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This Team, This Season

Jack Dawe

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Well, this Squad (all 30 odd of them in their various ensembles) between them have been at some point:

2:0 up at Newcastle.

4 goals to the good v Huddersfield.

2 up v Reading.

Beat Leeds.

2 up at Wednesday.

Whooped Fulham away.

Were one each with Preston!

Level with Norwich!

3 zip up at Derby.


There is clearly something right about this squad, something there. As many have said, many times - including the majority shareholder himself! - on here these past four months.

I reckon Gary Rowett could've done something midtablish with these boys. Oh well.

I don't think I will ever understand how it went so wrong. 

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We've had glimpses of showing the quality and tonight was a great example.  The mistakes have always been tactical.

We have a great attacking squad and Lee keeps wanting to play defensively with it.

Attack is the best form of defence.

With the quality we have, we should always be on the front foot.

Lee 's defensive tactics would be ok with a bunch of mediocre players, but he doesnt need to be so caurious with the squad he has.

Hope he can learn from these experiences.  When you are 2 up keep attacking.  They cant hurt you when you have all the pissession and you are playing in their half of the field.

We can still finish mid table if we go for it.  Just stop worrying about relegation and think and play positive.

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37 minutes ago, wendyredredrobin said:

We've had glimpses of showing the quality and tonight was a great example.  The mistakes have always been tactical.

We have a great attacking squad and Lee keeps wanting to play defensively with it.

Attack is the best form of defence.

With the quality we have, we should always be on the front foot.

Lee 's defensive tactics would be ok with a bunch of mediocre players, but he doesnt need to be so caurious with the squad he has.

Hope he can learn from these experiences.  When you are 2 up keep attacking.  They cant hurt you when you have all the pissession and you are playing in their half of the field.

We can still finish mid table if we go for it.  Just stop worrying about relegation and think and play positive.

"Keep Playing Defensively" Shut up you wet blanket. We're amongst the highest chances created in the league.

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