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highlights for Burnley are up


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5 minutes ago, cityexile said:

First goal a shocker really. Would put Wright down as less to blame than two others.

Second. Just a good goal. It happens.

A good goal aided and abetted by the sort of midfield madness that has occurred most of the season, I will keep saying it the result is immaterial but both goals highlighted our 3 main problems, casual mistakes leading to more casual mistakes, midfield going to sleep and game management.


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Bobby does need to have a look at himself for that first goal.
It was a half-hearted aimless ball he attempted down the line, with an opponent stood directly in front of him.  It's not difficult to understand that if you kick the ball directly at another player, it'll rebound, and you can't be sure where.  I don't have any beef with him attempting that pass down the line at that stage of the game, but at least TRY to pass it around your opponent, not kick it straight at him.  Absolute schoolboy stuff.  In fact, it's ******* dreadful and makes me angry.
What happens before with Golbourne, or after with Wright, bears no relation.  Bobby had time on the ball, was able to turn and look upfield.  He chose to kick the ball straight at his opponent who was standing 3 yards away from him.

Then the 2nd goal is down to the desire to defend in some of our players.  When they start to break away from the edge of their own box, Tammy & Brownhill both sprint back as quickly as they can.  However, once Defour passes the ball to his right, Brownhill gives up and starts jogging.  Tammy gets drawn toward the ball.  Because Brownhill has decided he can't be arsed to get goalside of Defour, there is then an easy pass back to Defour, who in all fairness, goes on to score a worldie.
All Brownhill had to do was keep tracking back - he'd done it for 40 yards, but decided he'd stop - why?  Get goal bloody side man.
This has been a major problem of ours.  We play to a certain point, close to certain distance, or move to a certain position and then just give up, maybe in the assumption that someone else will cover.  Maybe Brownhill assumed that Tammy would continue tracking Defour.  But he shouldn't make that assumption - he should get the **** back goalside and attempt to defend.

2 very different errors for the 2 goals today, but both very easy to cut out, and both very symptomatic of our problems.

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18 minutes ago, Harry said:

Bobby does need to have a look at himself for that first goal.
It was a half-hearted aimless ball he attempted down the line, with an opponent stood directly in front of him.  It's not difficult to understand that if you kick the ball directly at another player, it'll rebound, and you can't be sure where.  I don't have any beef with him attempting that pass down the line at that stage of the game, but at least TRY to pass it around your opponent, not kick it straight at him.  Absolute schoolboy stuff.  In fact, it's ******* dreadful and makes me angry.
What happens before with Golbourne, or after with Wright, bears no relation.  Bobby had time on the ball, was able to turn and look upfield.  He chose to kick the ball straight at his opponent who was standing 3 yards away from him.

Then the 2nd goal is down to the desire to defend in some of our players.  When they start to break away from the edge of their own box, Tammy & Brownhill both sprint back as quickly as they can.  However, once Defour passes the ball to his right, Brownhill gives up and starts jogging.  Tammy gets drawn toward the ball.  Because Brownhill has decided he can't be arsed to get goalside of Defour, there is then an easy pass back to Defour, who in all fairness, goes on to score a worldie.
All Brownhill had to do was keep tracking back - he'd done it for 40 yards, but decided he'd stop - why?  Get goal bloody side man.
This has been a major problem of ours.  We play to a certain point, close to certain distance, or move to a certain position and then just give up, maybe in the assumption that someone else will cover.  Maybe Brownhill assumed that Tammy would continue tracking Defour.  But he shouldn't make that assumption - he should get the **** back goalside and attempt to defend.

2 very different errors for the 2 goals today, but both very easy to cut out, and both very symptomatic of our problems.

Can't agree with the highlighted portion mate, so close to half time Golbourne had 2 opportunities to put his boot through the ball or even pass to the keeper and let him do that and Wright standing with legs wide open like a Geordie girl on night out made it just far too easy, that along with the Reid mistake it is just so symptomatic of our season, this was close to half time and that means a game management situation and yet again we failed to manage that small amount of time properly, we just needed to relieve the pressure and we didn't and got punished for a comedy of errors.

We are not good enough or confident enough to play football in dangerous areas especially in the dying embers of a half or full time, especially when we are holding on to some sort of result, we have proved that this season far too many times.

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There's a part of me that says had Bobby not (unselfishly) created an angle for a pass back from Golbourne, then Scott would've just booted it away.

