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Team for Wednesday Tuesday


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Apologies for a new thread but I couldn't see the selection for Tuesday specifically being discussed anywhere else.

In my comments from the game yesterday, while I did think the first half was the brightest we have looked for a while (not saying a lot, my expectations were low) the one thing I forgot to mention was that it wasn't at all clear to me to what extent it was a different team, because it was a cup game before a massive match on Tuesday, or was actually LJ's current view of the best 11 players playing in their best positions. 

Obviously you would think Abraham and Magnusson are two of the best players in the squad and so presumably would be accommodated for Tuesday, but was that it and is this close to the team we should expect? Because we hadn't seen Golbourne for a while and I was surprised Reid played to be honest, given that the manager took aim at him in the press pre-game and even implied he wanted to send him out on loan.

Those are other reasons my hunch is that it wasn't close to the team he plans for Tuesday. And that's rather remarkable when you consider that while we all acknowledged this game was a bit of a throwaway, in a thread on here last week when asked what LJ should do given his chance to turn it round (the least LJ in/out partisan thread for a while) there was pretty universal view he should pick his best 11 and stick to it.

So has he already gone against the one bit of common logic held by both LJ in and LJ out supporters? Or does yesterday's team play Tuesday? Please no sarcastic one liners about picking out of a hat - we all know how random and ever-changing selection is, but who do you actually think he will play? Does he switch back to 3 at the back to get Magnusson in? Does he punish some of the mistakes from yesterday?

I would play 2 up top but I'm not sure who provides width and crossing. With Freeman gone, O'Dowda (based on yesterday only - been poor prior to that) is the closest we have to speed and directness, but he's probably too lightweight to be effective in a wing back role. Vyner showed yesterday he can cross a ball but we don't have a lot to go on . Bryan has been poor for a while but still the most obvious left wing-back.

Over to you. How many of Saturday's team make the Tuesday Wednesday team?

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I actually wonder if it is much nearer to the side and formation that he will pick than we might realise.

Once you have tried everything else then logic eventually dictates you go back to what was working earlier on in the season before the wheels fell off, which was a variant of 4-4-1-1 or 4-2-3-1 (if you want to go all Jonathan Wilson)..

Saturday saw us after a few games of playing a three revert to a back four, it is currently Hobson's choice (Vyner) at RB, but if we keep to a four, at LB there are 3 realistic choices, Bryan, Golbourne or Magnusson, who is now regularly playing there for Iceland, so I would not be that amazed to see the latter line up there.

In midfield O'Dowda (who was praised) and Bryan give us some width with Hegeler and Brownhill as the central two.

I doubt Reid that will start but if we do revert to 4-4-1-1 and of course Tammy is a cert to play, that would then mean Djuric (despite starting every game so far) would not either.


German keeper.

Vyner Flint Wright Magnusson

O'Dowda Hegeler Brownhill Bryan



The only other possibilities for me are the Bosnian in for Paterson and it is a traditional 4-4-2 or a new signing tomorrow coming straight in to the side.

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My view is that when a team is struggling, you play best available players in positions that they are comfortable with/perform in, so in a 442


Vyner Wright Flint Magnusson

O'Dowda Hegeler Pack Bryan 

          Tomlin Abraham

In terms of the more difficult decisions...

Vyner - has pace and can cross a ball

Magnusson at LB - calmer head than Golbourne

Bryan at LM - isn't a LB, better displays have been CM but other wide players haven't cut it so far

Pack - calm player, good height and can see a pass

Tomlin - our best player


Toyed with JB or BR as the partner to Hegeler in CM as Reid is great getting forward but less so going the other way.

Juric - at the moment inclusion means hoof ball, rather than clever build up and cross into the box at the right time.

Brownhill - lack of effort / professionalism (no foul) for Burnley second goal wasn't good

Paterson - not seen enough from him to warrant inclusion in a first X1




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Like you, I haven't a clue what he'll do.................

After  2 transfer windows, 17 signings, over 30 league and cup games,  and a reorganisation of his coaching staff LJ still does not know his best formation, his best 11, or even his best 18 man squad.

How many of Saturday's team make the Tuesday Wednesday team?

Giefer, Flint , Wright, and Hegelar  presumably.............Abraham to come in, the other 6 - who knows?

Formation? Could be 4-4-2, 4-2-3-1, 5-3-2, 4-1-4-1, 4-5-1. All have been tried during the winless run. One things for sure - we'll end the game playing a different formation to the one we start with.

And we'll lose. Again.


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@Olé I mentioned the same in another thread. You would think that last week with no game was the chance to decide on his team and formation and work on ll those things Lee keeps complaining about after every game - lack of width, passing pace etc. Then he gets the "free" game against Burnley to see how they fare and Sunday/monday they can all go through the game and point/iron out any thing obviously wrong... instead It just looked like rather random changes again. Lee has said he prefers a 4-4-2 formation, 17 signings and we still cannot play that formation ? If Mags is going to play LB, then I have no idea why Golbourne played there Saturday - I don't know, maybe he is still resting some players so they are all fresh against Wednesday after having over a week off.

