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Is each day more negative?


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It appears to me that most fans on here are fed up to the back teeth either arguing or be-labouring LJ and his capabilities. It has now moved onto the Board and ownership Members who are not responsive in any shape or form. 

This situation can only get worse, on and off the field. Negativity and inept leadership is now on the radar of BS. Albeit, I am not criticizing, only trying to highlight a fact that will rapidly go sour for all parties. 

SL and BS have backed themselves into a very precarious corner. again, they have done this themselves by inaction. SL, I care about the BCFC , not so much the illusion of BS, get off your arse and do something please!

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11 minutes ago, bristolcitysweden said:

Each and everyone at the club apart from Adam Baker and the ticket office employees must be sacked. It's in the walls. We are close to always nothing but total shit. Wasting money like it was for free. Total incompetence.  

Bit unfair on the ground staff, Tommy. 

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Maybe it would help if people tried to be more positive and stopped the sniping at SL and LJ because it is creating the negativity.  The situation is bad enough without some of you guys trying to put the boot in. We need to win matches at the moment - the bickering is NOT going to help that process. COYR!

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Everyone trying to start their own new thread on a new view of negativity is not helpful. At the same time many posters seem to want to find negatives. When the players refund ticket costs, they should also refund travel it should have been SL or LJ etc. Not a whole lot to be positive about I would agree but simply finding a new way to be negative each day is not helping.

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People on here need to man up. 

Things are not good, we all know that, but the state of surrender is pathetic! 

We are in a dog fight, so stand up, pull together and fight, together!

We still, somehow, aren't event in the relegation zone, yet! And certainly not doomed. 

We can survive this IF we hold our nerve, stay strong and help by doing our bit from the stands. 

I don't care if you don't like LJ, SL, MA or anyone else in the club (at the moment) this is our club and rolling over & going down with a whimper is not an option. 

Thankfully the supporters at recent games have not reflected the spineless, cry baby, spoilt brats that are in abundance on here. 

CTID, remember...?! 

COYR! We CAN do this. 

THEN, come middle of May, that is the time for finger pointing and post mortumn. Hopefully over our battered& bruised, but still hanging on in there, championship status. 

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I do sometimes wonder if the negativity on here is matched across the whole of our supporters.

There are still big away followings and apparently a 'bumper' crowd due tomorrow.

I have yet to experience the same kind of feeling at AG as you get on here. I did stay away for the Fulham game though where, according to some on here, it was a bit more hostile.

I am as frustrated as anyone that LJ is still here. However I do wonder if the vitriol towards the club on here is a bit OTT. We have no divine right to success and I can't see how more negativity at this point in the season can help.

I am planning to be at all of our remaining games. I don't want us to go down, LJ is going nowhere this season, so I will be doing my bit to try and avoid the drop. I'm certain if he stays that LJ won't last beyond Christmas and I'm desperate for us to still be in the championship when he gets the deserved boot out the door.

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You are, thankfully, right. 

Anyone judging our support by this forum would rightly have us down as pathetic, spineless, spoilt, turncoats who all want to jump ship. 

The reality at games has been very much the opposite. Good numbers and good vocal backing. 

If you could remove only about 10 posters on here, you'd probably shed 70% of the negativity that breeds from there boring, repetitive, whinging posts that appear on thread after thread. 


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The negativity, discontent and infighting will continue for as long as the puppet master employs LJ

WHY? Because for each day he continues a little bit more of OUR football Club dies.

It's Sad but really is that simple. I think the fan base as a whole has been incredible during this record breaking season

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8 minutes ago, Tiree said:

Bar BS3 is right and B F often posts sensibly which is good to read amongst all the dross of negativity about which so very few alternatives are offered up. Is the Forum overall view representative of BCFC supporters? Absolutely not and couldnt be further from a true representation.

When you go home and away there is frustration at the results this season but everyone agrees we have a club to support and a team to watch because of ONE MAN. His choice of managers is questionable though the previous could not possibly have achieved the task better, winning the double tand was then out of his depth as the current, inexperienced one may well prove to be.

When you only read on this Forum you could get upset by the posts; some are worthwhile, many are irrelevant

Deryn Coller?

