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It's Our club Mr Lansdown


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You are a custodian of our club I have been a supporter since 1982 and my grandfather was since after the second world war. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunities you have had but I can dream of what I could waste millions of pounds on like you have. We as a family have spent a considerable amount of money following this once great club. My late grandad was a staunch supporter of yours, but I now feel you have let him down and us fans that have spent thousands of pounds on following bcfc. We're you clearing snow off the pitch in the early 80's?  No! Will you still be here in 20 years time? I hope not! I will be and so will my kids. Now is the time to do what is wrong with this club. Act now and do the right thing!

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7 minutes ago, elruli said:

You are a custodian of our club I have been a supporter since 1982 and my grandfather was since after the second world war. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunities you have had but I can dream of what I could waste millions of pounds on like you have. We as a family have spent a considerable amount of money following this once great club. My late grandad was a staunch supporter of yours, but I now feel you have let him down and us fans that have spent thousands of pounds on following bcfc. We're you clearing snow off the pitch in the early 80's?  No! Will you still be here in 20 years time? I hope not! I will be and so will my kids. Now is the time to do what is wrong with this club. Act now and do the right thing!

With "supporters" like you, who needs rivals..?!

You don't know how lucky we are. Or would you prefer the Venkeys/Wally/Vincent Tan etc..? 

I very much imagine that your late grandfather would have been over the moon at the thought of a genuine City fan, Bristolian Billionaire owner, who'd just spent £50million on rebuilding Ashton Gate and is always happy to support our managers with a seemingly open cheque book. 

Seriously, get a grip! Or start your own multi billion pound company and then show us all how much of a better job you can do. 

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It will 'always be' our club....:chant6ez:

But unfortunately as SL has the :yawn:money, it's our club in his control..

Yep were luck we could have a Venkys etc... 

But we have to remember that;

Its one mans dream to replicate what he saw in Barcelona & the football club we all grew up with is now part of the Bristol Sport franchise..

We have a lovely ground & facilities to be proud of..

But we are having to accept SL will do what HE thinks & what HE feels is best for clubs within BS..

My concern has always been - jobs for boys that will allow him to keep control of all things (inc on field activities)

We will never appoint a manager who wants to manage 'his way' (Stuart Pearce...!)

Jobs for boys - throughout - Tinnion.... MacCallister.. and of course LJ..

So enjoy our club...........


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8 minutes ago, elruli said:

 Now is the time to do what is wrong with this club. Act now and do the right thing!


I think you will find that legally it is his club in as much as he owns most of the shares.

I have to say I struggle to get this feeling while I acknowledge many fans express it. Let's compare it to your local pub. You spend a lot of money there. You go week in and week out, regardless of who 'owns' the building, for recreational enjoyment. Do you therefore have the right to say it's 'your' pub? I don't think you do. If you don't like the price of beer or the sticky carpets bog off to another pub. What's the difference in all honesty?

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Guest BCFChayden
3 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

With "supporters" like you, who needs rivals..?!

You don't know how lucky we are. Or would you prefer the Venkeys/Wally/Vincent Tan etc..? 

I very much imagine that your late grandfather would have been over the moon at the thought of a genuine City fan, Bristolian Billionaire owner, who'd just spent £50million on rebuilding Ashton Gate and is always happy to support our managers with a seemingly open cheque book. 

Seriously, get a grip! Or start your own multi billion pound company and then show us all how much of a better job you can do. 

I expect he would be happy with the stadium, I bet he still would in through the doors with what's going on

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17 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:


I think you will find that legally it is his club in as much as he owns most of the shares.

I have to say I struggle to get this feeling while I acknowledge many fans express it. Let's compare it to your local pub. You spend a lot of money there. You go week in and week out, regardless of who 'owns' the building, for recreational enjoyment. Do you therefore have the right to say it's 'your' pub? I don't think you do. If you don't like the price of beer or the sticky carpets bog off to another pub. What's the difference in all honesty?

Well, what about brand loyalty?

It does not do any brand, business or owner any good to alienate ?

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I think people have been fooled into thinking they are more important than they really are. BCFC is not a reality show where you can vote for who you want to win. 

At work, I never rose to a management role. There were men (and women) IN SUITS, who took decisions and told us what to do. We didn't expect them to come round in baseball caps and tracksuits from Matalan, scribbling down our ideas so they could change how to run the company. Often their line was JFDI (Just F...... Do It).

