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Why was Cunningham not sent off...?


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2 minutes ago, spudski said:

You raise your hand to a players head and grab it...surely you are more guilty than the player retaliating and pushing his arm away?

Surely the Club has to defend this and make a case of it?

Watching it myself mate I thought he just rubbed his head in a matey kind of way? Flint was foolish to do what he did I thought no matter how much GC was winding him up 

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9 minutes ago, spudski said:

You raise your hand to a players head and grab it...surely you are more guilty than the player retaliating and pushing his arm away?

Surely the Club has to defend this and make a case of it?

I’d be embarrassed if the club tried to defend this, it was stupid from Flint to react and he deserved a red.

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9 minutes ago, spudski said:

You raise your hand to a players head and grab it...surely you are more guilty than the player retaliating and pushing his arm away?

Surely the Club has to defend this and make a case of it?

I’d be embarrassed if the club tried to defend this, it was stupid from Flint to react and he deserved a red.

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2 minutes ago, DaveF said:

I’d be embarrassed if the club tried to defend this, it was stupid from Flint to react and he deserved a red.

They haven't

DH: "One of their lads (Greg Cunningham) has run his hand across Flinty's face; he's reacted. No matter what the provocation is, if you lift your hands you're going to get a red card

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Problem with Flint he has been losing the plot more and more in recent games, and clearly getting more and more frustrated on the pitch

Any other stage of a game he wouldn't have reacted so badly, he's let himself and the fans down - time to move on 

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6 minutes ago, spudski said:

This really doesn't make sense....so it's ok to 'Run your hand across someone's face in a game'?

If Flint had gone down like Cunningham, how would it be any different?

he is wrong looked like he ruffled his hair!

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8 minutes ago, spudski said:

This really doesn't make sense....so it's ok to 'Run your hand across someone's face in a game'?

If Flint had gone down like Cunningham, how would it be any different?

Because Cunningham ruffled his hair and Flint elbowed him in the face. Simple really. Unbelievable a few of our fans cant see this. 

Cunningham has made more of it than he should've but it's still a red. 

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5 minutes ago, Carey 6 said:

Because Cunningham ruffled his hair and Flint elbowed him in the face. Simple really. Unbelievable a few of our fans cant see this. 

Cunningham has made more of it than he should've but it's still a red. 

If he had elbowed him in the face he wouldn’t have carried on without treatment. Shrugged him off from what I saw. The Ref wasn’t dealing with all the holding in the box, if he had he would have seen Flint clearly was fouled and was picking himself up from the foul when Cunningham approached him. 

The fact that normally mild players like Korey went apeshit at Cunningham after the final whistle tells me everything.

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2 minutes ago, spudski said:

Well I've watched it half a dozen times now...no way was it just a ruffle or an elbow. Cunningham has conned the ref imo

I think you’re clutching at straws here Spud. Cunningham clearly provoked Flint but what he did was not even worth a yellow. Flint raising an arm, meanwhile,  was a red all day long.... I think we just have to accept we were done last night and move on. 

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3 minutes ago, RedM said:

If he had elbowed him in the face he wouldn’t have carried on without treatment. Shrugged him off from what I saw. The Ref wasn’t dealing with all the holding in the box, if he had he would have seen Flint clearly was fouled and was picking himself up from the foul when Cunningham approached him. 

The fact that normally mild players like Korey went apeshit at Cunningham after the final whistle tells me everything.

It wasn’t an elbow but you just can’t do what Flint did unfortunately. 

I suspect Korey was fuming because of the cynical way Cunningham wound him up and his theatrics after, not because he thought the Ref had got it wrong. 

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3 minutes ago, Jacki said:

I think you’re clutching at straws here Spud. Cunningham clearly provoked Flint but what he did was not even worth a yellow. Flint raising an arm, meanwhile,  was a red all day long.... I think we just have to accept we were done last night and move on. 

How is it different mate? You raise your hand to a players face it's booking or sending off.

If 'ruffling' players faces was allowable, they'd all be doing it. Whilst 'accidently' sticking your finger in their eye.

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15 minutes ago, spudski said:

This really doesn't make sense....so it's ok to 'Run your hand across someone's face in a game'?

If Flint had gone down like Cunningham, how would it be any different?

Had this debate in work this morning

First and foremost...Flint deserves a red. 100%.

However it was clear what Cunningham was trying to do, and that was get a rise from Flint. He got his rise by doing what footballers are not allowed to do, and that is touch another players head/face. 

For me Cunningham should get a retrospective ban. He did what he did to get a player sent off....and he did it by putting his hands on a players head

Problem is it just sounds like we are bitter because we lost. Im not bitter about losing...im not even bitter because I think Cunningham SHOULD have been sent off to...

Im bitter as once again, we have played right into the hands of an oppositions whose tactics are as predictable as the sun rising in the morning, and setting at night

Im getting sick to death of hearing "we will learn from this". We arn't.



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2 minutes ago, spudski said:

How is it different mate? You raise your hand to a players face it's booking or sending off.

If 'ruffling' players faces was allowable, they'd all be doing it. Whilst 'accidently' sticking your finger in their eye.

It was his hair, hardly a big deal is it?

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2 minutes ago, spudski said:

How is it different mate? You raise your hand to a players face it's booking or sending off.

If 'ruffling' players faces was allowable, they'd all be doing it. Whilst 'accidently' sticking your finger in their eye.

I know what you’re saying. But, from where the Ref was it would’ve looked like Cunningham ruffled Flint’s hair and Flint elbowed him. Watching the replays, it wasn’t as clear cut as that, but that’s clearly what the Ref thought he saw. 

Flint shouldn’t have reacted and deserved all he got. 

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2 minutes ago, Jacki said:

I know what you’re saying. But, from where the Ref was it would’ve looked like Cunningham ruffled Flint’s hair and Flint elbowed him. Watching the replays, it wasn’t as clear cut as that, but that’s clearly what the Ref thought he saw. 

Flint shouldn’t have reacted and deserved all he got. 

We won't know what the ref saw until his report is submitted.

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13 minutes ago, spudski said:

Well I've watched it half a dozen times now...no way was it just a ruffle or an elbow. Cunningham has conned the ref imo

Yes he has, but that’s how Preston play.

Kick the ball away, stop it being returned when the opposition have a free kick, dive to win cheap free kicks, go down with fake head injuries to break up play.

Flint deserved a red but they are a pretty grim lot to play against.

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2 minutes ago, spudski said:

And Flint reacted by pushing him away...hardly a big deal is it? Yet he goes down like a sack of spuds.

He's not elbowed him, just brushed him away.

Watch it again.

It's violent conduct. I'm struggling to see much that Cunningham has actually done wrong tbh.

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3 minutes ago, Super said:

It's violent conduct. I'm struggling to see much that Cunningham has actually done wrong tbh.

Because you can't raise your hands to a players face...whatever the intent.

The rule is their for a reason...not just to stop violent reactions or conduct, but to stop players reacting when touched and conning the ref.

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