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56 minutes ago, Tiree said:

Bar BS3 is right and B F often posts sensibly which is good to read amongst all the dross of negativity about which so very few alternatives are offered up. Is the Forum overall view representative of BCFC supporters? Absolutely not and couldnt be further from a true representation.

When you go home and away there is frustration at the results this season but everyone agrees we have a club to support and a team to watch because of ONE MAN. His choice of managers is questionable though the previous could not possibly have achieved the task better, winning the double tand was then out of his depth as the current, inexperienced one may well prove to be.

When you only read on this Forum you could get upset by the posts; some are worthwhile, many are irrelevant

I'm sorry but that is absolute nonsense on a few levels.

Firstly unless you have canvassed every supporter then there's no way you can say with any certainty that the forum isn't representative of the consensus of fans. Don't get me wrong this forum is just a microcosm of views but every supporter that I speak to that are not forum users are all 100% negative and jaded after the events of the last couple of years. We still support but that doesn't stop us being mighty pissed off

Secondly you state with fact and authority that the only reason we have a club to support and the team to watch is because of one man. I'm sorry but that is an absolute bag of bollox. Try taking a history lesson and you'll find that this club only exists because of eight men that gave up their livelihoods in 1982 and because of THE FANS that keep coming back year on year. The supporters were the lifeblood of the club when we stood on the terraces in the fourth division and the supporters will be here long after any owners and board members.

I will give you that we may not have a shiny new stadium and we may not even be in the championship but have no doubts OUR club would be here with or without one man.

Sorry if that's more negativity for you as I stated previously the general feeling of negativity will only continue to exist as long as SL refuses to bring the curtain down on this current debacle of a management team.

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2 hours ago, Tiree said:

Bar BS3 is right and B F often posts sensibly which is good to read amongst all the dross of negativity about which so very few alternatives are offered up. Is the Forum overall view representative of BCFC supporters? Absolutely not and couldnt be further from a true representation.

When you go home and away there is frustration at the results this season but everyone agrees we have a club to support and a team to watch because of ONE MAN. His choice of managers is questionable though the previous could not possibly have achieved the task better, winning the double tand was then out of his depth as the current, inexperienced one may well prove to be.

When you only read on this Forum you could get upset by the posts; some are worthwhile, many are irrelevant



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The saga that is Bristol City continues. To be honest who cares any more.... Those that run the club are responsible for the circus being conducted and all in all, I have never been so disappointed with it all. It is now even more clear that Cotterill was betrayed and the real villains are the board.

SL has got away with murder because he is a "local lad" but he is personally responsible for appointing inexperienced coaches/administrators and those with questionable records. He has got lucky with only 2 appointments Gary Johnson and Cotterill. Interesting that both were made when we were near the bottom of League One and in both cases, he surrendered "control" to the manager. Bar them, he has been car crash with his appointments. The investment he has made has not translated into sustainable success or progress on the pitch. With all of his wealth and experience, we should be banging on the promotion door not hovering below Burton.... His backing of LJ is unacceptable and it has been clear for a long time that despite significant investment (which I cannot ever personally remember being given to any other manager) LJ is simply not up to it AND HE NEVER WAS - just like Millen, McInnes and O'Driscoll.  Bear this in mind - we have nearly 5 million quid either on the bench or out of the club (Mags, Engvall, Moore).... WTF is going on.....there cannot be many managers in our recent past who have been afforded the luxury of this squad and resources.... 

I have seen relegations before which were upsetting. I have also seen some maulings that made me angry. I recall a game at blackpool under Millen which was comparable to the shite that took place against Preston, where players visibly gave up. I think I also remember a 5-1 smashing by Wolves at home.  This is different as I believe that LJ is not taking responsibility. He is blaming the players and is almost smirking about it... it aint funny, Lee and maybe you need a slap or two from David Moyes.....

The solution to all of this - dont go. Why bother? Why let it ruin your weekend?  Why listen to the drivel and pure bull that comes out of LJ's mouth. He cannot help himself and that is why a lot of fans actually hate him. I cannot recall too many managers who have received similar treatment. Fans are treated with contempt and can anyone say that the quality of the football has been good. It has been shite for a long time and this is shown by the results. Bar not for Tammy we would be in real trouble. It beggars belief that LJ remains and now we are going to have to hear a 3rd vote of confidence on Saturday from SL. The man is not fit to run a football club and clearly those in the know have information about the club which vindicate what others have said has been going on down the gate for years.  