Yes Bristol City is my club, but I belong to it, like the Camping Club, or Tesco Clubpoints. The club doesn't belong to me.

You can argue until you are blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact that the club belongs to Stephen Lansdown. He makes the calls, not us. That isn't going to change. Lets just see what happens. That's why I've been supporting "my" club all these years.

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3 hours ago, robin_unreliant said:


I think you will find that legally it is his club in as much as he owns most of the shares.

I have to say I struggle to get this feeling while I acknowledge many fans express it. Let's compare it to your local pub. You spend a lot of money there. You go week in and week out, regardless of who 'owns' the building, for recreational enjoyment. Do you therefore have the right to say it's 'your' pub? I don't think you do. If you don't like the price of beer or the sticky carpets bog off to another pub. What's the difference in all honesty?

I'm not sure where the romantic notion that football clubs 'belong' to their fans comes from. It might be true up to a point in Germany but not in England, except in the occasional crisis. I note though that Pompey are looking to sell to a billionaire. The rich single owner is still the default then.



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The club does belong to the fans in so much as no fans equals no club but the the point of this original post, i think, is about SL's comment about putting more money in than the fans have which whether he meant to say it that way or not was a bonkers thing to say to fans with far far less money than he has who have in terms of ratio of money spent compared to earnings spent far more than SL has and are also paying taxes that he isn't either.

I'm not saying I want SL out. I just think he needs to respect the fans more than he has of late.

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11 minutes ago, Show Me The Money! said:

The club does belong to the fans in so much as no fans equals no club but the the point of this original post, i think, is about SL's comment about putting more money in than the fans have which whether he meant to say it that way or not was a bonkers thing to say to fans with far far less money than he has who have in terms of ratio of money spent compared to earnings spent far more than SL has and are also paying taxes that he isn't either.

I'm not saying I want SL out. I just think he needs to respect the fans more than he has of late.

Totally agree with you. 

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4 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

With "supporters" like you, who needs rivals..?!

You don't know how lucky we are. Or would you prefer the Venkeys/Wally/Vincent Tan etc..? 

I very much imagine that your late grandfather would have been over the moon at the thought of a genuine City fan, Bristolian Billionaire owner, who'd just spent £50million on rebuilding Ashton Gate and is always happy to support our managers with a seemingly open cheque book. 

Seriously, get a grip! Or start your own multi billion pound company and then show us all how much of a better job you can do. 

We have had a few run ins over the years, but enough now; you may continue to worship the only person who tells everyone what to do, and carry on believing how lucky you are; I will not;

 He can spend 60billion if he likes and take us to world domination makes no difference until hes gone I am.......enjoy whats to come.... I am done. :sub:

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1 hour ago, CotswoldRed said:

It's SL or the Venkys apparently. 2 choices. 

With their poultry connections, if we chose the Venky family, do you think they would bring back the chicken, leek and ham pies?  If so, it could swing my vote!

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4 hours ago, elruli said:

You are a custodian of our club I have been a supporter since 1982 and my grandfather was since after the second world war. Unfortunately I haven't had the opportunities you have had but I can dream of what I could waste millions of pounds on like you have. We as a family have spent a considerable amount of money following this once great club. My late grandad was a staunch supporter of yours, but I now feel you have let him down and us fans that have spent thousands of pounds on following bcfc. We're you clearing snow off the pitch in the early 80's?  No! Will you still be here in 20 years time? I hope not! I will be and so will my kids. Now is the time to do what is wrong with this club. Act now and do the right thing!

What opportunities has SL had? 

Like him or loathe him he's self made and as far as I can see had the same opportunities as the rest of us 

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2 hours ago, Fatalist said:

I think people have been fooled into thinking they are more important than they really are. BCFC is not a reality show where you can vote for who you want to win. 

At work, I never rose to a management role. There were men (and women) IN SUITS, who took decisions and told us what to do. We didn't expect them to come round in baseball caps and tracksuits from Matalan, scribbling down our ideas so they could change how to run the company. Often their line was JFDI (Just F...... Do It).

Yes Bristol City is my club, but I belong to it, like the Camping Club, or Tesco Clubpoints. The club doesn't belong to me.

You can argue until you are blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact that the club belongs to Stephen Lansdown. He makes the calls, not us. That isn't going to change. Lets just see what happens. That's why I've been supporting "my" club all these years.

oh bugger, you have spoilt my year I thought I owned all the Tesco Clubpoints, Please don't tell me the tooth Fairy doesn't exist.

