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Rate city's performance this season....

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Can't help feeling like a wasted season? Good start and a very important good run at the end of the season ! But the middle part especially the 8 or 9 game losing streak was like losing the will to live! 

More questions than answers for me!

highlight for me has been watching Tammy, feels just like when we had Andy cole on loan then signed him. Just knew he was something special and you will be watching him score goals at a higher level.

On a personal note the second season my daughter has had a season ticket and my son ages 3 went to his first game 3-2 Barnsley! So as a parent always dreamed of following on the long tradition of watching city , so win lose or draw that's made it a bit easier to stomach this season! 

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The great start and strong finish really can't make up for the horrendous mid season when I really began to have serious doubts that we would pull out of it.So for ruining almost a third of the season and some dire performances to boot only a 4.5 from me.

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7 1st 3rd, 0 2nd 3rd and 8 final 3rd of season so a rather lame 5/10, could and should have been so much better but ultimately could have been a hell of a lot worse. The last 3rd of the season has shown what we are capable of and with the addition of a couple of quality players we should be looking to mid table at least next season.

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4.5-5 it's not a wasted season but we weren't as good as we should've been. Only our second back up in the championship so now it's time to start gaining momentum. It's easy to look at other teams who've come up and had half decent seasons but on the other hand teams like MK Dons and Wigan who go straight back down. Have to start looking up the table now otherwise what's the point? 

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4 from me. 

What the hell went so horribly wrong mid season? The Cardiff game happened and we just dropped like a stone - belief gone. I would like to think now though that the players have a stronger mentality in future.

I actually thought we were getting lucky in the first 2 months, we played 1 game really well against Fulham and the other performances I felt we got a bit of luck to win.

March until now has been mad, a 5-0 battering to an average Preston side followed by 4 wins out of 5 with a win at Champions elect Brighton.

One word to sum our season up: Confused


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Have to agree with a lot written on this. I put 5 and see it as below par. The middle part of the season was a real worry , more so because when under pressure Johnson threw the players under a bus rather than keep it in house and taking the blame himself . Any decent man manager would do this, it's definitely a worry for next season.  

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My pre-season thoughts which were that we should realistically be looking to:

Finish between 8th and 15th in the table 

Enjoy a much better FA Cup campaign, the 6th round would be good 

Keep hold of our best / key players

Develop younger players

Secure a bigger fan base, which really gets behind the team and does not moan as much!

Read and see far more positive things about BCFC on social media and the media in general

Continue on the exciting journey towards a sustainable / successful future

Ensure that away teams / fans leave Ashton Gate knowing it is a very special / atmospheric place, packed with brilliant facilities and supporters and as LJ says it becomes a fortress

View the 2016/17 season as a major step towards reaching the Premiership 

If I were rating just the on-field performance this season it would be a 5, however, when considering everything I would rate it a 6.5.

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A generous 4.  

Think the knowledge that LJ was not going to be sacked helped swing it.

That we did play well when we chose too suggests the players could've (of) done a hell of a lot better.

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4. While I am happy that we have hit form, anyone who supports this club knows that we often finish strongly in the final few games. For me, it is not indicative of progress. If anything, we could regress unless we somehow find an Abraham replacement. It was physically painful to support this club at certain stages of the season, and there is nothing more I would love than to see us progress next season but that (RECORD BREAKING) run cannot be forgotten too easily.

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56 minutes ago, SouthStand Sandwich said:

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being excllent (think 2014/5 season) 1 being utter disaster... rate city's performance this season.... personally I'd give it 5/10.....

How's it a 5?


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To go from play offs in October to a relegation dog fight regardless of comfort at the end was poor, given the sizeable investment on top of that the only positives have been the start and end of the season. 

If we had been where we are now all season it probably would have been a 4/5 as it would recognise the toughness of the league rather than how up and far down we've been.

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5 for me. We had tammy and still ended up in our annual championship relegation battle. Painful run between nov to feb. Johnson has got out of jail and fair play to him in the end at least for turning it around when we appeared goners.

He deserves another stab next season. Just about. But he must of used up all of his lives and the excuses must stop next season. If we are down there again after 15-20 games next time round he has to go.

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4 for me. Good results but not necessarily performances in the first third. Absolutely dreadful middle third, as bad as I can ever remember. Really strong, uplifting end to the season against all my expectations over and the past month or so.

I'm relieved to still be a Championship club, and hoping LJ will have learned from that appalling run throughout the winter. If we can play as we have in the last 10 games (barring Preston away) we might just be a decent side next season. 

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29 minutes ago, milo1111 said:

5 for me. We had tammy and still ended up in our annual championship relegation battle. Painful run between nov to feb. Johnson has got out of jail and fair play to him in the end at least for turning it around when we appeared goners.

He deserves another stab next season. Just about. But he must of used up all of his lives and the excuses must stop next season. If we are down there again after 15-20 games next time round he has to go.

I wish I could give us a 5.