What makes this worse is the spiel from HQ - LJ, "we should aim for Europa League in 5 years", SL, "my aim is promotion within 2 years to the PL"..... The only chance we have got of playing in Europe is on a pre-season tour. And as for the PL, we have more chance of playing in League Two. Laughable. Utterly laughable. Except it is not funny because we care about our club and we hate to see it being ridiculed ..... With all of the resources at our disposal heads should roll on all levels of the club for the state it is now in. Even the Academy teams are getting spanked.... Not acceptable. Time to demolish those 5 pillars before we are left with ruins....

To hell with it all. I have not renewed my season ticket and I have used the £ for a well earned holiday.  There will be plenty of seats when we are back nesting in League One, because that now looks very likely.  What a sorry tale that is Bristol City....

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3 hours ago, Tiree said:

Bar BS3 is right and B F often posts sensibly which is good to read amongst all the dross of negativity about which so very few alternatives are offered up. Is the Forum overall view representative of BCFC supporters? Absolutely not and couldnt be further from a true representation.

When you go home and away there is frustration at the results this season but everyone agrees we have a club to support and a team to watch because of ONE MAN. His choice of managers is questionable though the previous could not possibly have achieved the task better, winning the double tand was then out of his depth as the current, inexperienced one may well prove to be.

When you only read on this Forum you could get upset by the posts; some are worthwhile, many are irrelevant

But the fans are the club. As Wimbledon and Portsmouth have proved, the business can go bust but the club will never die so long as the fans want it to exist. I subscribe to CTID and if that means watching City at any level then that is fine. What I cannot abide is the watering down of the clubs identity and poor treatment of fans. 

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21 hours ago, Bat Fastard said:

Maybe it would help if people tried to be more positive and stopped the sniping at SL and LJ because it is creating the negativity.  The situation is bad enough without some of you guys trying to put the boot in. We need to win matches at the moment - the bickering is NOT going to help that process. COYR!

I'm amazed. 

Where on earth do you draw the line?

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21 hours ago, Bat Fastard said:

Maybe it would help if people tried to be more positive and stopped the sniping at SL and LJ because it is creating the negativity.  The situation is bad enough without some of you guys trying to put the boot in. We need to win matches at the moment - the bickering is NOT going to help that process. COYR!

Look you Fat Bastard.  Can you please stop talking shit EVERY DAY.  Thank you for listening

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5 minutes ago, 054123 said:

I'm amazed. 

Where on earth do you draw the line?

Carrot rather than stick - our players may well be lacking confidence and I just feel that they could do without all this distraction at this time.  Once we are safe - that is the time for serious discussion - hopefully carried out in a calm, intelligent and businesslike manner.  

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14 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

People on here need to man up. 

Things are not good, we all know that, but the state of surrender is pathetic! 

We are in a dog fight, so stand up, pull together and fight, together!

We still, somehow, aren't event in the relegation zone, yet! And certainly not doomed. 

We can survive this IF we hold our nerve, stay strong and help by doing our bit from the stands. 

I don't care if you don't like LJ, SL, MA or anyone else in the club (at the moment) this is our club and rolling over & going down with a whimper is not an option. 

Thankfully the supporters at recent games have not reflected the spineless, cry baby, spoilt brats that are in abundance on here. 

CTID, remember...?! 

COYR! We CAN do this. 

THEN, come middle of May, that is the time for finger pointing and post mortumn. Hopefully over our battered& bruised, but still hanging on in there, championship status. 

I don't disagree but I'll expect you to show as much passion in helping sort this ****** up mess out, when you feel the time is right.

Make no mistake, regardlessof match day support,  Lansdown is clueless and Johnson is hopeless. Those two facts are unquestionable based on both mens body of work in their respective roles.

Every match as seen brilliant support, but the above is undeniable true.