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I think our owner has done ok.  Just having money doesn't guarantee success as lots of other clubs have found out to their detriment. He's got the short term wrong with LJ but he got us Cotts, Dawe might of appointed but the owner makes the decisions as z in interview with Twentypence , I wouldn't be surprised if Lee kept us up and was replaced in the summer. If it were my millions being spent I'm pretty sure it would be my way or the highway. 

Modern football has changed so get used to it . 

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Having lived through the club dropping 3 divisions in as many years and nearly going out of business whilst the then chairmen and board invested nothing and were only interested in how to milk some money out of the situation, I can safely say that Steve Lansdown is far from being the worst thing ever to happen to this club.

I realise that football is changing and some people don't like change, but my wife came to the game with me yesterday and was hugely impressed with the facilities, the fans zone, the Sports Bar where we watched the National after the game, and by all the events that were coming up in the near future. She is actually keen on coming down again on Friday and that is something I never thought I would hear her say. 

The modernisation may not be for the traditionalists, but although I am in the age group that should be clinging on to the past, I love the improvements. I can't wait to be in the unreserved section of the South Stand next season and I know my wife will come to more games when I am located there. 

She is just one example of someone being encouraged to start attending games, (football, rugby and even the Flyers) as well as all the peripheral events that are planned. An example of what I imagine SL wants to see happening, it's all revenue at the end of the day. I am sure there are more than a few that will complain that people like her are not "proper" fans, but everyone starts somewhere and the fans of today and in the future have so many other attractions for their time that the enticements have to be many and varied. I think it's working.

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3 hours ago, Bullbag said:

The SL worshipers on here thinking he's the messiah.

One day yuo will wake up and smell the coffee and see he is not all that.

I haven't seen anyone indicating they think he's the messiah, but he is the man who has put the most money into this club, and without him things would be very different.  No one will 'wake up and smell the coffee' because I suspect no one is under any illusions about football.  It's a business, owned and run by very rich men, of whom Lansdown is one.  We are fortunate to have him rather than many other club owners.  With responsibility etc, I think you need to wake up and smell modern football.

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In my lifetime Bristol City were never overly financially stable. I started going to Ashton Gate in 1971,,,,, and I well remember the "no buy, no sell" policy. Fortunately Clubs cant do that these days. Even the glory years of the 70's led the the very near destruction of the club.

Later fans laughed at Russell Osman.... who was given about 30pence to spend by our beloved Chairman...David Russe. To be fair to Osman, he achieved a massive amount despite having to put up with the likes of Henry McKop in the squad.

In recent years Steve Lansdown turned up. I don't agree with everything he does, but this club (in my lifetime) has never been more financially stable.

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1 hour ago, glos old boy said:

We have had a few run ins over the years, but enough now; you may continue to worship the only person who tells everyone what to do, and carry on believing how lucky you are; I will not;

 He can spend 60billion if he likes and take us to world domination makes no difference until hes gone I am.......enjoy whats to come.... I am done. :sub:

So, say four years from now, we have established ourselves in the Championship, then we've made the play off final, won it, and have Arsenal at home in our first game in the Premier League. You won't be going because our owner didn't sack Lee Johnson in 2017?

Makes perfect sense.

There are plenty of us who are able to appreciate what Lansdown has brought to this club - most significantly, huge investment in our infrastructure - whilst acknowledging and questioning much of his decision making, particularly regarding Johnson. Just because we don't want him to leave doesn't make us "worshippers".

My take on yesterday's interview is that, while I think his decision to stick with LJ is a huge gamble that I don't agree with, SL is backing his current strategy of managerial continuity because he believes it is in the best long term interests of the club. In some ways I find this both brave and admirable. I still believe he acts with the best of intentions. And, while it may prove to be misguided, it could still prove to be the right decision in the long term, if LJ does learn lessons from this season and go on to prosper.

Without a doubt I question many of SL's recent decisions. But to say you won't come again until he leaves is disproportionate in the extreme.

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1 minute ago, ChippenhamRed said:

So, say four years from now, we have established ourselves in the Championship, then we've made the play off final, won it, and have Arsenal at home in our first game in the Premier League. You won't be going because our owner didn't sack Lee Johnson in 2017?

Makes perfect sense.