5/10 = 12/24

I know that's hardly a great way to judge a rating but given that + everything LJ has had I'd say 2/10

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Really depends on how you define perform. We all make our own expectations and judge from there. What did people realistically expect? Could have, should have.....

We've got a 8th youngest squad in the league averaging around 26.

We have one of the youngest managers in the country, who has ridden one hell of a storm and shown some gutsy attributes getting through it. Regardless of what people say, opinion, he called out a few players, but it's got them performing now. A certain Jose Mourinho often does a similar thing. Or perhaps some of you want the softer Arsene Wenger approach?

We spent approx £12 million but in this league the average spend is £12.5m per club this year, so we are on that average mark. There are teams who've spent more below us and teams who've spent less above us. 

We have 5 former premiership teams below us.

You can argue we've progressed, albeit a slightly from last season. More points. Higher attendances. A years experience for our young team and manager. Continuity. New training ground coming. Has the progression been enough? For me it's too hard to say. 

If you take a 26 game period (Steve Cotterill's games in champ with City last season) starting at the Cardiff loss and through our record run of defeats this season, we still won more games under LJ - 6 games won vs. 4 under SC.

In two 12 game spells we've had play-off form and we're finishing strongly.

But having said all this - it's all about next season. To use a football analogy, a draw away to the leaders mid-week is only good if you don't lose at home to the bottom club the next Saturday. Next season has to show real signs that we are not in another lower half battle and that standing by LJ was not a waste this year.

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5/10. Whereas those dark months during our unbeaten run contained some awful moments and were very grim indeed, Tammy has been a revelation and there have been some really enjoyable games (e.g. the home ones against Villa, Huddersfield and the second half against Barnsley).

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7 minutes ago, Alessandro said:

Really depends on how you define perform. We all make our own expectations and judge from there. What did people realistically expect? Could have, should have.....

We've got a 8th youngest squad in the league averaging around 26.

We have one of the youngest managers in the country, who has ridden one hell of a storm and shown some gutsy attributes getting through it. Regardless of what people say, opinion, he called out a few players, but it's got them performing now. A certain Jose Mourinho often does a similar thing. Or perhaps some of you want the softer Arsene Wenger approach?

We spent approx £12 million but in this league the average spend is £12.5m per club this year, so we are on that average mark. There are teams who've spent more below us and teams who've spent less above us. 

We have 5 former premiership teams below us.

You can argue we've progressed, albeit a slightly from last season. More points. Higher attendances. A years experience for our young team and manager. Continuity. New training ground coming. Has the progression been enough? For me it's too hard to say. 

If you take a 26 game period (Steve Cotterill's games in champ with City last season) starting at the Cardiff loss and through our record run of defeats this season, we still won more games under LJ - 6 games won vs. 4 under SC.

In two 12 game spells we've had play-off form and we're finishing strongly.

But having said all this - it's all about next season. To use a football analogy, a draw away to the leaders mid-week is only good if you don't lose at home to the bottom club the next Saturday. Next season has to show real signs that we are not in another lower half battle and that standing by LJ was not a waste this year.

I don't agree with any manager calling players out, if you want to have a go at them do it in the privacy of the dressing room. Mourinho has won leagues and a European cup so has earned respect and is why he gets away with it a bit more. After calling Magnusson out he hasn't played a second since. No player can be happy being publicly slated by their manager.  Agree with your post overall

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2 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:


Interesting scores are mostly 3's and 4's with 6 the highest yet the majority still appear to want the manager to stay.


Shall we just sack Johnson after Sunday's lap of honour and get you onto the pitch , give you a mic and let you let us know who is the guy that you reckon is gonna lead us to the promised land? I'm really interested to know...

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17 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:


Interesting scores are mostly 3's and 4's with 6 the highest yet the majority still appear to want the manager to stay.


There is plenty of scope for improvement and Johnson has learned from his own mistakes mid-season hence the major upturn in form recently. Given his record overall isn't that bad I think it's fair to say that he deserves to keep his job. What realistically were you expecting from this season? Top 6? The squad itself was light and it needed a lot of work. I would say it's right to consolidate for a couple of seasons given the cluster **** of the first 5/6 months of last season... 

He has shown he is fully capable of managing at this level

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20 minutes ago, AppyDAZE said:

Shall we just sack Johnson after Sunday's lap of honour and get you onto the pitch , give you a mic and let you let us know who is the guy that you reckon is gonna lead us to the promised land? I'm really interested to know...

That wouldn't happen, he's boycotted the club for reasons I can't even remember

Something to do with the 'overlord' Lansdown??? ;)

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Just now, Emperor Palpatine said:

That wouldn't happen, he's boycotted the club for reasons I can't even remember

Something to do with the 'overlord' Lansdown??? ;)

This Lansdown bloke? ******* bag - o shite . not got a f@@king clue.. 