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1 minute ago, Bat Fastard said:

Carrot rather than stick - our players may well be lacking confidence and I just feel that they could do without all this distraction at this time.  Once we are safe - that is the time for serious discussion - hopefully carried out in a calm, intelligent and businesslike manner.  

Do you have any faith that Lansdown will know what to do?

I genuinely don't disagree with your sentiment. Bit things have to radically change after this season if city are to ever move forward.

The last 10 years speak volumes. 

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Just now, paulcityfan said:

Look you Fat Bastard.  Can you please stop talking shit EVERY DAY.  Thank you for listening

I always thought that the forum was for people to be able to express different points of view.  In my long life I have frequently known mobs to be mistaken in their beliefs and conclusions. In an age of supposed enlightenment, are you suggesting that I should allow myself and others with views like mine, to be silenced by a rude and pretty unpleasant minority, who are happy to harm our club?  After 50 years as a supporter, I love City and would like to see them flourish and prosper. Time for all this discussion is when we are safe. Be cool! COYR!

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1 minute ago, 054123 said:

Do you have any faith that Lansdown will know what to do?

I genuinely don't disagree with your sentiment. Bit things have to radically change after this season if city are to ever move forward.

The last 10 years speak volumes. 

I agree that things are not ideal and there are problems.  I am not sure where those problems start and what needs to be changed or improved.  SL is experienced and has a great plan to take the club forward. We have seen progress in the stadium and in the training facilities but both rugby and football have not performed to standard on the pitch.  It is, in my humble opinion, not the time to throw the toys out of the pram with so few matches left. Time to discuss improvements and changes once we are safe. I would expect that there are plenty of actions being discussed at a senior level and we will see the outcome in due course. These may - or may not satisfy the disgruntled fans, but I would expect SL to back his own judgement over that of a rude mob - but we shall see!

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Just now, Bat Fastard said:

I agree that things are not ideal and there are problems.  I am not sure where those problems start and what needs to be changed or improved.  SL is experienced and has a great plan to take the club forward. We have seen progress in the stadium and in the training facilities but both rugby and football have not performed to standard on the pitch.  It is, in my humble opinion, not the time to throw the toys out of the pram with so few matches left. Time to discuss improvements and changes once we are safe. I would expect that there are plenty of actions being discussed at a senior level and we will see the outcome in due course. These may - or may not satisfy the disgruntled fans, but I would expect SL to back his own judgement over that of a rude mob - but we shall see!

We need to stay up, that much we can all agree on.

The stadium however doesn't make up for the seasons and seasons of footballing failure. 

There is nothing in Lansdown's history to suggest to me he  knows how to take this club forward. 

Grounds don't win promotion. 

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1 minute ago, iamsober said:
2 minutes ago, iamsober said:

Thank you for reading?

I think he believes that everyone should adopt the views of the loudest and rudest posters who are happy to harm our club. I did read his post though.

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Just now, 054123 said:

We need to stay up, that much we can all agree on.

The stadium however doesn't make up for the seasons and seasons of footballing failure. 

There is nothing in Lansdown's history to suggest to me he  knows how to take this club forward. 

Grounds don't win promotion. 

Grounds set up the income streams to fund the club for years to come.  The purchase of so many young and inexperienced players might, in retrospect, have been unwise - but it was ambitious and is a plan that may still work well if we can stay up.  If we are relegated, it will cause difficulty and be a setback, which is why I don't think that now is the time to rock the boat. We all want the same thing - but would seek to achieve it in different ways.

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14 hours ago, robin_unreliant said:

I do sometimes wonder if the negativity on here is matched across the whole of our supporters.

There are still big away followings and apparently a 'bumper' crowd due tomorrow.

I have yet to experience the same kind of feeling at AG as you get on here. I did stay away for the Fulham game though where, according to some on here, it was a bit more hostile.

I am as frustrated as anyone that LJ is still here. However I do wonder if the vitriol towards the club on here is a bit OTT. We have no divine right to success and I can't see how more negativity at this point in the season can help.

I am planning to be at all of our remaining games. I don't want us to go down, LJ is going nowhere this season, so I will be doing my bit to try and avoid the drop. I'm certain if he stays that LJ won't last beyond Christmas and I'm desperate for us to still be in the championship when he gets the deserved boot out the door.