There are plenty of us who are able to appreciate what Lansdown has brought to this club - most significantly, huge investment in our infrastructure - whilst acknowledging and questioning much of his decision making, particularly regarding Johnson. Just because we don't want him to leave doesn't make us "worshippers".

My take on yesterday's interview is that, while I think his decision to stick with LJ is a huge gamble that I don't agree with, SL is backing his current strategy of managerial continuity because he believes it is in the best long term interests of the club. In some ways I find this both brave and admirable. I still believe he acts with the best of intentions. And, while it may prove to be misguided, it could still prove to be the right decision in the long term, if LJ does learn lessons from this season and go on to prosper.

Without a doubt I question many of SL's recent decisions. But to say you won't come again until he leaves is disproportionate in the extreme.

Well said CR. At the risk of sounding like some of the other broken records on here, the only time we achieved the ultimate success was with a Manager who had 8 years to bring his vision to fruition. Although there have been odd moments of success and glorious misses from those with less time allocated to them, it is worth keeping that in mind.

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and the amazing thing is that some want Steve Lansdown to leave....and actually believe there is a more benevolent owner waiting in the wings. Ask Blackburn fans how the feel out Venky's, ask Villa fans how the feel about Randy Lerner, ask Swindon fans how they feel about Lee Power....be careful what you wish for. There are many many clubs who'd quite happily swap their owner for ours

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Just now, Sweeneys Penalties said:

and the amazing thing is that some want Steve Lansdown to leave....and actually believe there is a more benevolent owner waiting in the wings. Ask Blackburn fans how the feel out Venky's, ask Villa fans how the feel about Randy Lerner, ask Swindon fans how they feel about Lee Power....be careful what you wish for. There are many many clubs who'd quite happily swap their owner for ours

I was thinking this yesterday, obviously Blackburn lost Jack Walker for the worst reason, but it does seem like Dave Whelan has lost interest (or run out of spare cash) at Wigan, and look where they are right now. 

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4 hours ago, Bullbag said:

The SL worshipers on here thinking he's the messiah.

One day yuo will wake up and smell the coffee and see he is not all that.

And that is half the problem with these kind of debates...they get polarised in to either believing SL is the messiah, or is just a very naughty boy.

A lot of us I suspect sit closer to the middle. Of course part of me yearns for the clubs and football of yesteryear, but most clubs are now owned by somebody or other. Are their calls he has made I disagree with in 20/20 hindsight? Sure. Equally, I believe we could do an awful lot worse.

I believe part of why the spotlight has in some ways started being shined on him is because he has backed LJ. By far the 'easy' route was to sack him. I would have twisted, but ultimately the decision has to rest somewhere, and it is with SL. LJ has been extremely lucky with the support the owner has given him. There are worse crimes.

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Just now, Port Said Red said:

I was thinking this yesterday, obviously Blackburn lost Jack Walker for the worst reason, but it does seem like Dave Whelan has lost interest (or run out of spare cash) at Wigan, and look where they are right now. 

Dave Whelan resigned in 2015.His Grandson now runs the club (at the ripe old age of 25). Mind you, I'm not sure I'd want to run a Football Club when I'm 80.

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2 minutes ago, Sweeneys Penalties said:

Dave Whelan resigned in 2015.His Grandson now runs the club (at the ripe old age of 25). Mind you, I'm not sure I'd want to run a Football Club when I'm 80.

Thank you, I thought that was the case, but the great God Wikipedia still had him down as owner? 

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4 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

I was thinking this yesterday, obviously Blackburn lost Jack Walker for the worst reason, but it does seem like Dave Whelan has lost interest (or run out of spare cash) at Wigan, and look where they are right now. 

I'm pretty neutral on Steve Lansdown, nice enough chap in my limited experience. I think he risked alienating some people yesterday. We've had a poor season, he's firmly wedded to a manager who's presided over the worst run of results in our history and in whom he can see things that others can't. By his own admission that's not popular with everyone.

But if the case against him is overstated the case for him ain't that strong in terms of achievements on the pitch, which frankly, is what I'm most interested in. To date he's achieved little more than his predecessors as the holder of the reins at BCFC. We got to the playoff finals almost a decade ago. Other than that we've had the same yo-yo second/third tier existence we've had for much of our history. He's got a long way to go before he can be mentioned in the same breath as Jack Walker (Prem. Championship) or Dave Whelan (FA Cup)...