Was it Brentford, where Bobby gave the ball back to Matthews to boot it away, but Matthews took a touch, so Bobby made an angle and got the ball back.  What he did next in trying to go around the player was wrong, but my first thought was why didn't Adam hoof it.  Ball goes square and Brentford's Sawyers scores from a deflection.

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1 hour ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Can't agree with the highlighted portion mate, so close to half time Golbourne had 2 opportunities to put his boot through the ball or even pass to the keeper and let him do that and Wright standing with legs wide open like a Geordie girl on night out made it just far too easy, that along with the Reid mistake it is just so symptomatic of our season, this was close to half time and that means a game management situation and yet again we failed to manage that small amount of time properly, we just needed to relieve the pressure and we didn't and got punished for a comedy of errors.

We are not good enough or confident enough to play football in dangerous areas especially in the dying embers of a half or full time, especially when we are holding on to some sort of result, we have proved that this season far too many times.

I don't see what Golbourne did wrong to be honest. The pass to Reid was on and it was easy. Reid had acres of time and space but was too slow to get to the ball and then kicked it straight at their man. Pathetic from Bobby. 

Golbourne selected a perfectly good pass. Bobby made very poor decisions. Dare I say, if Pack had done exactly what Reid did here, he'd be crucified. 

Bobby Reid is not good enough for this level of football and it's time we all stopped kidding ourselves that he is, just because he's 'one of ours'. 

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22 minutes ago, Harry said:

I don't see what Golbourne did wrong to be honest. The pass to Reid was on and it was easy. Reid had acres of time and space but was too slow to get to the ball and then kicked it straight at their man. Pathetic from Bobby. 

Golbourne selected a perfectly good pass. Bobby made very poor decisions. Dare I say, if Pack had done exactly what Reid did here, he'd be crucified. 

Bobby Reid is not good enough for this level of football and it's time we all stopped kidding ourselves that he is, just because he's 'one of ours'. 

Golbourne should have as defender adopted a safety first approach IMO, especially given Reid's recent history of making poor decisions, he is too casual for his own good.

I don't think Golbourne is good enough or Pack, that is just my opinion and Bryan has been another liability recently defensively recently, I still fully believe we need another central midfielder to play alongside Hegeler.

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Anyone tired of seeing Flint yell at people after a goal? Yea it was sloppy from the start but where was he? Looked like he was running to get on the line to block a shot instead of marking the goal scorer. Surely a defender is there to defend that includes defending mistakes made by others. Everyone was to blame for that goal. 

As far as Bobby is concerned I think he is a product of his own confidence. He's super confident and wants to get the ball forward. It gets him many assists and contributes to goals. Though it catches him out at times and in this area he needs to be safer. 

2nd goal really bothers me at the start of it. Shot on target. Ok I'm fine with it but that is where it goes wrong. Loose ball and what? 3? 4? Burnley players swarming to win it back. Think just Brownhill in there for us. Also, when it's saved you don't see any of the defenders who were up sprinting back before Burnley win the ball. Casual jogging from most. So who do we see back? The two who usually sit back on set pieces. Then one person sprinting back trying to help out. Who's that? Our 19 year old loanee striker who probably has the least business doing so. The fire and passion for football for someone who will never have the shirt on again for us after May. I'm all for Johnson out but many players don't give it all for 90 minutes and it bothers me. Not just the video from yesterday but in many games recently. 

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3 minutes ago, RichW said:

You also have to question why a professional foul wasn't committed towards the start of the breakaway? Ample opportunity on the half way line. We are too soft & nice!

Game management.  We are crap at it.  Someone should tell the players that it's ok to make tactical fouls, waste time, kick the ball into the corners etc., etc.  Might not be pretty on the eye, but it's effective and will go some way to winning games.

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9 hours ago, Harry said:

I don't see what Golbourne did wrong to be honest. The pass to Reid was on and it was easy. Reid had acres of time and space but was too slow to get to the ball and then kicked it straight at their man. Pathetic from Bobby. 

Golbourne selected a perfectly good pass. Bobby made very poor decisions. Dare I say, if Pack had done exactly what Reid did here, he'd be crucified. 

Bobby Reid is not good enough for this level of football and it's time we all stopped kidding ourselves that he is, just because he's 'one of ours'. 