I think it runs deeper than you think. 

I know lots of people who are deeply unhappy but will support the team whilst we are fighting.

If we were to be relegated before the end of the season, the gloves would be off, so to speak.

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Suggesting posters are "happy to harm" the club is ridiculous. 

The inaction of the board is evidently harming the immediate prospects of the club and that is what people would like to put an end to. 

It's no more complicated than that. The fact some posters are abusive doesn't change the above. 

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2 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

Grounds set up the income streams to fund the club for years to come.  The purchase of so many young and inexperienced players might, in retrospect, have been unwise - but it was ambitious and is a plan that may still work well if we can stay up.  If we are relegated, it will cause difficulty and be a setback, which is why I don't think that now is the time to rock the boat. We all want the same thing - but would seek to achieve it in different ways.

I think this is the point raised by many.

We have believed and been patient for 10 years. 

The richest English man in the history of the sport, comes from Bristol and owns our club. I believed and believed and believed.

Maybe I'll believe a little longer, but when are we just being naive and foolish?

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Just now, 054123 said:

I think it runs deeper than you think. 

I know lots of people who are deeply unhappy but will support the team whilst we are fighting.

If we were to be relegated before the end of the season, the gloves would be off, so to speak.

I agree completely. First and foremost people are desperately trying to stay behind the team, despite their deep dissatisfaction. I think going behind tomorrow against another team near the bottom with only a handful of games left may swing the pendulum yet again.


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Just now, CotswoldRed said:

Suggesting posters are "happy to harm" the club is ridiculous. 

The inaction of the board is evidently harming the immediate prospects of the club and that is what people would like to put an end to. 

It's no more complicated than that. The fact some posters are abusive doesn't change the above. 

Anyone who seeks to deprive a football club of its income cannot be said to be encouraging that club - so they are happy to harm the club to make their point.  We have different opinions as to the true nature of the problems within the club and SL may well address some of these in his interview tomorrow.  I feel sure that he will have plans afoot to sort out all the issues. Staying up is the big fight and I just hope that some of the more strident posters on here can calm down for long enough to support the team on the pitch.  Most are so stupid that they are conflicted about not turning up or demonstrating - it would seem that one would preclude the other !  I believe that the club needs all of us to support them right now COYR!



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1 minute ago, Bat Fastard said:

Anyone who seeks to deprive a football club of its income cannot be said to be encouraging that club - so they are happy to harm the club to make their point.  We have different opinions as to the true nature of the problems within the club and SL may well address some of these in his interview tomorrow.  I feel sure that he will have plans afoot to sort out all the issues. Staying up is the big fight and I just hope that some of the more strident posters on here can calm down for long enough to support the team on the pitch.  Most are so stupid that they are conflicted about not turning up or demonstrating - it would seem that one would preclude the other !  I believe that the club needs all of us to support them right now COYR!



I don't think people are stupid.

Upset and disillusioned maybe more adequate. You've posted with tact and purpose up to this point, which I've enjoyed.

Don't let it slip.

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5 minutes ago, 054123 said:

I think this is the point raised by many.

We have believed and been patient for 10 years. 

The richest English man in the history of the sport, comes from Bristol and owns our club. I believed and believed and believed.

Maybe I'll believe a little longer, but when are we just being naive and foolish?

I'm afraid the Rome was not built in a day. This has been the first season of the new stadium that was only fully opened after January.  We have made progress - but so have the other teams in the league. None of this is easy, and we have had difficulties with senior players fitness (GON) - at right back, Matthews, who was so good at right back last season and Lee Tomlin blowing hot and cold.  Our team has been patched up with some very young players and we don't know what else has been going on in the dressing and treatment rooms.  I have faith that our bright and intelligent management team can cope - but right now, they could do without vitriol from the terraces. I think we all want the same things.

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14 minutes ago, 054123 said:

I think this is the point raised by many.

We have believed and been patient for 10 years. 

The richest English man in the history of the sport, comes from Bristol and owns our club. I believed and believed and believed.

Maybe I'll believe a little longer, but when are we just being naive and foolish?

And be replaced by whom...?!