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Just now, Red Exile said:

I'm pretty neutral on Steve Lansdown, nice enough chap in my limited experience. I think he risked alienating some people yesterday. We've had a poor season, he's firmly wedded to a manager who's presided over the worst run of results in our history and in whom he can see things that others can't. By his own admission that's not popular with everyone.

But if the case against him is overstated the case for him ain't that strong in terms of achievements on the pitch, which frankly, is what I'm most interested in. To date he's achieved little more than his predecessors as the holder of the reins at BCFC. We got to the playoff finals almost a decade ago. Other than that we've had the same yo-yo second/third tier existence we've had for much of our history. He's got a long way to go before he can be mentioned in the same breath as Jack Walker (Prem. Championship) or Dave Whelan (FA Cup)...

But they just threw money at the task which they were able to do until the rules were changed.

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53 minutes ago, Sweeneys Penalties said:

In my lifetime Bristol City were never overly financially stable. I started going to Ashton Gate in 1971,,,,, and I well remember the "no buy, no sell" policy. Fortunately Clubs cant do that these days. Even the glory years of the 70's led the the very near destruction of the club.

Later fans laughed at Russell Osman.... who was given about 30pence to spend by our beloved Chairman...David Russe. To be fair to Osman, he achieved a massive amount despite having to put up with the likes of Henry McKop in the squad.

In recent years Steve Lansdown turned up. I don't agree with everything he does, but this club (in my lifetime) has never been more financially stable.

I agree with most of what you say but am puzzled by your reference to"no buy, no sell".

I've never heard that phrase in respect to City but it was Rovers policy throughout the Bert Tann days in 1950's.

True there wasn't much cash around for AD throughout his time at City so we got some really questionable signings at times.

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16 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

But they just threw money at the task which they were able to do until the rules were changed.

Fair enough...all I'm observing is that whilst I'm delighted that he's not an owner to rank with the worst in the land, he's not achieved much compared to the great local owners either. 

For all Steve Lansdown's talk of a positive outlook for "the project" it remains "work in progress" to use his words of yesterday, and "work in progress" pleas for patience have, in my view, been far more characteristic of the the Lansdown years than tangible achievements on the pitch.

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12 minutes ago, cidered abroad said:

I agree with most of what you say but am puzzled by your reference to"no buy, no sell".

I've never heard that phrase in respect to City but it was Rovers policy throughout the Bert Tann days in 1950's.

True there wasn't much cash around for AD throughout his time at City so we got some really questionable signings at times.

as I recall it, it was a policy that coughed out of the building of The Dolman Stand...it cost a lot of money and the club were potless (not for the only time in its history)

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35 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

But they just threw money at the task which they were able to do until the rules were changed.

This is true. Part of SL's "problem" is he is 20 years too late. Madjeski was another who got in there and used his dosh to massively transform a nothing club. Not sure if he spent millions on players like Jack Walker though. SL is unlucky he was throwing money at it as the restrictions came in. However, if he had been backing us to this extent before clubs like Blackburn, Reading, Wigan and Bolton transformed themselves with big budgets and new grounds, or as they were doing it, he would still have needed to make smart choices with things like coach recruitment. Not convinced it wouldn't have been the same let-down

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8 hours ago, Bar BS3 said:

With "supporters" like you, who needs rivals..?!

You don't know how lucky we are. Or would you prefer the Venkeys/Wally/Vincent Tan etc..? 

I very much imagine that your late grandfather would have been over the moon at the thought of a genuine City fan, Bristolian Billionaire owner, who'd just spent £50million on rebuilding Ashton Gate and is always happy to support our managers with a seemingly open cheque book. 

Seriously, get a grip! Or start your own multi billion pound company and then show us all how much of a better job you can do. 

Nobody is doubting his love for the club and we are extremely grateful for the money he has spent over the years. However, his footballing decisions have been pretty dire to say the least, as has the board too.

If you look at other clubs like Barnsley, Preston, Ipswich, Brentford and Hudds. They've spent next to nothing and have a tight budget, yet have been miles ahead of us. Think that deserves some answers don't you? 

Without Tammy, we would be dead and buried like Rotherham and that frankly is not good enough. 

But of course if you're happy with that then SL will love you..