Sorry mate...can't agree with you on that this time...and neither would our midfield. When Reid passes the ball back to Golbourne, both Reid and Brownhill are directing their hands to Wright...telling Golbourne to pass to Wright, who has space and the angle to receive the pass, and no player on him. As he's done in his last start for us, Golbournes tried to pass back to the goalkeeper instead. He did it before and it almost got intercepted. This time he checks himself, as he see's the Burnley player closing down the keeper. Reid then has to move to make the angle for an alternative pass.

It's that lack of awareness and quickness of mind by Golbourne that did us again. That lack of reading the game, led to the angles being closed down and Reid being rushed in to a pass. Yes Reid could have done so much better with his attempted pass down the line...but that whole situation should never have arisen....all down to lack of awareness and speed of thought. It was a simple pass to Wright, that both Reid and Brownhill were instructing, that should have happened.

It's those types of decision making and awareness, that are killing us. It happens every game. By the same players. That is the difference between us losing and getting a result.

Yes, people are fed up with us losing by that one goal difference....but it's generally down to that Individual mistake.

The sooner we get some decent full backs the better.

I agree about Reid not being good enough at this level...squad player at most.

Imo, for us to be decent in this league, we have to stop kidding ourselves that certain players are of a standard that can compete. I look at Magners, Hegeler, Wright, and an in form Tomlin, Duric, a Tammy.....that is the bench mark of player that you need in every position to compete.


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10 hours ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

Golbourne should have as defender adopted a safety first approach IMO, especially given Reid's recent history of making poor decisions, he is too casual for his own good.

Golbourne's thought process should not be "shall I make this easy pass to a team mate in plenty of space. Mmmmm....best not, it's Bobby, he's got a recent history of poor decisions and may give it away in a dangerous area. I think I'll punt it down the line myself and lose possession of the ball again". 

Golbourne's thought process was correct. Pass it to a team mate who has plenty of space to turn and play. 

His thought process, at this level of football, should not include not passing to a team mate due to being perceived as a weak link. 

Bobby's fault all day long in this case. 

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1 hour ago, spudski said:

Sorry mate...can't agree with you on that this time...and neither would our midfield. When Reid passes the ball back to Golbourne, both Reid and Brownhill are directing their hands to Wright...telling Golbourne to pass to Wright, who has space and the angle to receive the pass, and no player on him. As he's done in his last start for us, Golbournes tried to pass back to the goalkeeper instead. He did it before and it almost got intercepted. This time he checks himself, as he see's the Burnley player closing down the keeper. Reid then has to move to make the angle for an alternative pass.

It's that lack of awareness and quickness of mind by Golbourne that did us again. That lack of reading the game, led to the angles being closed down and Reid being rushed in to a pass. Yes Reid could have done so much better with his attempted pass down the line...but that whole situation should never have arisen....all down to lack of awareness and speed of thought. It was a simple pass to Wright, that both Reid and Brownhill were instructing, that should have happened.


Hey Spuds. Could Golbourne have passed it to Wright? Yes, it was a pass that was on. 

Once that pass wasn't made though, Golbourne checked and then was able to pass to Reid, who had done well to create the angle. 

So Golbourne, whilst his quickness of decision was slow, nevertheless still played a pass to a team mate who had plenty of time and space. There was nothing wrong with the pass, and Reid was not under immediate pressure. The fact Reid was slow to move to the ball and allowed the opposition time to close him down is not Golbourne's error, it's Reid's. 

Kicking the football directly at your opponent when you have plenty of time and space to play a ball down the line is truly awful. 

I'm with you on the full back issue though. None of ours are good enough. 

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Combination of Reid and Golbourne for me....and again it's these players, amongst others, that make vital errors in games.

Reid, Odowda, Brownhill, Paterson, Pack, Little, Vyner....when you have to play these lads, due to injury or lack of form from our more experienced players, then you are going to get the mistakes that cost us, at this level. Golbourne should have no excuses...poor again in his decision making.

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Guest Rigsbyscat

You guys are really tough on yourselves. One of our trade marks is how we press the 2nd ball or a player in possession. It helps make up our own lack of quality/flare with industry. The break away is the speed at which things happen in the PL and we have been caught exactly the same a number of times while pressing the game. You're picking on your own midfield but in reality you should be admiring the joint vision of the two highly accomplished internationals involved. The finish, as has been said, was a worldly - nothing anyone could have done about it.

As was said by our own Player commentary you played better than your league position suggests

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