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Well he said "we got our identity back" (which was pushing it) and I think it would be unusual to claim that and then make wholesale changes - but there seems to be some consensus from your replies that we'll make at least 3. Given Wednesday will have had a week and a half off, I hope the temptation isn't there for LJ to make lots of changes in hope of a fit team being most important rather than a settled side (because frankly that has been his approach before). 

The player I worry about is Bannan, who can run the game if we don't get hold of the ball in midfield, which we haven't really been doing. Instead of him being able to pull the strings, we need Hegeler to play with his head up and do that for us. Get someone on Bannan whose job it is to break up play and get the ball to Hegeler. Stuff all this zonal nonsense. If we don't try to win the midfield and dictate the passing, Bannan will have all the time he needs to run things.

I think I read somewhere that Bannan now starts to the right and drifts in, so as to confuse markers who just try to sit in on him in central midfield. This really worries me as everyone seems to be agreed there is no one else bar Joe Bryan to play on the left for us, but he's not exactly in form and the defensive aspects of his game have not been the best. If he gets out of position or fails to see what Bannan is doing, I don't think the bloke will waste the opportunities to create.

I would like 2 up top but you're probably all correct. 1 up top, cagey affair. Unfortunately precisely the sort of games we haven't been winning...

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Just remembered we are home, so likely Wednesday will play a little bit on the counter.  We should have a reasonable amount of possession, but it's no good if it's in front of Wednesday's lines.

I wonder whether Tomlin will be fit enough?

Again, I'm at a loss to pick an eleven that I think LJ will pick.

I did like the fact that he went to back four v Burnley, making a decision to drop one of the CB threesome, but whether he made that with 'balls', I don't know, e.g. Sorry Hordur, I'm playing what I think is my best CB pairing, you'll have to earn your place back back.  Or was it, sorry Hordur, you can have a rest today, I'll find a way if playing all three of you on Tuesday.

I guess we find OT on Tuesday.

Wednesday will be missing Hutchinson (dirty fouling pest of a player - wish we had one!), so they won't pressure us quite so much in the middle of the park.  Also, Fletcher too, but expect Winnall to be their presence up front.

I'd like us to at least try and press them higher up the pitch.

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2 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Just remembered we are home, so likely Wednesday will play a little bit on the counter.  We should have a reasonable amount of possession, but it's no good if it's in front of Wednesday's lines.

I wonder whether Tomlin will be fit enough?

Again, I'm at a loss to pick an eleven that I think LJ will pick.

I did like the fact that he went to back four v Burnley, making a decision to drop one of the CB threesome, but whether he made that with 'balls', I don't know, e.g. Sorry Hordur, I'm playing what I think is my best CB pairing, you'll have to earn your place back back.  Or was it, sorry Hordur, you can have a rest today, I'll find a way if playing all three of you on Tuesday.

I guess we find OT on Tuesday.

Wednesday will be missing Hutchinson (dirty fouling pest of a player - wish we had one!), so they won't pressure us quite so much in the middle of the park.  Also, Fletcher too, but expect Winnall to be their presence up front.

I'd like us to at least try and press them higher up the pitch.

I was wondering about the CB partnership too. Would you have Flint and Wright?

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Trying to second guess LJ is more unlikely than winning the half time draw tbh.

3 at the back or 4? I would say 4. Keep Vyner at RB. Golbourne or Magnusson at left back.

Midfield? I would ideally have Hegeler & GON  but don't think GON is fit so go with Pack.

On the flanks O'Dowda on the right or failing that Brownhill. Bryan on the left. If Tomlin is fit play him behind Abraham. If not, try Reid or Brownhill there as they will both run.

Have Djuric and Wilbraham on the bench. Pick 4 other players & a goalie from those not starting who can cover roles in the side.

Finally pray for divine intervention that something gets us back to winning ways. Failing that SL growing a pair & replacing LJ!

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I don't know what LJ would pick. I'd go a bit different to the usual. 4-3-3


Vynet Wright Mags Golbourne 


        Brownhill.   Bryan

O'Dowda.                      Tomlin


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35 minutes ago, cynic said:

Will Tomlin be fit enough to start ?

Hardly trained in the last week.


This is a relevant question though I'd say he was left out yesterday to play some part on Tuesday. If not I wouldn't know who to play out there in the formation I selected. Like an athletic midfield and that's where Joe, Brownhill and Hegeler would thrive I think. I guess you could put COD there and Paterson on the right. Though I might tinker with Reid or Engvall out there with Joe covering out there if they get caught out. 

