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Sammy Igoe


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Igoe branded 'crazy'

Swindon's Sammy Igoe may have hampered his recovery from a wrist injury by removing a protective cast against doctors' advice.

The midfielder, who has missed eight matches, may have condemned himself to a longer spell on the sidelines.

"I am just desperate to play. I hoped it would be okay," he said.

"Unfortunately, the pain I felt after taking it off told me that the injury hadn't healed.

"I have been told I am crazy by the medical people and the gaffer told me I'd been silly.

"He said he would wait and see what the surgeon said before deciding where we go from here.

"I will probably have to accept another cast," Igoe told the Evening Advertiser.

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Quick lunch today so munched a pasty whilst reading The Sun.

Couldn't believe the report when I read it; what a gimp he must be.

He should get his wages dropped for every extra day he can't play because of his actions.

Good to see he's keen, however, Doctors might actually know a bit more about damaged wrists and healing times that he does.

:Mixed9: "8 Weeks this says, you dopey arse"

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