead to long ball football
  • To counteract goal hanging teams would end up either man-marking the goal hanger out of the game or using Pulis-like defensive set ups
  • A player could be put through 1v1 with a long counter attacking throw or kick by their own goalkeeper without much skill involved in the pass or positional play
  • In the lower leagues, players wouldn't be fit enough to cover the ground needed without an offside rule so games would end up being high scoring boot and rush or stale stagnant keep possession at all costs bore draws

It's a truly awful, awful idea and if it ever comes to pass I will well and truly give up on football because for me it won't be football anymore.

it wasn't the same for me when we stopped playing between our village and the next one and why did they replace the sheep's head with cat gut?

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