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Logistical question


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OK, so heavy snow has set in some parts of the country overnight and today is Wednesday.

If the snow & floods reported on the news are still around on Saturday, but AG is playable and the match officials arrive on time, what would happen if Wolves rang to say they couldn't make it? They will have had 72 hours notice of bad weather and everyone else has made it to AG, so would they be "fined for failure to complete a fixture" or do City simply get awarded a 3-0 win? :fingerscrossed:

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3 minutes ago, 22A said:

OK, so heavy snow has set in some parts of the country overnight and today is Wednesday.

If the snow & floods reported on the news are still around on Saturday, but AG is playable and the match officials arrive on time, what would happen if Wolves rang to say they couldn't make it? They will have had 72 hours notice of bad weather and everyone else has made it to AG, so would they be "fined for failure to complete a fixture" or do City simply get awarded a 3-0 win? :fingerscrossed:

I don't think there is a simple answer to that question - it would all come down to circumstance. My understanding is Wolves would need permission from the FA to not attend - so if they contacted the FA tomorrow or Thursday to let them know there could be a problem, talked through the options and could show they had made reasonable efforts but there was no safe way to attend the fixture then it would probably get called off and rescheduled.


If they just rang in on the day without having told the FA there was a problem then I suspect they would get fined at the very least and we could be awarded the win.


Obviously the other thing, not directly relevant to your question, is games sometimes get abandoned even when the stadium is playable and teams and match officials can get there if it is not judged to be safe for large numbers of people to converge on the area of the stadium due to ground conditions. 

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