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I would have said before the season started par for the course, allowing for new players but some investment in the squad, was 60-65 points. It is therefore below par, but maybe in the end by only 3 points, so I will go for a 5 overall, mainly because the last quarter gives some hope.

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So with one game to go {and surely a good chance of winning} compared to last season we are currently one place higher, 2pts better off, above 3 teams that finished higher {not included those relegated}, have a +12 goal difference and have a lot of young players that will have benefitted from having experienced this seasons ups and downs.

Given the above and the money we have spent a 5 seems fair for this season.

If the club as a whole can build on what seems like a small improvement compared to last year, including management, recruitment and the development of players we have, I am very optimistic.


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3 hours ago, SouthStand Sandwich said:

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being excllent (think 2014/5 season) 1 being utter disaster... rate city's performance this season.... personally I'd give it 5/10.....


Not brilliant, but ultimately, we stayed up.

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6 - not a great season - all over the place mid season,  but some positive signs end of - Brownhills,  Paterson & O Dowda all positives. Was at Preston - thought that was the moment we got relegated - fact it didn't happen disproves a lot of the conspiracy theories. Much to do in close season, but something to build on.

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7 hours ago, Kid in the Riot said:


Interesting scores are mostly 3's and 4's with 6 the highest yet the majority still appear to want the manager to stay.


It's almost as if there has been a dramatic improvement in our recent form which has prompted people to rethink their view on the manager, whilst not denying that overall the season has been a disappointment.

Not really that baffling is it. It's only baffling if you continue to refuse to acknowledge the recent improvement or think the only possible solution to a disappointing (but not disastrous) campaign is to sack the manager and start again. You don't have to agree with that viewpoint to understand why many now might be inclined to give LJ more time.

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3. - Don't understand how anyone can give a score of 5 (average) or more to a season where we:

a) set a record for the longest run of league defeats in our 123 year history

b) went through a period of only two league wins in twenty one games

c) where we only avoided relegation in the penultimate game.

For me this season was a great disappointment that almost turned into a disaster -  particularly considering the momentum of the new ground, the 19 new signings and the pre season hype.

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2...on the basis that 0 would be a poor relegation and 1 would be relegated but putting up a fight. Let's face it, we just missed the drop by pulling promotion form out of the bag with a month to go.

Can't recall a season where we had so much talent in the squad and so abjectly failed to exploit it. At times we plunged the depths...I can recall worse City sides struggling, but never a side so completely falling apart as we did at home to Reading....no excuse. Baffling.

A frustrating in the extreme! Must do better.

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Overall, only just seen this thread.

I reckon 4/10. The games I listed in another thread were a positive and the League Cup run was good- we could conceivably have beat Hull as well, thought we played quite well that evening.

People say Cardiff was the one where it began to unravel...unsure I agree, I think Brighton at home. After Cardiff we still drew one, won one, lost one so you know steady if unspectacular.

Brighton onwards though- well 11 losses in 12, which encompassed a record losing loss of 8 games- speaks for itself. I was thinking about this the other day and who knows how we would have gone on with a draw or even a win that evening? The circs were great- we were in and around top 6, we had won 6, drawn 1 and lost only one- to Newcastle- at home. Ashton Gate was a fortress, under the floodlights, in front of Sky, crowd was up for it...I look back at that game and truly wonder. Tomlin missed a great chance after a few mins, Brighton are quite a counterattacking side- for me that's the game that derailed our season.

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On ‎5‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 21:20, milo1111 said:

5 for me. We had tammy and still ended up in our annual championship relegation battle. Painful run between nov to feb. Johnson has got out of jail and fair play to him in the end at least for turning it around when we appeared goners.

He deserves another stab next season. Just about. But he must of used up all of his lives and the excuses must stop next season. If we are down there again after 15-20 games next time round he has to go.

15-20 games that's generous, I think 10 games tops.

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I'd go for a 3/10.

We're near the bottom of the table, and frankly I don't think we were going to do a lot better than we did. We had made a ton of good signings on paper, and I think most of us were looking forward to the season after last seasons transfer debacles.

However, our performances have been lacking, and we've largely been saved by a few good signings alongside some questionable ones. Also, once again, the board have been called into question for their handling of club affairs, namely their approach of signing youngsters with potential. It's hardly a bad plan, but a squad needs balance, and our current squad doesn't have any balance. We signed the following youngsters this year:

  • O'Dowda
  • Abraham
  • Moore
  • Magnusson
  • Engvall

None of them have experience, and none of them have won in the past. That winning mentality is extremely important, and it's what this club has sorely lacked for a number of years now. I'm all for signing youth, but when you pair a bunch of inexperienced players up with an inexperienced manager what do you expect to happen? To a certain point, quality is irrelevant, and what you need is a team of decent players that can grind out results over the space of a long season.

Performances on the pitch have been an issue, but it's the board that bring down the overall score for me. I hope that Lansdown, LJ, and Ashton learn from this season and sign some players that have won something in the past, whether it's the Championship, Serie B, anything.

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