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I do believe that SL wants the best for the club. There is no doubting his investment. In terms of infrastructure he has dragged us from the dark ages. Do I think he is passionate about the club? No..at least not in the way many of us are. I did think he was fairly benign and harmless but his foolhardy interview actually shows that he is very ruthless and will do things his way. I get that he wants stability in terms of managers, that is admirable and will bring improvement if,big if, the manager is the correct one. I still think we will be OK under the Stewardship of the Lansdowns as long as we dont believe all the Hyperbole they feed us. 

Just wish Des Williams had been as rich as Lansdown.....then we would have had a world Class bloke at the helm.

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On 09/04/2017 at 10:57, robin_unreliant said:


I think you will find that legally it is his club in as much as he owns most of the shares.

I have to say I struggle to get this feeling while I acknowledge many fans express it. Let's compare it to your local pub. You spend a lot of money there. You go week in and week out, regardless of who 'owns' the building, for recreational enjoyment. Do you therefore have the right to say it's 'your' pub? I don't think you do. If you don't like the price of beer or the sticky carpets bog off to another pub. What's the difference in all honesty?

But if someone came in and 'improved it' at the expense of its character and charm that you'd come to love and charged more for questionably 'better' drinks you'd be angry right? You can go to another pub but you leave behind friends and all the memories that come with the old pub. 

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On 4/9/2017 at 10:53, Bar BS3 said:


I very much imagine that your late grandfather would have been over the moon at the thought of a genuine City fan, Bristolian Billionaire owner, who'd just spent £50million on rebuilding Ashton Gate and is always happy to support our managers with a seemingly open cheque book. 


Well known gas head before buying City. Suggest you pop into Marlwood Secondary School near Severn Beach. Huge photo of him in there wearing a rovers top.

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Oh for the good old days.  Bring back rationing, rickets, scurvy, the three day week, strikes, the cold war, and the days City were in Division One and the world was a happier place.  

Or move on.  What happened in the past is gone.  We are where we are and God knows it could be a lot worse. And I think it's worth remembering  that for everything  they have got wrong both SL and LJ were involved in the bringing of Tammy Abraham here this season and where would  we be now if they hadn't.



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56 minutes ago, SARJ said:

Well known gas head before buying City. Suggest you pop into Marlwood Secondary School near Severn Beach. Huge photo of him in there wearing a rovers top.

Yeah, he's behaved like a die hard Rovers fan, hasn't he..?! 

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9 minutes ago, 1953 said:

Oh for the good old days.  Bring back rationing, rickets, scurvy, the three day week, strikes, the cold war, and the days City were in Division One and the world was a happier place.  

Or move on.  What happened in the past is gone.  We are where we are and God knows it could be a lot worse. And I think it's worth remembering  that for everything  they have got wrong both SL and LJ were involved in the bringing of Tammy Abraham here this season and where would  we be now if they hadn't.



Relegated weeks ago.

Our entire season has been saved by a player that will not be here next.

Quite a sobering thought.

I would also cast doubt on the notion that LJ would have had the connections or pulling power to have had much to do with bringing Tammy here.

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On 09/04/2017 at 10:57, ricardob59 said:

It will 'always be' our club....:chant6ez:

But unfortunately as SL has the :yawn:money, it's our club in his control..

Yep were luck we could have a Venkys etc... 

But we have to remember that;

Its one mans dream to replicate what he saw in Barcelona & the football club we all grew up with is now part of the Bristol Sport franchise..

We have a lovely ground & facilities to be proud of..

But we are having to accept SL will do what HE thinks & what HE feels is best for clubs within BS..

My concern has always been - jobs for boys that will allow him to keep control of all things (inc on field activities)

We will never appoint a manager who wants to manage 'his way' (Stuart Pearce...!)

Jobs for boys - throughout - Tinnion.... MacCallister.. and of course LJ..

So enjoy our club...........


What is it with this franchise crap . I may be off the mark what a franchise is but Bristol sport doesn't own us. Bristol sport is a management / promotion company dealing with everything commercial, plus we are older than  BS so we ain't a off spring of BS if anything BS is a franchise of BCFC. 

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4 hours ago, steviestevieneville said:

What is it with this franchise crap . I may be off the mark what a franchise is but Bristol sport doesn't own us. Bristol sport is a management / promotion company dealing with everything commercial, plus we are older than  BS so we ain't a off spring of BS if anything BS is a franchise of BCFC. 

Please be better informed before sounding off.  You are, of course, not alone in failing to understand the massive danger BS is or the antediluvian governance embraced by SL.