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                         Wright        Flint         Magnusson

                                   Hegler        Reid

Brownhill                                                                    Bryan


                        Patterson                Tammy



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2 minutes ago, Ashtonwurzel said:


                         Wright        Flint         Magnusson

                                   Hegler        Reid

Brownhill                                                                    Bryan


                        Patterson                Tammy



Djuric for Paterson and O'Neil for Reid and that's a great team.

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So I like 3-2-3-1-1 


                                                                  Wright               Flint             Magnasson  

                                           Vyner.                                                                                     Bryan 

.                                                                Brownhill.        Hegler.           Reid 




Might be tempted to drop Tomlin into Reid's slot and Djuric slot in with Tammy. 

Most important is need to play football, keep the ball and play to strengths..... 

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1 hour ago, Alessandro said:

I was wondering about the CB partnership too. Would you have Flint and Wright?

I really don't know.  Probably. 

Ok, I'm going on the fact that he partnered the two of them on Saturday, so yes.  Tough call on Magnússon, but he'll have to accept my decision.  Of course I could play him LB (maybe LJ will - in fact I reckon he will, but I'm not), but I'm gonna go for steady Golbourne.

So, same back 5 (Giefer and defence).

Then I think I'd leave Djuric out (tough call again), but he needs width and my team ain't gonna get much.


Brownhill, Hegeler, Bryan (two to buzz round Jens) as a flat 3.


Tomlin and Paterson behind Tammy

So a 4321.

I want Tomlin and Paterson to negate a holding midfielder who won't know which one to pick up, and therefore drag a central defender either out or pull a full back in.  We then exploit those gaps.

It will rely on getting quick ball into these two.

When we haven't got the ball, one occupies the DM, the other does the full back.  They are going to have to work hard, but a 65 minute shift is all I want...at full tilt.  Don't save anything.  Because we then have Reid, O'Dowda or Engvall to come on, if they are knackered....which I expect them to be.

My subs are:

Frank, Magnússon, Pack, Reid, O'Dowda, Engvall and Djuric.

Sorry, Alby, we don't need two target men.  Tough decision again.

Of course all of the above assumes GON, Little and Matthews aren't fit.

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Assuming Tomlin's well again I'd like:


        Wright (cpt)             Flint             Magnusson

                        Hegeler      Pack

 O'Dowda                      Tomlin                  Bryan

                    Djuric                    Abraham


Subs: Fielding; Golbourne; Vyner; Brownhill;  Reid; Paterson; Engval 

If Tomlin's still ill, stick Brownhill in his place. He's a bit unfortunate not to start and deffo needs to play at some stage in the game. You then have room for Wilbs on the bench.               


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10 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

I really don't know.  Probably. 

Ok, I'm going on the fact that he partnered the two of them on Saturday, so yes.  Tough call on Magnússon, but he'll have to accept my decision.  Of course I could play him LB (maybe LJ will - in fact I reckon he will, but I'm not), but I'm gonna go for steady Golbourne.

So, same back 5 (Giefer and defence).

Then I think I'd leave Djuric out (tough call again), but he needs width and my team ain't gonna get much.


Brownhill, Hegeler, Bryan (two to buzz round Jens) as a flat 3.


Tomlin and Paterson behind Tammy

So a 4321.

I want Tomlin and Paterson to negate a holding midfielder who won't know which one to pick up, and therefore drag a central defender either out or pull a full back in.  We then exploit those gaps.

It will rely on getting quick ball into these two.

When we haven't got the ball, one occupies the DM, the other does the full back.  They are going to have to work hard, but a 65 minute shift is all I want...at full tilt.  Don't save anything.  Because we then have Reid, O'Dowda or Engvall to come on, if they are knackered....which I expect them to be.

My subs are:

Frank, Magnússon, Pack, Reid, O'Dowda, Engvall and Djuric.

Sorry, Alby, we don't need two target men.  Tough decision again.

Of course all of the above assumes GON, Little and Matthews aren't fit.

I think you've got it about spot on there.

Although I'd guess O'Dowda may be picked ahead of Paterson.

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2 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

I think you've got it about spot on there.

Although I'd guess O'Dowda may be picked ahead of Paterson.

Cheers.....but it won't be anything like the team LJ picks.

I haven't see enough of COD to know what he'd be like in that position.

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Not usually 4-4-2 man but let's get back to basics playing players in natural positions.   Tomlin on the bench if ready               


        Vyner     Flint       Wright    Magnesson

 Patterson  Hegeler   Brownhill   O'Dowda

                    Tammy  Djuric

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4 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:

Assuming Tomlin's well again I'd like:


        Wright (cpt)             Flint             Magnusson

                        Hegeler      Pack

 O'Dowda                      Tomlin                  Bryan

                    Djuric                    Abraham


Subs: Fielding; Golbourne; Vyner; Brownhill;  Reid; Paterson; Engval 

If Tomlin's still ill, stick Brownhill in his place. He's a bit unfortunate not to start and deffo needs to play at some stage in the game. You then have room for Wilbs on the bench.               


Exactly  what I was thinking !  you beat me to it :grr:

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