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1 minute ago, Bat Fastard said:

Anyone who seeks to deprive a football club of its income cannot be said to be encouraging that club - so they are happy to harm the club to make their point.  We have different opinions as to the true nature of the problems within the club and SL may well address some of these in his interview tomorrow.  I feel sure that he will have plans afoot to sort out all the issues. Staying up is the big fight and I just hope that some of the more strident posters on here can calm down for long enough to support the team on the pitch.  Most are so stupid that they are conflicted about not turning up or demonstrating - it would seem that one would preclude the other !  I believe that the club needs all of us to support them right now COYR!



They aren't stupid. 

I agree, on balance it might be best that we all pull together at this very late stage,  even if we think LJ would be better suited selling fridges in Curry's. 

But make no mistake, most of the people who are most angry have pointed out LJs shortcomings for a very long time. They've also supported the club with tens of thousands of their pounds over the years. They care! 

If this season still had 20 games to run maybe the argument would be more about who we could bring in. But the fact SL has been so stubborn has removed that option. 

Desperate times. 

You'll just have to accept my stupidity that at this end of the season I'd rather spend the day with the nipper, rather than spend another 10 hour day committed to a corporate mess where, I believe, SL is taking us for granted.

We criticised Cardiff for the shit storm they gladly swallowed. I don't see this as much different.

Good luck to all.  

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1 minute ago, 054123 said:

I don't think people are stupid.

Upset and disillusioned maybe more adequate. You've posted with tact and purpose up to this point, which I've enjoyed.

Don't let it slip.

If you have read some of the stuff that has been aimed at me today, a bloody saint would slip!  It also really pisses me off when people are prepared to cause problems for the club that I love at such a difficult time. I will calm down by tomorrow, when we stuff Wolves (hopefully) COYR


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3 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

I'm afraid the Rome was not built in a day. This has been the first season of the new stadium that was only fully opened after January.  We have made progress - but so have the other teams in the league. None of this is easy, and we have had difficulties with senior players fitness (GON) - at right back, Matthews, who was so good at right back last season and Lee Tomlin blowing hot and cold.  Our team has been patched up with some very young players and we don't know what else has been going on in the dressing and treatment rooms.  I have faith that our bright and intelligent management team can cope - but right now, they could do without vitriol from the terraces. I think we all want the same things.

I must admit my anger is with Lansdown and has been all year.

The results will bear out Johnsons fate, they always do.

Lansdown however isn't culpable in the same way. This is the part that worries me as when it comes to football, I really can't see where he has got it right. 

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42 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

Carrot rather than stick - our players may well be lacking confidence and I just feel that they could do without all this distraction at this time.  Once we are safe - that is the time for serious discussion - hopefully carried out in a calm, intelligent and businesslike manner.  

Well that will rule out the BS board then " serious discussion , intelligent businesslike 

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Just now, Bat Fastard said:

If you have read some of the stuff that has been aimed at me today, a bloody saint would slip!  It also really pisses me off when people are prepared to cause problems for the club that I love at such a difficult time. I will calm down by tomorrow, when we stuff Wolves (hopefully) COYR


I get that. I don't want us to loose, ever.

I just find myself looking for the positives (as I try to do) and realising there's very little there. 

I get the stadium has been redeveloped at huge cost and I have posted elsewhere that I am grateful. 

The academy I think would have kicked on anyway. 

Would you stand by both mangers and owner if we went down?

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Just now, 054123 said:


I must admit my anger is with Lansdown and has been all year.

The results will bear out Johnsons fate, they always do.

Lansdown however isn't culpable in the same way. This is the part that worries me as when it comes to football, I really can't see where he has got it right. 

I think he had a great plan, that for one reason or another, has not quite worked out. It may need adjustment rather than amputation. I just want whatever is best for the club and hope we stay up. If we are relegated, and to use a well worn phrase, "we go again"!

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6 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

I'm afraid the Rome was not built in a day. This has been the first season of the new stadium that was only fully opened after January.  We have made progress - but so have the other teams in the league. None of this is easy, and we have had difficulties with senior players fitness (GON) - at right back, Matthews, who was so good at right back last season and Lee Tomlin blowing hot and cold.  Our team has been patched up with some very young players and we don't know what else has been going on in the dressing and treatment rooms.  I have faith that our bright and intelligent management team can cope - but right now, they could do without vitriol from the terraces. I think we all want the same things.