Those who agree with me are as unlikely to convince you and those who agree with you as you are us.  

We just have to agree we all want the very best for City but disagree about the current governance structure and long term aims of SL and BS

Time will tell which group got it right.  In many ways I would like to be proved wrong but I just don't honestly believe I will be

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38 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

Please be better informed before sounding off.  You are, of course, not alone in failing to understand the massive danger BS is or the antediluvian governance embraced by SL.

Those who agree with me are as unlikely to convince you and those who agree with you as you are us.  

We just have to agree we all want the very best for City but disagree about the current governance structure and long term aims of SL and BS

Time will tell which group got it right.  In many ways I would like to be proved wrong but I just don't honestly believe I will be

All I'm trying to understand Ivor is the definition of what a franchise really is. If we've been around for 120 years then how can we be a franchise of a company that's only been  around for 3 or 4 years ? 

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6 hours ago, SARJ said:

Well known gas head before buying City. Suggest you pop into Marlwood Secondary School near Severn Beach. Huge photo of him in there wearing a rovers top.

Maybe he was going through an, er, 'experimental' stage?

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17 hours ago, NickJ said:

Relegated weeks ago.

Our entire season has been saved by a player that will not be here next.

Quite a sobering thought.

I would also cast doubt on the notion that LJ would have had the connections or pulling power to have had much to do with bringing Tammy here.

How did it happen then? All the quotes from both clubs and from Tammy himself suggest there was a lot of hard work put in by LJ and MA to push the deal through. 

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11 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Marlwood is in Alveston. Can't say I've ever heard of this photo before....

It certainly wasn't there when I was st school at Marlwood between 91-97!! I've also never heard any of the younger lads who I know went there talk about it either

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39 minutes ago, Port Said Red said:

How did it happen then? All the quotes from both clubs and from Tammy himself suggest there was a lot of hard work put in by LJ and MA to push the deal through. 

I think it more likely that somebody with more contacts than LJ would have had the initial contact with Chelsea.

Des Taylor, I'd say more likely?

After the initial contact, of course others would take over and push it through. MA would look pretty silly if he didn't, given that's his job. From the initial contact, the fact that LJ and MA are employees of a major city Championship club would have been more significant than their personal pull, IMO.


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Just now, NickJ said:

I think it more likely that somebody with more contacts than LJ would have had the initial contact with Chelsea.

Des Taylor, I'd say more likely?

After the initial contact, of course others would take over and push it through. MA would look pretty silly if he didn't, given that's his job. From the initial contact, the fact that LJ and MA are employees of a major city Championship club would have been more significant than their personal pull, IMO.


I am sure there were a lot of people involved, but I don't think it's fair (like that's a problem on OTIB!) to underplay the part that LJ played. His presentation to the Chelsea Management, his time spent with Tammy and his family must have been influential. With Chelsea having so many suitors for their best players, everything that was done would have been a key part of the jigsaw.

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12 hours ago, steviestevieneville said:

All I'm trying to understand Ivor is the definition of what a franchise really is. If we've been around for 120 years then how can we be a franchise of a company that's only been  around for 3 or 4 years ? 

In a normal franchise relationship the franchiser outsources its services and brands to others to use at a cost, and to create shared profits.

Bristol City are sharing Bristol Sports branding. There is an element of franchising present.


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On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2017 at 15:21, Wanderingred said:

24 hours ago, the opening post would have got about 50 likes. We won our last game though so now its being torn to shreds!!

are you by any chance suggesting we are a fickle lot?

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13 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

Please be better informed before sounding off.  You are, of course, not alone in failing to understand the massive danger BS is or the antediluvian governance embraced by SL.

Those who agree with me are as unlikely to convince you and those who agree with you as you are us.  

We just have to agree we all want the very best for City but disagree about the current governance structure and long term aims of SL and BS

Time will tell which group got it right.  In many ways I would like to be proved wrong but I just don't honestly believe I will be

Whether he's right or wrong, IG,  it isn't a "franchise".

A franchise is the US sport model where the owner rather than the club owns the right to field a team in a league.

BS is a holding company for a number of different sport teams, and despite what Lansdown believes, that idea is not unique in English sport. 

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14 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

Please be better informed before sounding off.  You are, of course, not alone in failing to understand the massive danger BS is or the antediluvian governance embraced by SL.

Those who agree with me are as unlikely to convince you and those who agree with you as you are us.  

