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11 minutes ago, daored said:

On a separate note has the fantasy football show that used to be on, on a Friday night with Paul Merson been pulled?


Bring back Phoenix from the Flames

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Surprised to hear it's still limping on - it was consistently excellent in the late 90s/early 2000s but when it progressed from a cult show to widespread popularity it disappeared up its own arse somewhat. I grew weary of the incessant aggressive plugs for Sky's products and services.

Haven't seen it in about nine years since that Man U fan picked up the baton from TL, he lasted one season I think and was canned because he's so awful.

They also tweaked the format too much so popular segments (the WengerBoys spring to mind) would be pulled before their time, and replaced with inferior sketches.

There were too many non-football elements creeping in as well, such as the painfully unfunny Yorkshire News. Leave the satire to Chris Morris son.

Like I say it's been a long, long time since I last saw it and the fact it has kept going on means it must've still had a following and perhaps was revitalized, but I did feel like it "jumped the shark" many moons ago.

All shows have a shelf life, and SAM is no exception. Perhaps Helen leaving will mean it dies a natural death because she's been the show's rock for so long.

Before she joined there was Russ Williams and Jane somebody, it was a car crash in the early days. Few would've predicted it would evolve into the classic it became.

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3 hours ago, Midlands Robin said:

It was all part of the "FHM and Loaded lads mags" era. It should have been put to bed a long time ago.

It was essential viewing at one time.

It was a load of F###ing b####x viewing at the time and ever after.  

I gather Helen Chamberlain made the '12th' man of the Torquay 11, every season.  

Talk about crashing bus drivers, talk about crass.

Tasteless shite. 

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