Your optimism is admirable and you argue your corner well, although I think you enjoy the banter and welcome the attention. But to call our management team bright and intelligent is ridiculous as it is they who are responsible for the mess we're in. 

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4 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

And be replaced by whom...?!

I don't know.

Does it matter? I don't see how or why the previous 10 years would have been any different?

If you play the "we could have done a Leyton orient or Swindon and then where would we be" card, I'll play silly beggars and raise it with "we could have a done a Stoke or a Watford or a Swansea and then where would we be".

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10 hours ago, Tiree said:

Bar BS3 is right and B F often posts sensibly which is good to read amongst all the dross of negativity about which so very few alternatives are offered up. Is the Forum overall view representative of BCFC supporters? Absolutely not and couldnt be further from a true representation.

When you go home and away there is frustration at the results this season but everyone agrees we have a club to support and a team to watch because of ONE MAN. His choice of managers is questionable though the previous could not possibly have achieved the task better, winning the double tand was then out of his depth as the current, inexperienced one may well prove to be.

When you only read on this Forum you could get upset by the posts; some are worthwhile, many are irrelevant

A remarkable claim that you know what our entire fanbase is thinking - and what a surprise, the only two 'likes' you got were from the two people you name-checked in your post.


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Just now, 054123 said:

I get that. I don't want us to loose, ever.

I just find myself looking for the positives (as I try to do) and realising there's very little there. 

I get the stadium has been redeveloped at huge cost and I have posted elsewhere that I am grateful. 

The academy I think would have kicked on anyway. 

Would you stand by both mangers and owner if we went down?

Most of the rest answered on my last post - but your last point is  particularly interesting - I believe that there needs to be a great deal of corporate investigation and head scratching. I'm sure that they have been doing this and we will see the results of their deliberations in due course. It may need adjustment rather than surgery - SL is experienced and very ambitious, so I expect him to sort it out and give us a fine team to go with our fine stadium. Relegation would be a setback - so let's support the lads to the rafters! COYR!

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1 minute ago, redapple said:

Your optimism is admirable and you argue your corner well, although I think you enjoy the banter and welcome the attention. But to call our management team bright and intelligent is ridiculous as it is they who are responsible for the mess we're in. 

I think there should be a distinction between business and footballing acumen. 

Our management team certainly don't have both. 

And I care very little for their professional CVs or IQs

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3 minutes ago, redapple said:

Your optimism is admirable and you argue your corner well, although I think you enjoy the banter and welcome the attention. But to call our management team bright and intelligent is ridiculous as it is they who are responsible for the mess we're in. 

If we were five points better off, the mood would have been far less volatile. As LJ has said, it is a game of fine margins!

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Just now, Bat Fastard said:

Most of the rest answered on my last post - but your last point is  particularly interesting - I believe that there needs to be a great deal of corporate investigation and head scratching. I'm sure that they have been doing this and we will see the results of their deliberations in due course. It may need adjustment rather than surgery - SL is experienced and very ambitious, so I expect him to sort it out and give us a fine team to go with our fine stadium. Relegation would be a setback - so let's support the lads to the rafters! COYR!


All I can hope for now is city manage to stay up.

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Just now, Bat Fastard said:

If we were five points better off, the mood would have been far less volatile. As LJ has said, it is a game of fine margins!

Fine margins? That's about 5 games-worth of points for us. Or a month. 

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Just now, Bat Fastard said:

If we were five points better off, the mood would have been far less volatile. As LJ has said, it is a game of fine margins!


If we were only 5 points better off I'd  still think something wasn't right.

At 10.40pm on a Friday night I will go to sleep and dream of a city win. 

Until this time tomorrow. 

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15 minutes ago, Bat Fastard said:

I think he had a great plan, that for one reason or another, has not quite worked out. It may need adjustment rather than amputation. I just want whatever is best for the club and hope we stay up. If we are relegated, and to use a well worn phrase, "we go again"!

Same rambling words repeated in every post  that say,    absolutely nothing :laughcont:



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