We just have to agree we all want the very best for City but disagree about the current governance structure and long term aims of SL and BS

Time will tell which group got it right.  In many ways I would like to be proved wrong but I just don't honestly believe I will be

May I ask in what respect you find the governance "antideluvian"? I think bringing several sports under one banner and cross marketing etc is very forward thinking, not outdated at all. Do you mean it in a different aspect or sense? 

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14 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

Please be better informed before sounding off.  You are, of course, not alone in failing to understand the massive danger BS is or the antediluvian governance embraced by SL.

Those who agree with me are as unlikely to convince you and those who agree with you as you are us.  

We just have to agree we all want the very best for City but disagree about the current governance structure and long term aims of SL and BS

Time will tell which group got it right.  In many ways I would like to be proved wrong but I just don't honestly believe I will be

How incredibly arrogant to assume that people who don't share your opinion on Bristol Sport lack understanding.  It is simply your subjective opinion that BS presents a "massive danger", it is not an established fact.  It is not a failing of understanding in the rest of us not to share that opinion.

Thanks to the Bristol Sport model I have developed an affinity to the rugby club I didn't have before, and watched said rugby team whilst benefitting from a discounted ticket.  I've also started to take a passing interest in the basketball team.  None of this has diluted my interest in Bristol City FC, who still wear red shirts with the same badge and still play at Ashton Gate stadium with its John Atyeo Stand, it's Marina Dolman Way, and it's red seats.  Before Bristol Sport existed, we still appointed crap managers and we still suffered relegations.

Just because some of us are willing to embrace the Bristol Sport model and appreciate the benefits that it brings does not mean that we "fail to understand".  Maybe it just means we are a little more open minded to new ideas that, as far as I can tell, remain largely respectful to our heritage and do not mean our owner has suddenly evolved into some sort of evil dictator.

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20 hours ago, SARJ said:

Well known gas head before buying City. Suggest you pop into Marlwood Secondary School near Severn Beach. Huge photo of him in there wearing a rovers top.

Sarj, whilst I'm of the opinion Lansdown is a prize numpty, what are the chances of there being a huge photo of him in a school he never went to?

Slim, I'd say.

He was educated at Thornbury Grammar, then Sheffield Poly.

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Just now, ChippenhamRed said:

How incredibly arrogant to assume that people who don't share your opinion on Bristol Sport lack understanding.  It is simply your subjective opinion that BS presents a "massive danger", it is not an established fact.  It is not a failing of understanding in the rest of us not to share that opinion.

Thanks to the Bristol Sport model I have developed an affinity to the rugby club I didn't have before, and watched said rugby team whilst benefitting from a discounted ticket.  I've also started to take a passing interest in the basketball team.  None of this has diluted my interest in Bristol City FC, who still wear red shirts with the same badge and still play at Ashton Gate stadium with its John Atyeo Stand, it's Marina Dolman Way, and it's red seats.  Before Bristol Sport existed, we still appointed crap managers and we still suffered relegations.

Just because some of us are willing to embrace the Bristol Sport model and appreciate the benefits that it brings does not mean that we "fail to understand".  Maybe it just means we are a little more open minded to new ideas that, as far as I can tell, remain largely respectful to our heritage and do not mean our owner has suddenly evolved into some sort of evil dictator.

Your interest in rugby could have been piqued by another model.  Obvious models. Bristol Sport has no obvious parallels in model, and certainly not Barcelona!

Our owner? Bristol City was once a club playing its own stadium, owned by fans, the Pride of the West, it is now something different.A fact is that fans (some) do not like Bristol Sport. That is damage to an increasing number.

And again the above is not necessary. BS could have remained a backroom operation. One person decides different. That is no club.



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13 minutes ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

Sarj, whilst I'm of the opinion Lansdown is a prize numpty, what are the chances of there being a huge photo of him in a school he never went to?

Slim, I'd say.

He was educated at Thornbury Grammar, then Sheffield Poly.

Marlwood used to be Thornbury Grammar I believe.

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1 hour ago, Port Said Red said:

May I ask in what respect you find the governance "antideluvian"? I think bringing several sports under one banner and cross marketing etc is very forward thinking, not outdated at all. Do you mean it in a different aspect or sense? 

What I mean is no customer (fan)representation on the Board, no staff representation, no community representation.

A Board emasculated by having to get owner's ok

This is not a financial company but a community one or should be




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